Catalog of U.S. Non-Pictorial Waterfowl Stamps
It is an exciting time to be involved in this growing hobby, and it is hoped that this online catalog will serve to facilitate and enhance the collecting experience. It is my goal to update the values in this catalog quarterly, thereby providing the most accurate reference possible. In order to use this tool to its greatest advantage, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the introduction. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.
Collecting Waterfowl Stamps
Fish and game license stamps, as defined here, are those stamps required by federal, state, local or tribal law to be purchased by sportsmen and affixed to a license prior to fishing or hunting for various wildlife in the U.S. In most instances, such stamps convey additional rights that are not granted by a basic fishing or hunting license. A fee is generally paid by the sportsman to acquire these additional rights and the stamp serves as a receipt. For this reason, fish and game license stamps fall under the philatelic classification of revenue stamps. Once the stamps have been affixed to the license (and subsequently signed by the licensee in most cases) the license has been validated for harvesting the particular species involved — within the limitations established by a fish and game code.
Waterfowl stamps are a subcategory of fish and game license stamps that have been especially popular with stamp collectors. Much of this popularity is owing to the rich and colorful history of the federal duck stamp program in the U.S. However, the term “duck stamp” is not entirely accurate when referring to the federal stamps. In fact, the stamps convey the right to hunt for many different species of waterfowl, including ducks, and are therefore waterfowl stamps. This is to distinguish them from the relatively small number of true duck stamps that have been issued in this county. Among those governments to issue duck stamps are Marion County, Kansas and the States of California and Nevada.
Background Information and Historical Context
The federal waterfowl stamps arose out of the need to generate public awareness and finding for waterfowl conservation in the early part of the twentieth century. At this time, overhunting and a series of drought years had reduced North American waterfowl levels to dangerously low levels. One of the biggest needs was for waterfowl habitat—protected areas where the birds could breed and also rest during their rigorous migrations. On March 16, 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act into law. The first federal waterfowl stamp was designed by J. N. “Ding” Darling, a nationally recognized cartoonist and a conservation leader. Proceeds from stamp sales went to preserve and restore waterfowl habitat, so that the survival of numerous waterfowl species could be ensured for future generations.
Among the initial federal stamps in the 1930s were those designed by famous wildlife artists such as Frank Benson, Richard Bishop and Roland Clark. Oversized and depicting engraved waterfowl scenes, these beautiful stamps attracted an immediate following among stamp collectors. The federal waterfowl stamp series has evolved into the longest running series of stamps ever issued by the U.S. government and continues to attract large numbers of new collectors to the hobby of fish and game stamp collecting today.
In addition to habitat, continuing research was necessary to collect data related to annual waterfowl production and harvest. This data plays a significant role in determining conservation policies aimed at keeping the various waterfowl populations in equilibrium. It was necessary to collect much of this data at the state and local level. Soon, state and local governments were issuing waterfowl stamps to generate funding for their own waterfowl conservation programs and also to help regulate the harvest within their own geographical areas. Ohio became the first state government to issue a waterfowl stamp in 1937, for Pymatuning Lake and Marion County, Kansas became the first local government in 1941.
Unlike the federal stamps, the early state and local issues were not pretty, usually featuring printed text in lieu of artwork. However, these stamps were attractive to collectors for other reasons. Foremost, they were an integral part of the waterfowl stamp story in the U.S. The history and stories behind the different state and local stamps was varied and frequently quite interesting. Also, the state and local stamps were issued in relatively small quantities solely to meet localized licensing demands, adding a challenge factor to the mix.
It was with the advent of state and local waterfowl stamps that “pioneer” collectors began to form specialized waterfowl stamp collections. Such collections then had much to offer: there was the beauty of the federal stamps; the engaging local history of the stamps issued by Marion County, Kansas; the political and social history connected with the stamps issued for public hunting grounds at Honey Lake, California and Rice Lake, Illinois and the great rarity and status of the legendary Pymatuning Lake, Ohio issues.
Starting in the late 1950s, another chapter in the U. S. waterfowl stamp story was written. The Rosebud Sioux Tribe of South Dakota became the first tribal government to issue fish and game license stamps, including a tribal game bird stamp that was required to hunt for waterfowl on their reservation. The fact that Native American artifacts could now be included in their collections intrigued pioneer waterfowl stamp collectors. The Indian reservation stamps helped to make the hobby even more interesting and added an element of social history. In 1971, California issued what is widely regarded as the first pictorial state waterfowl stamp. Other states followed and this stimulated a large increase in the number of waterfowl stamp collectors in the 1970s and 1980s.
Methods of Collecting
Today, waterfowl stamp collecting is a major hobby with thousands of enthusiasts worldwide. There are many options for the prospective new collector. Traditionally, collectors will start out with the federal stamps and then progress onto the state, local and tribal issues. However, one of the enjoyable things about collecting is the high degree of personal choice allowed. Some collectors may wish to collect only federal stamps, or only pictorial federal and state stamps. There has been a trend developing since the late 1980s, whereby comprehensive or “general” waterfowl stamp collections are once again in vogue. In this regard, the hobby has returned to its roots, with contemporary collectors retracing the path of the pioneers. General collectors attempt to add as many different waterfowl stamps to their collections as possible, whether they be federal, state, local or tribal. The common denominator is that the stamps were all required to hunt for waterfowl. This method of collecting may be compared to putting together a large jigsaw puzzle over time. As with a jig-saw puzzle, the order of acquisition of the “pieces” is not particularly important.
It is the general collection that chronicles the waterfowl stamp story in the U.S. in its entirety, and enables the collector to develop an understanding for the interrelated conservation efforts at each level of government. It allows the collector to experience the ultimate “thrill of the hunt” adventure, never knowing what the next addition will be. Also, it frees the collector from the anxiety sometimes associated with striving for completeness—for completeness is simply not possible. A lifetime of enjoyment is the reward for those who choose general waterfowl stamp collecting.
Finally, there is a growing segment of collectors that are specializing solely in the area covered in this catalog: non-pictorial state, local and tribal waterfowl stamps. Collectors are drawn to this area for many reasons. Some are drawn by the historical significance of the stamps—each of the first state, local, tribal and military waterfowl stamps in the U.S. were non-pictorial.
Many are drawn by the integrity of the stamps. Non-pictorial stamps were printed and issued with one purpose in mind—as an essential component of a system to license hunters. The stamp and license system has great importance for philatelists worldwide. Although it originated and was refined in the U.S., it has since been adopted by many other countries throughout the world. Since non-pictorial stamps were not made for collectors, in many cases all known examples have been removed from licenses—no unused copies exist. This level of credibility appeals to many people, especially in today’s society.
Perhaps the most enticing aspect of collecting non-pictorial waterfowl stamps is that the area represents the ultimate challenge. The majority of the stamps are not readily available. Desire, intellectual resourcefulness and passionate searching become as important as financial considerations. Collectors who have dreamed of becoming a sleuth or private detective will enjoy this hobby.
How To Get Started
There are many avenues available to the prospective new collector. One is to establish a relationship with one or more stamp dealers who handle or specialize in fish and game stamps. Such dealers can be found at stamp shows and through advertisements placed in philatelic publications. Another way to get started is to make contact with collectors who share the same interest. This can be accomplished by placing a classified ad in The American Revenuer, the journal for the American Revenue Association, the State Revenue Newsletter, the newsletter for the State Revenue Society or The American Philatelist, the journal for the American Philatelic Society. Collectors and dealers that specialize in fish and game stamps may also be found on the internet and frequently list items on Ebay.
Perhaps the best way to get started—and the most rewarding—is the grass roots approach. Start asking all of your waterfowl hunting friends and relatives if they saved their old licenses. You will be surprised to find that many people initially save their licenses as souvenirs and then lose interest in keeping them over the years. If they can find them, they might be willing to give them to you or else sell them for a nominal fee. Ask current hunters to save their licenses in the future. Garage sales, flea markets, antique shops and estate sales are all good possibilities for locating licenses bearing fish and game stamps, including waterfowl stamps. If you should encounter fishing or other kinds of game stamps, by all means do not pass them up. You may someday find that your interests have broadened to include them. If not, you can always use them to trade for waterfowl stamps.
