From Girlie Pulps to Trout Stamps – Part Three

In today’s post, we follow the Carnahan family to Nashville. It is in Nashville, while working for the Tennessee Game and Fish Commission, that Worth finally realizes his childhood dream and he becomes a real stamp designer. Unlike other staff artists, Worth B. Carnahan does not design your typical fish and game stamps – his stamps are special.  …

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Missouri’s Audubon – Part Three

In today’s post we shall focus on the decade of the 1950s, wherein Charles and Libby Schwartz would come into their own as a highly productive, influential and respected team within the closely interrelated fields of wildlife conservation and ecology. This period would be highlighted by their special ability as a couple to connect in…

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IntroductionCatalogsOriginal ArtProofs and EssaysErrors and UnusualGradedUsagesPrintsStearns and FinkLinks All Categories Articles Blog Posts Catalogs Exhibits Federal Galleries Hall of Fame Killer Marketplace Society Uncategorized Wanted Federal Blog Posts The First Fish and Game Stamp – Part One On March 16, 1934 President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act into law. The primary…

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Missouri’s Audubon – Part Two

When we last left off, Irwin Bode had recently been appointed Director of the newly-created Missouri Conservation Commission. Bode was charged by Syd Stephens with hiring the best people he could find in order to make Syd’s dream – to manage the state’s natural and wildlife resources based on the teachings of Aldo Leopold and…

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Remembering Harry Foglietta – Part One

Today I am going to take another brief departure from fish and game stamps. On New Years Day, 2018, one of my dearest friends, Harry Foglietta, passed away in Honolulu. While Harry was a collector of waterfowl stamps and a client – our relationship was not really about stamps, per se. You see, when I…

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Remembering Harry Foglietta – Part Four

Today, we continue with our series remembering Harry Foglietta and his favorite Hawaiian postcard collecting interests. While Harry had three definite favorites: hula girls, surfing and the Mid Pacific Carnival – it is the surfing cards for which he was most passionate, especially those featuring the legendary Duke Kahanamoku. The reason for this is simple…

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Remembering Harry Foglietta – Part Nine

As we continue our series of blog posts on Harry Foglietta’s Hawaiian postcard interests, we will look at the Mid Pacific Carnival postcards issued from 1914 through 1916. I am excited today, as we get to begin with the 1914 Mid Pacific Carnival advertising materials. The reason is because this was Harry’s favorite image in…

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“RW13a” is a Chemically Induced Color Changeling

After the Federal Home Page was launched, we received a couple of emails from collectors asking: “Why was “RW13a” not listed in the federal catalog?” This question will answered in today’s blog. One of the harsh realities all hobbies face is that there tends to be a few unpleasant truths interwoven into the culture. While…

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Postcard Galleries

All CategoriesArticlesBlog PostsCatalogsExhibitsFederalGalleriesHall of FameKillerMarketplaceSocietyUncategorizedWanted Postcard Galleries Abby Csaplar MemorialSanta Postcard Gallery This memorial gallery is dedicated to my friend Abby Csaplar, who, along with her husband Will, was a dedicated collector and exhibitor of waterfowl stamps. Beyond that, Abby was a wonderful, kind person who generously supported many different hobbies and she will be…

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World Stamp Show NY 2016 a Smashing Success!

The highly anticipated World Stamp Show NY 2016 has come and gone and it was an exhilarating experience! The show was held in the Jacob K. Javits Center and the scale of the event was mind boggling (see Figures 1, 2 and 3). I don’t know if the expected 250,000 showed up, but attendance was strong on…

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