Ghost Serial Number on 1968 Kansas Upland

The Kansas Upland Game Bird Stamps – Part Three

In today’s post we shall take a look at the Kansas upland game bird stamps which superseded the quail stamp series in 1961. The upland bird stamps had a more modern look than the classic quail stamps and were printed in a single color. However, starting with the third issue the stamps were printed with…

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1939 Provisional Kansas Quail

The Kansas Upland Game Bird Stamps – Part Two

In the last post I reported the Kansas quail stamps were not the first fish and game stamps to be issued by a state government in the U.S. When I looked at the quail stamps in my album this morning, I found that my feelings for them had not changed – I still find them…

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The Kansas Upland Game Bird Stamps – Part One

In today’s post, I find it is first necessary to modify our frame of reference before we begin looking at the Kansas upland game bird stamps, themselves. Over the years much has been written by myself and others about the predecessor to this series, the Kansas quail stamps. However, relatively little information is available for…

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Remembering Harry Foglietta – Part Three

  Welcome to part three of our series on Harry Foglietta’s favorite Hawaiian postcards. As with part two, this post looks at hula girl postcards. Please be advised that this post (and more so, the gallery linked to it) contain images of Polynesian women where one or both breasts are partially or clearly visible. If…

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Remembering Harry Foglietta – Part Two

In part two of our series, we begin to explore some of Harry’s favorite topics within his vast collection of Hawaiiana. Today, we shall examine early printed postcards featuring images of hula dancers, commonly known as hula girls. Before proceeding, I have been advised to make you aware that this post includes many images of…

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Remembering Harry Foglietta – Part One

Today I am going to take another brief departure from fish and game stamps. On New Years Day, 2018, one of my dearest friends, Harry Foglietta, passed away in Honolulu. While Harry was a collector of waterfowl stamps and a client – our relationship was not really about stamps, per se. You see, when I…

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Introduction to Killer Ten

First, we would like to thank all of you who emailed or called to let us know you enjoyed the last post, Garage Sale Gold. Clearly, a lot of you like reading about these kind of “finds” and we will keep that in mind as we select topics for future blogs. The purpose of today’s post is…

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Garage Sale Gold

Today’s post tells the story of one of the better finds in our fish and game hobby. It occurred, recently, in a way that many assiduous 20th century collectors dreamed might one day happen to them. In fact, many of us used to do more than just dream; we often made a serious effort to…

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Abby Csaplar Santa Postcard Gallery

I wish to inform everyone that, following an extended illness, Abby Csaplar passed away on December 14. Abby was a dear friend, who, along with her husband, Will, was quite passionate about collecting. As many of you know, together, the Csaplar’s put together the definitive waterfowl stamp exhibit, A License and Stamp System for Waterfowl…

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Michael Jaffe’s Exhibit is Now Featured on Our Website

Michael Jaffe is a long time waterfowl stamp collector, dealer and exhibitor. Michael’s excellent exhibit, A Philatelic Survey of U.S. Waterfowl Hunting Jurisdictions, received another national large gold medal in November; this time at Philatelic Fiesta (San Jose, CA). Inspired by this website, Michael has spent a great deal of time the last couple of years,…

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