What has been included
Although they are often referred to as non-pictorial, many of the stamps listed in this catalog may be more accurately described as “semi-pictorial”. They may include a small or background image that is secondary to the printed text in the overall stamp design.
In some instances, pictorial stamps have also been listed. This has occurred for one of two reasons; either (1) information about the stamps has traditionally been excluded from pictorial waterfowl stamp references, or (2) it is necessary to include them in order to provide a complete listing for a particular series. An instance of the latter occurs with the small game stamps issued by North Dakota. Stamps were issued for resident and nonresident hunters starting in 1967 and resident youth hunters starting in 1981. All of the stamps in the series to date have been non-pictorial, with the exception of the stamps issued for resident hunters since 1981, which have been pictorial.
All of the stamps required by tribal governments to hunt waterfowl on Indian reservations through 1997 have been included in this catalog—with the exception of a small number of stamps for which the necessary research has not been completed.
A special note with regard to some tribal issues. Throughout the 1990s, various tribal waterfowl stamps were produced with collectors clearly—if not primarily—in mind. The editor has attempted to include only those stamps (whether they be state, local or tribal issues) that were actually required to be purchased by sportsmen and affixed to a license prior to hunting for waterfowl. In the case of tribal issues, sometimes it can be difficult to establish their legitimacy. Please refer to the introductions preceding the listings for each recent tribal series for more specific information. Although the editor feels that any questionable issues have been clearly identified in these introductions, it should be understood that the inclusion of such tribal issues in this catalog is in no way intended to be an endorsement by the editor or any of his associates.
The preceding paragraph is not intended to paint all recent tribal issues with the same brush. Most are legitimate. However, collectors are always encouraged to ask questions in order to learn more about the stamps they are buying.
How the catalog has been organized
This catalog has been organized as follows:
- By state, alphabetically
- State issues; local issues; tribal issues
- By series, chronologically
- By year, chronologically
- Resident; resident youth; non-resident (most common classification first)
A precedent for listing tribal issues under state headings was established in (Frank L.) Applegate’s Catalogue of State and Territorial Game and Fishing License Stamps, published in the early 1960s. Tribal issues were similarly listed by Vanderford (1973, 1977). In recent years an alternative approach, related to the issue of sovereignty, has become popular and has been adopted by Scott for their Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps. It seems fairly clear, however, that although enjoying a degree of self-government, the tribes cannot be viewed as completely sovereign nations (Torre, 1992). Also, when tribal issues are listed in a separate section, the editor feels there is an interruption in geographical and historical context important to the waterfowl stamp story in the U.S. For this edition, the editor has chosen to retain the conventional approach, i.e.: under state headings.
How the stamps are numbered
In this catalog, the series is viewed as a basic, autonomous unit. Therefore, the stamps in each series have been numbered independently of those in other series under the same state, local or tribal heading. The use of a similar numbering system (Cummings, 1991) originally met with less than unanimous approval. However, feedback from the first three editions of this catalog (in print) was very positive and the editor is unaware of an alternative system which may be applied to this subject area and result in a reference that is more elegant or user friendly. In order to be clearly understood, it is expected that collectors and dealers will refer to specific issues by first stating appropriate government and series designations, then catalog numbers. For example: “Illinois daily usage number 8.”
A separate figure number (F—) is located just to the right of the catalog number. The figure number corresponds to a representative illustration of the stamp, usually found between the introduction for each series and the listings. The figure number refers to the “design type”.
Condition and values
In general, the values stated in this catalog are for sound stamps with fine-very fine centering. However, it is important to understand that with non-pictorial waterfowl stamps, condition is not so directly related to value as it is for pictorial waterfowl stamps. This is due to the fact that the quantities printed and issued are generally quite low relative to those for pictorial stamps. Many of the scarcer items are difficult for the collector to acquire in any condition and small faults or poor centering usually have little effect on their value.
There are three columns for values in this catalog. Values in the first column are for unused stamps with at least 90% of their original gum. Hinging is to be expected, especially on pre-1980 issues, and has little or no effect on an unused non-pictorial stamp’s value. Values in the second column are for stamps with no gum. This column applies to unused stamps which have had their gum removed, as well as used stamps which were not signed or otherwise defaced. (See the introduction to each series for more specific information.) Values in the third column are generally for signed stamps. However, this column also applies to stamps which have been otherwise defaced — such as stamps which have had the license number filled in with a pen — whether or not they actually bear a signature.
For many stamps in this edition, no value is stated in one or more columns. In these instances, the absence of a “—” indicates that no examples of the stamp have been recorded in that specific condition. This frequently occurs for classic stamps in unused condition (early Honey Lake, Marion County, etc.). A “—” indicates that either (1) very few examples have been recorded and the stamps have seldom, if ever, changed hands, or (2) the recent market price has been so volatile that no stated value would be meaningful. Some of these will be valued in future editions.
In some cases where stamps have changed hands very few or no times within the past three to four years, the editor has felt comfortable assigning estimated values based on his knowledge of comparative rarity and demand. For such stamps, values appear in italics. Italics have also been used for stamps whose actual or estimated market value has changed significantly within the past year. In some cases, estimated values have been assigned to stamps in specific conditions that have not been confirmed by the editor. This occurs only in the unsigned and signed columns and often applies to stamps on license. It has been done where the editor feels there is a likelihood examples may exist. For such stamps, values appear in italics and bold print. As examples are confirmed by the editor, values will be removed from bold print in future editions of this catalog.
The balance of the stamps in this catalog have been valued primarily by averaging known sales over the past three to four years. While this system provided enough data to price most of the stamps, the time period involved has resulted in values which tend to be understated. The editor has adjusted some of the values when they were clearly out of line with current market conditions (using dealer’s’ retail price lists when available).
In recent years there has been an increasing trend toward collecting fish and game stamps on original licenses. As more collectors are now exhibiting at national and international stamp shows, this trend is expected to continue. The reason being that licenses are an essential component of fish and game stamp exhibits, as they demonstrate usage. In this regard, fish and game stamps on license are analogous to postage stamps “on cover”. In most cases, stamps on license change hands far less frequently than unused examples. For this reason, stamps on license are often valued in italics. Values are for licenses that are in fine-very fine condition, with no pieces missing, no large tears, objectionable stains, etc. The licenses may have been neatly folded once or twice. If the affixed stamps are scarce-rare, they may have been lightly creased. Values for the more common stamps on license are for uncreased examples. Combination licenses, bearing non-pictorial waterfowl stamps in addition to other kinds of fish and game stamps, such as federal waterfowl stamps, fishing stamps, big game stamps, etc., may sell for a substantial premium over the listed values. In general, the more stamps legitimately affixed to a license — the greater the value.
Finally, it should be understood that this is not a retail price list, for the editor (who is also a dealer in fish and game stamps) or any other stamp dealer. Collectors and dealers may choose to to adopt the values stated herein. However, some will no doubt feel that they are too high or too low. The values given are solely intended to serve as a helpful guide in buying and selling.
Honey Lake Stamps
The Honey Lake Wildlife Area is located in northeastern California, in Lassen County. Starting with the 1956-57 waterfowl season, seasonal hunting permits were issued in the form of stamps at the state-owned and operated management area. All stamps were printed as single stamp booklet panes with a tab attached to the top. The panes were rouletted in color (black) between the stamp and the tab through the 1979-80 issue. There are two types of 1966-67 stamps. From 1957-58 through 1966-67 Type I, the number of stamps printed was included in an imprint located in the the lower right comer of each stamp. The supply of 1966-67 Honey Lake stamps was exhausted before the end of the season, necessitating a hasty second printing. The printer’s information was not included on the Type II stamps, nor did it appear on any subsequent issues.
Starting with the 1980-81 issue, the panes were plain rouletted (colorless) with the exception of 1983-84, which was rouletted in color (black). Serial numbers were printed in black through the 1984-85 issue. The 1985-86 stamps were numbered in red. Fifty panes were stapled together to form a booklet. By 1974-75, all Honey Lake stamps were printed with dry gum. Starting with the 1974-75 issue, unused remainders of the Honey Lake stamps were made available to collectors. The 1980-81 stamps all had “Fee $15.00” printed on them in error. The correct fee was actually $20. All of the 1981-82 remainders were accidentally destroyed.
The series was discontinued following the 1985-86 season. For more information, see (insert link).
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-CA1 | 1956-57 | $5.00 | black on white on license | – – |
2. | F-CA1 | 1957-58 | $5.00 | black on blue-green on license | – | ||
3. | F-CA1 | 1958-59 | $5.00 | black on dark yellow on license | – | ||
4. | F-CA1 | 1959-60 | $5.00 | black on dark yellow on license | 900.00 | 700.00 | 500.00 – |
5. | F-CA1 | 1960-61 | $5.00 | black on dark yellow on license | 1,750.00 2,250.00 | 1,350.00 | |
6. | F-CA1 | 1961-62 | $5.00 | black on blue-green on license | – | 1,650.00 | 1,250.00 |
7. | F-CA1 | 1962-63 | $5.00 | black on dark yellow on license | 1,250.00 | 950.00 | |
8. | F-CA1 | 1963-64 | $5.00 | black on white on license | 550.00 650.00 | 400.00 500.00 |
9. | F-CA1 | 1964-65 | $6.50 | black on pink on license | 950.00 | 600.00 700.00 | 400.00 500.00 |
10. | F-CA1 | 1965-66 | $6.50 | black on white on license | 550.00 650.00 | 350.00 425.00 |
11. | F-CA1 | 1966-67 | $6.50 | black on yellow, printer's information at bottom right - serial numbers 1-700 on license | 550.00 650.00 | 375.00 450.00 |
11a. | F-CA2 | 1966-67 | $6.50 | black on yellow, lacking printer's information - serial numbers 701-1050 on license | – | ||
12. | F-CA2 | 1967-68 | $10.00 | black on pink on license | – | 550.00 650.00 | 350.00 425.00 |
13. | F-CA2 | 1968-69 | $10.00 | black on blue on license | 600.00 700.00 | 450.00 525.00 |
14. | F-CA2 | 1969-70 | $10.00 | black on green on license | – | 650.00 750.00 | 475.00 550.00 |
15. | F-CA2 | 1970-71 | $15.00 | black on dark yellow on license | – | 1,200.00 1,550.00 | 900.00 1,150.00 |
16. | F-CA2 | 1971-72 | $15.00 | black on pink on license | 2,750.00 2,950.00 | 1,750.00 1,950.00 |
17. | F-CA2 | 1972-73 | $15.00 | black on blue on license | 6,500.00 | 3,950.00 4,500.00 |
18. | F-CA2 | 1973-74 | $15.00 | black on blue on license | – | – | – |
19. | F-CA2 | 1974-75 | $15.00 | black on pink on license | 45.00 | 30.00 40.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
20. | F-CA2 | 1975-76 | $15.00 | black on green on license | 125.00 | 60.00 70.00 | 35.00 55.00 |
21. | F-CA2 | 1976-77 | $15.00 | black on light yellow on license | 125.00 | 60.00 70.00 | 35.00 55.00 |
22. | F-CA2 | 1977-78 | $20.00 | black on blue on license | 125.00 | 60.00 70.00 | 35.00 55.00 |
23. | F-CA2 | 1978-79 | $20.00 | black on light yellow-brown on license | 145.00 | 60.00 70.00 | 35.00 55.00 |
24. | F-CA2 | 1979-80 | $20.00 | black on light yellow on license | 165.00 | 60.00 70.00 | 35.00 55.00 |
25. | F-CA2 | 1980-81 | $15.00 | black on light blue on license | 100.00 | 50.00 60.00 | 30.00 50.00 |
26. | F-CA2 | 1981-82 | $20.00 | black on light yellow-brown on license | – – |
27. | F-CA2 | 1982-83 | $20.00 | black on pink on license | 90.00 | 45.00 55.00 | 30.00 50.00 |
28. | F-CA2 | 1983-84 | $20.00 | black on light green on license | 45.00 | 30.00 40.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
29. | F-CA2 | 1984-85 | $20.00 | black on dark yellow on license | 42.50 | 30.00 40.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
30. | F-CA2 | 1985-86 | $20.00 | black on light blue on license | 37.50 | 25.00 35.00 | 20.00 40.00 |
Madeline Plains Stamps
The Madeline Plains Waterfowl Management Area was located in northeastern California, approximately 70 miles north of Honey Lake in Lassen County. Seasonal waterfowl permits, similar to the Honey Lake stamps, were issued for the 1956-57 season only. The description of the stamp below was obtained by E.L. Vandeford from a license clerk at the California Department of Fish and Game, and was included in his Handbook of Fish and Game Stamps. Eighteen stamps were sold. In 1957 the area was closed. For more information, see (insert link).
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
F-CA1 | 1956-57 | $5.00 | black on dark yellow (no examples recorded) |
Hunting License Validation Stamps
Starting with the 1962-63 season, California printed one type of generic hunting license. The licenses were differentiated by separate hunting license validating stamps for residents, resident juniors and non residents. All of the stamps were non-pictorial with the exception of the resident stamps for 1970-71. The 1970-71 resident stamps featured an image of the California golden bear in the background, and served to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the California Department of Fish and Game. The hunting license validation stamps were the first required statewide to hunt waterfowl, along with other game birds and mammals, in California. When pictorial duck stamps were issued starting in 1971, both state stamps wererequired in addition to a federal waterfowl stamp.
The stamps were self-adhesive which required a protective backing. The 1962-63 stamps were issued in booklet panes of five (5×1) with a tab at the left. Five panes were stapled together to form a booklet. The stamps were issued with a plain rouletted tab at the top but were otherwise imperforate. When the validation stamps were issued, the date was written on the stamps with a pen. In addition, deer, bear, pheasant or shipping tag numbers were frequently written on the stamps. The most famous error in this long series occurred on the 1976-77 stamps for juniors, when “Deer Tag No.” was printed under two separate lines on stamps from position one. This has become known as the “Deer-Deer Error”. The normal stamps had lines for deer and bear tag numbers to be filled in.
Starting with the 1963-64 issues, the stamps were die cut, mounted on a protective backing and issued in fold-out booklets containing 25, 10 and five stamps for the three classifications, respectively. All stamps through 1968-69 have serial numbers printed in red ink. Starting with the 1969-70 issues, all stamps were numbered in black with the exception of the 1970-71 resident stamps which were numbered in blue. The serial numbers have three components. The left portion is an “H” indicating that the serial number pertains to hunting license validation stamps (as opposed to fishing). The center portion specifies the number of the booklet which contained the stamp. The right portion is a position number indicating the relative placement of the stamp within the booklet.
As originally reported by E. L.Vanderford (1973), California printed approximately 200 resident stamps each year for purchase by state officials. This practice started with the 1962-63 issues and continued through at least the 1974-75 issues. Known as “special prestige” stamps, the few recorded examples can be distinguished from regular resident stamps as follows: 1968-69 stamps are missing both the “H” and the position component fi-om the serial number; 1969-70 stamps are missing the position component from the serial number and were printed on light green paper vs. white for the regular stamps, and the 1974-75 stamps are missing the “H” as well as the position component from the serial number. In addition, the special prestige stamps were affixed to license forms with matching serial numbers printed on them.
Resident stamps were overprinted “NO FEE” with a rubber stamp and issued to disabled veterans at no charge through the 1980-81 season. A small number of stamps for each classification were overprinted “DUPLICATE” and issued to hunters who reported their original license and stamp as lost or destroyed prior to the end of the season. Stamps overprinted “VOID” were samples sent to the printer to be used as proofs the following year. Occasionally these were returned to the license section by the printer and subsequently given to collectors by friendly clerks.
Stamps issued from 1993-94 through 1995-96, had a white stripe printed on them so that the serial number was more readily visible. California discontinued issuing hunting license validation stamps following the 1995-96 seasons. At this time, the state resumed printing separate license forms for resident, junior and non-resident hunters. For more information, see (insert link).
Unsigned values are for unused stamps, free from any notations, that have been removed from their backing paper. This was once a common practice among collectors in order to prevent the adhesive from possibly migrating through the stamps and discoloring their face. Unsigned values for 1962-63 stamps are for those with the tab attached.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-CA3 | 1962-63 | $4.00 | black and red on white, resident on license | 650.00 | 400.00 | 5.00 7.00 |
1a. | overprinted "NO FEE" for disabled veterans on license | 250.00 | 200.00 | 250.00 425.00 |
2. | F-CA3 | 1962-63 | $1.00 | black and red on yellow, junior on license | 2,250.00 | 1,550.00 | 75.00 95.00 |
3. | F-CA3 | 1962-63 | $25.00 | black and red on green, non-resident on license | 4,500.00 | 3,750.00 | 175.00 225.00 |
4. | F-CA4 | 1963-64 | $4.00 | black and red on green, resident on license | – | 2.00 4.00 |
4a. | overprinted "NO FEE" for disabled veterans on license | – – |
5. | F-CA4 | 1963-64 | $1.00 | black and red on gray, junior on license | – | – | 20.00 30.00 |
6. | F-CA4 | 1963-64 | $25.00 | black and red on yellow-orange, non-resident on license | 650.00 | ||
7. | F-CA4 | 1964-65 | $4.00 | black and red on pink, resident on license | 30.00 | 15.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
7a. | overprinted "NO FEE" for disabled veterans on license | 250.00 | 200.00 | 250.00 400.00 |
8. | F-CA4 | 1964-65 | $1.00 | black and red on yellow-brown, junior on license | 300.00 | 225.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
9. | F-CA4 | 1964-65 | $25.00 | black and red on dark gray, non-resident on license overprinted "VOID" | 450.00 | 75.00 95.00 |
10. | F-CA4 | 1965-66 | $4.00 | black and red on gray, resident on license | 20.00 | 10.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
10a. | overprinted "No Fee" for disabled veterans on license | – – |
11. | F-CA4 | 1965-66 | $1.00 | black and red on yellow-gray, junior on license | 150.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
12. | F-CA4 | 1965-66 | $25.00 | black and red on ivory, non-resident on license | 450.00 | 75.00 95.00 |
13. | F-CA4 | 1966-67 | $4.00 | black and red on salmon, resident on license | 20.00 | 10.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
13a. | overprinted "NO FEE" for disabled veterans on license | 350.00 | |||||
14. | F-CA4 | 1966-67 | $1.00 | black and red on light blue, junior on license | 75.00 | 45.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
14a. | light blue color missing along right side | - | |||||
15. | F-CA4 | 1966-67 | $25.00 | black and red on burgandy, non-resident on license | 375.00 | 75.00 95.00 |
16. | F-CA4 | 1967-68 | $4.00 | black and red on yellow, resident on license | 20.00 | 10.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
16a. | overprinted "NO FEE" for disabaled veterans on license | 325.00 | |||||
16b. | booklet number missing, written in with a ballpoint pen | 950.00 | |||||
16c. | position number missing | 350.00 | |||||
16d. | yellow color missing along right side | - | |||||
17. | F-CA4 | 1967-68 | $1.00 | black and red on green, junior on license | 45.00 | 25.00 | 5.00 10.00 |
17a. | black and red on yellow-gray, paper error on license | – – |
18. | F-CA4 | 1967-68 | $25.00 | black and red on brown, non-resident on license | 75.00 | 45.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
19. | F-CA4 | 1968-69 | $4.00 | black on pink, resident on license | 55.00 | 25.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
19a. | overprinted "NO FEE" for disabled veterans on license | 325.00 | |||||
19b. | special "prestige number" for state officials on license | – | |||||
20. | F-CA4 | 1968-69 | $1.00 | black on blue-gray, junior on license | 175.00 | 125.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
20a. | overprinted "DUPLICATE" in black on license | – | |||||
21. | F-CA4 | 1968-69 | $25.00 | black on light orange, non-resident on license | 85.00 125.00 |
22. | F-CA4 | 1969-70 | $4.00 | black on white, resident on license | 45.00 | 20.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
22a. | overprinted "NO FEE" for disabled veterans on license | 325.00 | |||||
22b. | special "prestiege number" for state officials, black on light green on license | – | |||||
23. | F-CA4 | 1969-70 | $1.00 | black on dark pink, junior on license | 175.00 | 110.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
24. | F-CA4 | 1969-70 | $25.00 | black on light yellow, non-resident on license | 70.00 | 35.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
25. | F-CA4 | 1970-71 | $4.00 | blue on manila, resident on license | 65.00 | 35.00 | 2.00 5.00 |
25a. | overprinted "NO FEE" for disabled veterans on license | 1,500.00 | 900.00 1,250.00 |
25b. | overprinted "DUPLICATE" in red on license | – | |||||
26. | F-CA4 | 1970-71 | $1.00 | black on blue-gray, junior on license | 75.00 | 30.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
27. | F-CA4 | 1970-71 | $25.00 | black on gray-brown, non resident on license | 75.00 | 55.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
28. | F-CA4 | 1971-72 | $4.00 | black on green, resident on license | 30.00 | 20.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
28a. | overprinted "NO FEE" for disabled veterans on license | 325.00 | |||||
28b. | overprinted "DISABLED VETERAN/NO FEE" on license | 450.00 | |||||
28c. | green color missing along right side | – | |||||
29. | F-CA4 | 1971-72 | $1.00 | black on lavender, junior on license | 95.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
30. | F-CA4 | 1971-72 | $25.00 | black on peach, non-resident on license | 275.00 | 175.00 | 35.00 60.00 |
31. | F-CA4 | 1972-73 | $6.00 | black on pink, resident on license | 55.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
31a. | overprinted "DISABLED VETERANS/NO FEE" on license | 450.00 | |||||
32. | F-CA4 | 1972-73 | $2.00 | black on light yellow, junior on license | 30.00 40.00 |
33. | F-CA4 | 1972-73 | $35.00 | black on lavender, non-resident on license | 225.00 | 125.00 | 35.00 60.00 |
34. | F-CA4 | 1973-74 | $6.00 | black on blue, resident on license | 35.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
34a. | overprinted "DISABLED VETERANS/NO FEE" on license | 450.00 | |||||
35. | F-CA4 | 1973-74 | $2.00 | black on lavender, junior on license | 175.00 | 100.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
36. | F-CA4 | 1973-74 | $35.00 | black on gray, non-resident on license | 275.00 | 175.00 | 35.00 60.00 |
37. | F-CA4 | 1974-75 | $6.00 | black on green, resident on license | 35.00 | 20.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
37a. | overprinted "DISABLED VETERANS/NO FEE on license | – | 475.00 | ||||
37b. | special "prestige number" for state officials on license | – – |
38. | F-CA4 | 1974-75 | $2.00 | black on orange, junior on license | 20.00 30.00 |
39. | F-CA4 | 1974-75 | $35.00 | black on reddish-purple, non-resident on license | 175.00 | 100.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
40. | F-CA4 | 1975-76 | $10.00 | red-brown on brown, resident on license | 40.00 | 20.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
40a. | overprinted "DISABLED VETERANS/NO FEE" on license | – | 500.00 | ||||
41. | F-CA4 | 1975-76 | $2.00 | black on dark red, junior on license | 80.00 | 50.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
42. | F-CA4 | 1975-76 | $35.00 | black on yellow, non-resident on license | 85.00 | 50.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
43. | F-CA4 | 1976-77 | $10.00 | black on blue, resident on license | 30.00 | 20.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
43a. | overprinted "DISABLED VETERANS/NO FEE" on license | 750.00 | |||||
44. | F-CA4 | 1976-77 | $2.00 | black on gray-violet, junior on license | 100.00 | 70.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
44a. | stamps from position one have "Deer Tag No." printed under the line where "Bear Tag No." should be printed, in error on license | – | |||||
44b. | stamps from position nine have "Dear Tag No." printed under the line where "Deer Tag No." should be printed, in error on license | – | |||||
45. | F-CA4 | 1976-77 | $35.00 | black on lavender, non-resident on license | 85.00 | 55.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
46. | F-CA4 | 1977-78 | $10.00 | black on red-orange, resident on license | 25.00 | 15.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
46a. | overprinted "DISABLED VETERANS/NO FEE" on license | 450.00 550.00 |
47. | F-CA4 | 1977-78 | $2.00 | black on yellow-green, junior on license | 70.00 | 35.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
48. | F-CA4 | 1977-78 | $35.00 | black on pink, non-resident on license | 95.00 | 65.00 | 35.00 60.00 |
49. | F-CA4 | 1978-79 | $10.00 | black on yellow, resident on license | 30.00 | 20.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
49a. | overprinted "DISABLED VETERANS/NO FEE" on license | 425.00 |
49b. | overprinted "DISABLED VETERAN" on license | – | |||||
50. | F-CA4 | 1978-79 | $2.00 | black on red, junior on license | 70.00 | 35.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
51. | F-CA4 | 1978-79 | $35.00 | black on light brown, non-resident on license | 85.00 | 45.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
51a. | on heavy glassine backing | – | |||||
52. | F-CA4 | 1979-80 | $10.00 | black on red, resident on license | 30.00 | 20.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
52a. | overprinted "Disabled Veterans/NO FEE" on license | 425.00 525.00 |
52b. | overprinted "DISABLED VETERAN" on license | – | |||||
53. | F-CA4 | 1979-80 | $2.00 | black on yellow-green, junior on license | 70.00 | 35.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
54. | F-CA4 | 1979-80 | $35.00 | black on dark blue, non-resident on license | 85.00 | 45.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
55. | F-CA4 | 1980-81 | $10.25 | black on blue, resident on license | 25.00 | 15.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
55a. | overprinted "DISABLED VETERNS/NO FEE" on license | 1,100.00 | |||||
56. | F-CA4 | 1980-81 | $2.00 | black on light brown, junior on license | 50.00 | 25.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
57. | F-CA4 | 1980-81 | $36.25 | black on tan, non-resident on license | 65.00 | 35.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
58. | F-CA4 | 1981-82 | $11.50 | black on dark green, resident on license | 30.00 | 20.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
59. | F-CA4 | 1981-82 | $2.25 | black on blue, junior on license | 75.00 | 45.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
60. | F-CA4 | 1981-82 | $40.00 | black on gray, non-resident on license | 200.00 | 100.00 | 35.00 60.00 |
61. | F-CA4 | 1982-83 | $12.50 | black on pink, resident on license | 30.00 | 20.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
62. | F-CA4 | 1982-83 | $2.50 | black on brown, junior on license | 75.00 | 45.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
63. | F-CA4 | 1982-83 | $43.50 | black on orange, non-resident on license | 140.00 | 85.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
64. | F-CA4 | 1983-84 | $13.50 | black on blue, resident on license | 50.00 | 30.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
65. | F-CA4 | 1983-84 | $2.75 | black on purple, junior on license | 150.00 | 95.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
66. | F-CA4 | 1983-84 | $46.50 | black on green, non-resident on license | 175.00 | 125.00 | 25.00 |
67. | F-CA4 | 1984-85 | $13.25 | black on yellow, resident on license | 50.00 | 30.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
68. | F-CA4 | 1984-85 | $2.75 | black on green, junior on license | 150.00 | 95.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
69. | F-CA4 | 1984-85 | $49.25 | black on brown, non-resident on license | 175.00 | 125.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
70. | F-CA4 | 1985-86 | $14.00 | black on blue, resident on license | 50.00 | 30.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
71. | F-CA4 | 1985-86 | $3.50 | black on yellow, junior on license | 150.00 | 95.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
72. | F-CA4 | 1985-86 | $51.75 | black on purple, non-resident on license | 175.00 | 125.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
73. | F-CA4 | 1986-87 | $18.50 | black on green, resident on license | 1.00 1.50 |
74. | F-CA4 | 1986-87 | $4.50 | black on dark blue, junior on license | 15.00 20.00 |
75. | F-CA4 | 1986-87 | (information needed) | non-resident | |||
76. | F-CA4 | 1987-88 | $17.50 | black on dark blue, resident on license | 1.00 1.50 |
77. | F-CA4 | 1987-88 | $4.50 | black on purple, junior on license | 15.00 20.00 |
78. | F-CA4 | 1987-88 | (information needed) | non-resident | |||
79. | F-CA4 | 1988-89 | $19.25 | black on tan, resident on license | 1.00 1.50 |
80. | F-CA4 | 1988-89 | $5.00 | black on yellow, junior on license | 15.00 20.00 |
81. | F-CA4 | 1988-89 | (information needed) | non-resident | |||
82. | F-CA4 | 1989-90 | $19.75 | black on blue-gray, resident on license | 1.00 1.50 |
83. | F-CA4 | 1989-90 | $5.00 | black on dark green, junior on license | 15.00 20.00 |
84. | F-CA4 | 1989-90 | (information needed) | non-resident | |||
85. | F-CA4 | 1990-91 | $21.50 | black on reddish-gray, resident on license | 1.00 1.50 |
86. | F-CA4 | 1990-91 | $5.50 | black on yellow, junior on license | 15.00 20.00 |
87. | F-CA4 | 1990-91 | $73.00 | black on pink, non-resident on license | 25.00 40.00 |
88. | F-CA4 | 1991-92 | $23.10 | black on lime green, resident on license | 1.00 1.50 |
89. | F-CA4 | 1991-92 | $5.50 | black on bluish-purple, junior on license | 15.00 20.00 |
90. | F-CA4 | 1991-92 | $79.80 | black on brown, non-resident on license | 25.00 40.00 |
91. | F-CA4 | 1992-93 | $24.15 | black on yellow, resident on license | – | 1.00 1.50 |
92. | F-CA4 | 1992-93 | $5.80 | black on greenish-gold, junior on license | 15.00 20.00 |
93. | F-CA4 | 1992-93 | $83.75 | black on mauve, non-resident on license | – | 25.00 40.00 |
94. | F-CA6 | 1993-94 | $24.40 | black and white on green, resident on license | 1.00 1.50 |
95. | F-CA6 | 1993-94 | $5.80 | black and white on light blue, junior on license | 15.00 20.00 |
96. | F-CA6 | 1993-94 | - | (information needed) non resident | |||
97. | F-CA6 | 1994-95 | $24.95 | black and white on pale yellow, resident on license | 1.00 1.50 |
98. | F-CA6 | 1994-95 | $6.05 | black and white on lavender, junior on license | 15.00 20.00 |
99. | F-CA6 | 1994-95 | $86.90 | black and white on gray, non-resident on license | 25.00 40.00 |
100. | F-CA6 | 1995-96 | $24.45 | black and white on gray-brown, resident on license | 1.00 1.50 |
101. | F-CA6 | 1995-96 | $6.30 | black and white on pink, junior on license | 15.00 20.00 |
102. | F-CA6 | 1995-96 | $88.70 | black and white on pale blue, non-resident on license | 25.00 40.00 |
Waterfowl Application Stamps
These stamps were required of persons intending to hunt waterfowl at various state operated wildlife management areas, including Honey Lake, starting with the 1986-87 season. The stamps were required to be affixed to the hunter’s application, which was printed in the form of a computer card. Hunters were allowed to submit one application for each day during the season. This greatly increased their chances of being allowed to hunt for at least one day during the season. The stamps are die cut, self-adhesives on a protective backing. Values for unsigned stamps are for any stamps that may have been removed from their backing. Applicants were not required to sign the stamps. For more information, see (insert link).
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-CA7 | 1986-87 | $1.00 | black on dark blue | – | ||
2. | F-CA7 | 1987-88 | $1.00 | black on green | – | ||
3. | F-CA7 | 1988-89 | $1.00 | black on dark salmon | – | ||
4. | F-CA7 | 1989-90 | $1.00 | black on lavender | – | ||
5. | F-CA7 | 1990-91 | $1.05 | black on dark pink | – | ||
6. | F-CA7 | 1991-92 | $1.05 | black on green | 950.00 | ||
7. | F-CA7 | 1992-93 | $1.05 | black on blue | – | ||
8. | F-CA7 | 1993-94 | $1.05 | black on yellow | 850.00 | ||
9. | F-CA7 | 1994-95 | $1.05 | black on pale blue | 750.00 | ||
10. | F-CA7 | 1995-96 | $1.05 | black on yellow | 650.00 | ||
11. | F-CA7 | 1996-97 | $1.05 | black on salmon | 550.00 | ||
12. | F-CA7 | 1997-98 | $1.05 | black on light purple | 450.00 |
North Central Goose Stamp
The Colorado North Central Goose Stamp was issued in 1973 only. It was used in an area extending from Fort Collins to approximately 50 miles east. The stamps were self-adhesive and required a protective backing. They were die cut and mounted on rolls of backing paper approximately one-half inch apart. The stamps are believed to have been issued in rolls of 800.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-CO1 | 1973 | $2.00 | black on white on license | – | 3,500.00 4,500.00 | 1,500.00 2,500.00 |
Provisional Waterfowl Stamp
Idaho’s provisional waterfowl stamp was issued to hunters at the beginning of the 1991-92 season. The stamps were printed when the state’s shipment of regular pictorial stamps was delayed. The stamps were self- adhesive. They were die cut and mounted on a protective backing adjacent to an information tab. The tab was normally retained for record and research purposes. Ten stamps were stapled together to form a book.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-ID1 | 1991-92 | $6.00 | green on white on license | 150.00 | 50.00 150.00 | 35.00 125.00 |
Dally Usage Stamps
Illinois required daily usage stamps to hunt ducks and geese on various state-owned and operated public waterfowl hunting grounds starting in the early 1950s. Prior to 1959, separate daily usage stamps were used on public pheasant hunting grounds. From 1959 through 1972, the same $5 stamps were used at goose and pheasant areas. The stamps validated daily permits which were recollected at the end of the hunt. All stamps issued through 1967 had shiny gum. From 1968 through 1972, the gum is as follows: 1968 ducks – shiny; 1968 geese – dry; 1969 ducks and geese – dry; 1970 ducks – shiny; 1970 geese – dry; 1971 geese – shiny; and 1972 ducks and geese – dry.
Stamps from 1951 were imperforate. Stamps from 1952 through 1972 were perforated 12 or 12 1/2 and were issued in booklet panes of 25 (5×5). The panes were straight edged along the top, bottom and right sides. A 10 mm perforated selvage extended along the left side of the panes. No duck stamp was printed in 1971 and stamps were not used from 1973 through 1976. Starting in 1977 stamps were issued with no date or face value. The same stamps were issued year after year until supplies were exhausted.
Although similar in appearance, the daily usage stamps that were used from 1977 through 1995 were a product of many different printings, resulting in variations of the type size and paper color. All of the stamps were issued with flat gum. Starting in 1977, both the duck and goose stamps were issued in booklet panes of 25 (5×5). The panes were straight edged along the top, bottom and right sides and were plain (uncolored) rouletted between the stamps. A 10 mm plain rouletted selvage extended along the left side. Fifty panes were stapled together to form a book. From 1991 through 1995, the duck stamps were issued in coil rolls of 500, plain rouletted horizontally. For the 1995 season only, the goose stamps were also issued in coil rolls of 500, plain rouletted horizontally.
On July 1, 1995, the Illinois Department of Conservation merged with the Department of Natural Resources. As a result of this change, new stamps were printed for the 1996 waterfowl seasons. The new stamps were die-cut self adhesives, requiring backing paper, and featured the insignia of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. The backing paper (with stamps adhered) was cut into rolls of 500, one stamp wide. The stamps measure approximately 33 mm x 38 mm.
Following the 1996 season, the stamp and permit system was temporarily discontinued at the Rice Lake / Banner Marsh Wildlife Area until improvements could be made to the Illinois River levee that protects the area from flooding. In the meantime, the duck daily usage stamps continued to be used at the Donnelley Fish and Wildlife Area. Donnelley was opened to hunters in 1983, and has been using the stamp and permit system for a number of years. Unlike Rice Lake, there is no standby program at Donnelley. For more information, see (insert link).
The daily usage stamps were often stapled to the permits. Unsigned values are for stamps with no gum or stamps with gum and staple holes. Hunters were not required to sign the stamps. Although the early stamps for pheasants are not listed below, they have traditionally been included in waterfowl stamp collections and are currently valued the same as their waterfowl counterpart from the same year.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-IL1 | 1951 | $2.00 | yellow on white (ducks or geese) imperforate | – | ||
2. | F-IL2 | 1952 | $2.00 | green on manila (ducks or geese) | – | ||
3. | F-IL2 | 1953 | $2.00 | orange on blue (ducks or geese) | – | – | |
4. | F-IL2 | 1954 | $2.00 | (no examples have been recorded) | |||
5. | F-IL2 | 1955 | $2.00 | orange on light green (ducks or geese) | – | ||
6. | F-IL2 | 1956 | $2.00 | green on manila (ducks or geese) | – | – | |
7. | F-IL2 | 1957 | $2.00 | orange on light blue-green (ducks or geese) | 750.00 | 475.00 | |
8. | F-IL2 | 1958 | $2.00 | green on manila (ducks or geese) | 650.00 | 375.00 | |
9. | F-IL2 | 1959 | $3.00 | green on manila (ducks) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
10. | F-IL2 | 1959 | $5.00 | red-brown on light blue-green (geese) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
11. | F-IL2 | 1960 | $3.00 | red-brown on light blue-green (ducks) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
12. | F-IL2 | 1960 | $5.00 | green on manila (geese) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
13. | F-IL2 | 1961 | $3.00 | green on manila (ducks) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
14. | F-IL2 | 1961 | $5.00 | red-brown on light blue-green (geese) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
15. | F-IL2 | 1962 | $3.00 | green on manila (ducks) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
16. | F-IL2 | 1962 | $5.00 | red-brown on light blue-green (geese) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
17. | F-IL2 | 1963 | $3.00 | orange on light blue-green (ducks) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
18. | F-IL2 | 1963 | $5.00 | green on manila (geese) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
19. | F-IL2 | 1964 | $3.00 | green on manila (ducks) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
20. | F-IL2 | 1964 | $5.00 | red on light blue-green (geese) | 425.00 | 250.00 | |
21. | F-IL2 | 1965 | $3.00 | orange on light blue-green (ducks) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
22. | F-IL2 | 1965 | $5.00 | green on manila (geese) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
23. | F-IL2 | 1966 | $3.00 | green on manila (ducks) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
24. | F-IL2 | 1966 | $5.00 | orange on light blue-green (geese) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
25. | F-IL2 | 1967 | $3.00 | orange on light blue-green (ducks) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
26. | F-IL2 | 1967 | $5.00 | green on yellow (geese) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
27. | F-IL2 | 1968 | $3.00 | green on yellow (ducks) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
28. | F-IL2 | 1968 | $5.00 | orange on light blue (geese) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
29. | F-IL2 | 1969 | $3.00 | orange on light blue (ducks) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
30. | F-IL2 | 1969 | $5.00 | green on manila (geese) | 475.00 | 300.00 | |
31. | F-IL2 | 1970 | $3.00 | green on manila (ducks) | 1,500.00 | 900.00 | |
32. | F-IL2 | 1970 | $5.00 | orange on light blue (geese) | 1,750.00 | 900.00 | |
33. | F-IL2 | 1971 | $5.00 | green on manila (geese) | 2,250.00 | 1,000.00 | |
34. | F-IL2 | 1972 | $3.00 | orange on light blue-green (ducks) | 9,500.00 | ||
35. | F-IL2 | 1972 | $5.00 | orange on light blue-green (geese) | 7,500.00 | 2,500.00 | |
36. | F-IL3 | 1977-? | black on light blue (ducks), from booklet pane | – | |||
37. | F-IL4 | 1977-94 | black on manila (geese), from booklet pane on permit on stand-by card | – | – – – | ||
38. | F-IL3 | ?-1995 | black on blue (ducks), from coil roll | ||||
38a. | serial number is 4.5 mm tall (1991-1992) on permit on stand-by card | – | – | ||||
38b. | serial number is 3 mm tall (1993) on permit on stand-by card | – | – – – | ||||
38c. | serial number is 2.75 mm tall (1993-1994) on permit on stand-by card | – – – | |||||
39. | F-IL4 | 1995 | black on manila (geese), from coil roll on permit on stand-by card | – – – |
40. | F-IL5 | 1996-97 | black on blue (ducks) on permit | – | – – | ||
41. | F-IL6 | 1996-97 | black on manila (geese) on permit on stand-by card | – | – – – |
Marion County Duck Stamps
Marion County is located in central Kansas, with the county seat of Marion located approximately 43 miles northeast of Wichita. A recreational park, featuring a lake, was built 3 1/2 miles southeast of Marion in the late 1930s. These stamps were required to identify county residents intending to hunt waterfowl on the lake starting in 1941.
The 1941 stamps had “Water Fowl” broken into two words. For 1942, remainders from 1941 were overprinted “1942” and initialed by the Park and Lake Superintendent, Jerry Mullikin. In 1943, Marion County became the first government in the world to print true duck stamps. From 1943 through 1971 the wording on the stamps remained the same. On the 1972 and 1973 issues, the word “stamp” was replaced by “permit.”
Through the years many different type styles and border designs were featured. Several errors in typesetting occurred over the years, resulting in constant varieties that are popular with collectors. The most famous of these occurred in 1969, when stamps from position eight had “DUCK” misspelled “DUSK”.
All stamps were printed in booklet panes of ten (2×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were imperforate on all four sides. Some panes were perforated between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab, but most were rouletted. Rouletting varieties, including mixed gauges, exist for stamps printed in 1956, 1959, 1960, 1964, 1965 and 1970. In these cases the most common variety is given the main catalog listing. The listings for minor rouletting varieties are followed by a percentage indicating their frequency on the ten stamp panes. With a couple of exceptions, five panes were stapled together to form to a booklet. All stamps issued through 1968 featured shiny gum, with the exception of 1961 which had dry gum. After 1968, all stamps had dry gum.
Hunters were not required to sign the stamps. Therefore, values for used stamps are included in the unsigned column. Examples used with Marion County fishing stamps on combination hunting and fishing licenses sell for a large premium over the values stated below, which are for duck stamps used alone on hunting licenses. The Marion County stamps have the distinction of being the longest consecutively issued series of waterfowl stamps by any state or local government in the twentieth century. For more information, see (insert link).
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value |
1. | F-KS1 | 1941 | $0.25 | black on white, rouletted 7 on license | – – |
1a. | 1941 | $0.25 | stamps have the fourth and fifth lines of text reversed on license | – | ||
2. | F-KS1 | 1942 | $0.25 | black on white, purple rubber stamp on license *Remainders from 1941 were rubber stamped "1942" and initialed "J.E.M." by the Park and Lake Supervisor, Jerry E. Mulliken. | – – |
3. | F-KS2 | 1943 | $0.25 | black on pink, perforated 11 3/4 on license | – | |
4. | F-KS2 | 1944 | $0.25 | black on green, rouletted 14 on license | – | |
5. | F-KS2 | 1945 | $0.25 | green on white, perforated 11 3/4 on license | – – |
6. | F-KS2 | 1946 | $0.25 | black on yellow, perforated 11 3/4 on license | 27,500.00 – |
7. | F-KS2 | 1947 | $0.25 | black on pink, perforated 11 3/4 on license | 8,500.00 9,500.00 |
8. | F-KS2 | 1948 | $0.50 | black on blue, rouletted 14 on license | – – |
9. | F-KS2 | 1949 | $0.50 | black on white, rouletted 7 on license | – – |
10. | F-KS2 | 1950 | $0.50 | black on blue, perforated 11 3/4 on license | – – |
11. | F-KS2 | 1951 | $0.50 | black on white, perforated 11 3/4 on license | – | |
12. | F-KS2 | 1952 | $0.50 | black on mint green | – | |
13. | F-KS2 | 1953 | $0.50 | black on blue, rouletted 10 on license | – – |
14. | F-KS2 | 1954 | $0.50 | black on pink, perforated 11 3/4 on license | 95.00 | 65.00 – |
15. | F-KS2 | 1955 | $0.50 | black on green, rouletted 9 1/2 on license | 95.00 | 65.00 – |
16. | F-KS2 | 1956 | $0.50 | black on white, rouletted 6 1/2 on license | 110.00 | 100.00 – |
16a. | rouletted 6 1/2 and 9 1/2 (40%) on license | 175.00 | 125.00 – |
17. | F-KS2 | 1957 | $0.50 | black on blue, perforated 11 3/4 | 85.00 | 65.00 – |
17a. | stamps from position three have a "1" set in place of the "I" in "RESIDENT" on license | 1,500.00 | ||||
17b. | stamps from position six have the first two lines of text reversed on license | 2,000.00 | ||||
18. | F-KS2 | 1958 | $0.50 | black on light yellow, rouletted 9 1/2 on license | 425.00 | 250.00 – |
19. | F-KS2 | 1959 | $0.50 | black on white, rouletted 6 1/2 on license | 65.00 | 55.00 – |
19a. | rouletted 6 1/2 and 9 1/2 (50%) on license | 65.00 | 55.00 – |
20. | F-KS2 | 1960 | $0.50 | black on pink, rouletted 6 1/2 and 9 1/2 on license | 85.00 | 75.00 – |
20a. | rouletted 9 1/2 (20%) on license | 450.00 | 350.00 | |||
20b. | stamps from position nine are missing an ornamental ball from the upper left corner of the frame on license | 2,500.00 | ||||
21. | F-KS2 | 1961 | $0.50 | black on white, rouletted 6 1/2 on license | 125.00 | 100.00 – |
21a. | stamps from position eight are missing one leg of the "R" in "RESIDENT", thus spelling "PESIDENT" on license | 2,750.00 | ||||
22. | F-KS2 | 1962 | $0.50 | black on white, perforated 11 3/4 on license | 225.00 | 150.00 – |
23. | F-KS2 | 1963 | $0.50 | black on pink, rouletted 9 1/2 on license | 675.00 | 400.00 – |
24. | F-KS2 | 1964 | $0.50 | black on pink, rouletted 9 1/2 on license | 675.00 | 400.00 – |
24a. | rouletted 6 1/2 and 9 1/2 (40%) on license | 800.00 | 600.00 – |
24b. | stamps from position ten have the second and third lines of text reversed on license | – | ||||
25. | F-KS2 | 1965 | $0.50 | black on green, rouletted 6 1/2 and 9 1/2 on license | 475.00 | 325.00 |
26. | F-KS2 | 1966 | $0.50 | black on light yellow, rouletted 9 1/2 on license | – | – |
27. | F-KS2 | 1967 | $0.50 | black on green, perforated 11 3/4 on license | 7,500.00 | 4,500.00 – |
28. | F-KS2 | 1968 | $0.50 | black on pink, rouletted 9 1/2 | 275.00 | 200.00 |
29. | F-KS2 | 1969 | $0.50 | black on yellow, rouletted 6 1/2 on license | 275.00 | 200.00 – |
29a. | stamps from position eight have "DUCK" misspelled "DUSK" on license | 22,500.00 | ||||
30. | F-KS2 | 1970 | $0.50 | black on white, rouletted 6 1/2 and 9 1/2 on license | 450.00 | 350.00 – |
31. | F-KS2 | 1971 | $0.50 | black on pink, rouletted 9 1/2 on license | 6,500.00 | 4,500.00 – |
32. | F-KS2 | 1972 | $0.50 | black on blue, rouletted 9 1/2 on license | 7,500.00 | 5,000.00 – |
33. | F-KS2 | 1973 | $0.50 | black on pink, perforated 11 3/4 on license | 14,500.00 | 9,500.00 – |

1948 Marion County duck stamp, 1948-49 Kansas quail stamp, 1948-49 federal waterfowl stamp and 1948-49 Marion County fishing stamp used on Kansas combination resident hunting and fishing license.
Public Lands Hunting Stamps
Maryland required the purchase of a Public Lands Hunting stamp prior to hunting for waterfowl on state-managed wildlife areas from 1975-76 through 1979-80 hunting seasons. The stamps were issued in booklet panes of ten (2×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were plain (uncolored) rouletted between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. Stamps issued through 1977-78 were rouletted 9 1/2. The 1978-79 and 1979-80 issues appear to be rouletted 14. Serial numbers were printed in black ink. All Stamps have dry gum. One proof sheet of ten (2×5) 1975-76 stamps has been recorded.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1 | F-MD1 | 1975-76 | $2.00 | purple on white on license | 3,250.00 | 650.00 750.00 | 125.00 175.00 |
1p. | proof, imperforate and lacking serial number | – | |||||
2. | F-MD1 | 1976-77 | $2.00 | black on pink on license | 2,250.00 | 550.00 650.00 | 60.00 100.00 |
3. | F-MD1 | 1977-78 | $2.00 | black on yellow on license | 1,750.00 | 300.00 400.00 | 60.00 100.00 |
4. | F-MD1 | 1978-79 | $2.00 | black on white on license | 5,500.00 | 850.00 950.00 | 175.00 200.00 |
5. | F-MD1 | 1979-80 | $2.00 | black on yellow on license | 1,500.00 | 200.00 250.00 | 50.00 75.00 |
Surcharge Stamps
Hunters were required to purchase surcharge stamps in 1957 and 1971 in order to generate additional revenue for Minnesota Conservation Department projects, more specifically, the “acquisition and development of wildlife lands.” The 1957 stamps were perforated 12 1/2 and printed in booklet panes of ten (2×5) with a 23 mm perforated selvage at the top. The selvage was imprinted “Minnesota Department of Conservation, Division of Game and Fish” and serial numbered in black. The left, right and bottom sides of the panes were straight-edged. The 1971 stamps were rouletted in color (black) 9 1/2 and printed in booklet panes of unknown size. Both issues have shiny gum. Hunters were not required to sign the stamps.
The 1971 Minnesota resident small game hunting license was printed in three parts and consisted of the license, a set of three small game shipping coupons and a report card. The reverse of the license portion was printed with a box for the federal waterfowl stamp and normally both the federal stamp and state surcharge stamp were affixed to it. Occasionally, the stamps were affixed to the reverse of the tags or report card portions. Such usages, while different and interesting, usually do not command a premium.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-MN1 | 1957 | $1.00 | mallards and river scene on license | 85.00 | 5.00 35.00 | |
2. | F-MN2 | 1971 | $1.00 | black on dark yellow on license | 3,500.00 | 15.00 45.00 |
Bird License Stamps
Bird License stamps were required to hunt waterfowl in Montana starting in 1969. It was previously reported in the 1991 Scott Federal and State Duck Stamp Catalogue that these stamps were “not required to hunt waterfowl.” This resulted from erroneous information supplied to E.L. Vanderford by a Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks License Section employee. Montana conservation licenses state beneath the stamp box “waterfowl hunters must possess both Montana Bird and Federal Waterfowl stamps.”
Lines were printed for the license agent to fill in the license number and date of issue. Through 1977-78 issues, the stamps were printed in booklet panes of ten (5×2) with a tab at the left. Stamps from 1969-70 and 1970-71 were color rouletted (black) 9 1/2 horizontally and color rouletted (red) 9 1/2 vertically. Stamps from 1971-72 through 1977-78 were plain rouletted 9 1/2. From 1969-70 through 1974-75, the stamps had dry gum, with the exception of 1970-71 stamps which had shiny gum. From 1975-76 through 1977-78, stamps were issued with shiny gum. The 1978-79 and 1979-80 stamps were printed in booklet panes of ten (5×2) with a tab attached to the left of each stamp. The 1978-79 stamps were plain rouletted 9 1/2, while those from 1979-80 were plain rouletted 6 1/2. The 1978-79 and 1979-80 stamps all had shiny gum.
Starting in 1980-81 and continuing through the present time, Montana has issued what have come to be known as “strip-type stamps”. That is, the stamps are much wider than they are tall — thus resembling strips of paper. It should be noted that Montana also sold a “Bird Art” stamp in 1980-81 that was not required for hunting. From 1980-81 through 1984-85, resident, youth and non-resident bird stamps measured approximately 120 mm wide by 16 mm tall. For 1985-65 and 1986-87, similar stamps were issued for resident and non-resident hunters only. Starting with the 1987-88 issues, the size of the stamps was reduced to approximately 72 mm x 15 mm. Resident stamps only have been issued since the 1988-89 season.
All of the strip-type stamps have been non-pictorial self-adhesives, requiring a protective backing. The larger stamps were printed very close together on backing paper which was cut into “panes” of ten stamps (1×10) with a tab at the top. Two panes with carbons were inserted between printed card stock covers to form a booklet. Starting in 1987-88, the stamps were printed very close together on backing paper which was also cut into panes of ten stamps (1×10) with a tab at the top. Only one pane and carbon was inserted between printed card stock covers to form a booklet.
Although the panes were scored between the stamps, it was often necessary to separate them with scissors. All of the strip-type stamps have been imprinted with areas for license agents to fill in the hunter’s conservation license number, as well as the month and day of issue. All of the strip-type stamps have been serial numbered in black. The serial number is made up of two components. The first component indicates the hunter’s classification: “14” for residents; “15” for youths; and “22” for non-residents. The second component indicates of the sequential number of the stamp within the print run.
Estimated values for unsigned stamps are for any unused stamps, free from notations, that may have had their gum removed. Signed values are for stamps with notations; they may or may not bear a signature. Due to their extreme width, strip-type stamps were nearly always creased after they were affixed to the hunter’s license. Values for strip-type stamps on license are for those with one fairly unobtrusive crease affecting the stamp itself. Licenses bearing stamps with multiple or heavy creases usually sell for considerably less.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-MT1 | 1969-70 | $2.00 | black on cream, resident on license | 425.00 | 150.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
2. | F-MT1 | 1969-70 | $1.00 | black on orange, youth on license | 425.00 | 150.00 | 50.00 75.00 |
3. | F-MT1 | 1969-70 | $25.00 | black on orange-brown on license | 425.00 | 150.00 | 75.00 125.00 |
4. | F-MT1 | 1970-71 | $2.00 | black and red on gray, resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
4a. | stamps from positions ten are missing the "1" in "1971" on license | 650.00 | |||||
5. | F-MT1 | 1970-71 | $1.00 | black and red on blue, youth on license | 3,250.00 | 750.00 | 125.00 150.00 |
6. | F-MT1 | 1970-71 | $25.00 | black and red on salmon, non-resident on license | – | 350.00 500.00 |
7. | F-MT2 | 1971-72 | $2.00 | black and red on manila, resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
8. | F-MT2 | 1971-72 | $1.00 | black and red on yellow, youth on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
9. | F-MT2 | 1971-72 | $25.00 | black and red on gray, non-resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 50.00 75.00 |
10. | F-MT3 | 1972-73 | $2.00 | black and red on blue-green, resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
11. | F-MT3 | 1972-73 | $1.00 | black and red on blue, youth on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
12. | F-MT3 | 1972-73 | $25.00 | black and red on dark yellow, non-resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 50.00 75.00 |
13. | F-MT3 | 1973-74 | $2.00 | black and red on dark yellow, resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
14. | F-MT3 | 1973-74 | $1.00 | black and red on light yellow, youth on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
15. | F-MT3 | 1973-74 | $25.00 | black and red on blue-green, non-resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 50.00 75.00 |
16. | F-MT3 | 1974-75 | $2.00 | black and red on blue-green, resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
17. | F-MT3 | 1974-75 | $1.00 | black and red on blue, youth on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
18. | F-MT3 | 1974-75 | $25.00 | black and red on dark yellow, non-resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 50.00 75.00 |
19. | F-MT3 | 1975-76 | $2.00 | black and red on light tan, resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
20. | F-MT3 | 1975-76 | $1.00 | black and red on light yellow, youth on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
21. | F-MT3 | 1975-76 | $25.00 | black and red on light blue-green, non-resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 50.00 75.00 |
22. | F-MT3 | 1976-77 | $4.00 | black and red on light blue-green, non-resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
23. | F-MT3 | 1976-77 | $2.00 | black and red on lavender, youth on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
24. | F-MT3 | 1976-77 | $30.00 | black and red on peach, non-resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 50.00 75.00 |
25. | F-MT3 | 1977-78 | $4.00 | black and red on light rose, resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
26. | F-MT3 | 1977-78 | $2.00 | black and red on light blue-green, youth on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
27. | F-MT3 | 1977-78 | $30.00 | black and red on gray, non-resident on license | 675.00 | 125.00 | 50.00 75.00 |

1976-77 Montana resident bird license stamp used with 1976-77 federal waterfowl stamp on Montana resident wildlife conservation license.
28. | F-MT4 | 1978-79 | $4.00 | sage grouse, resident on license | 9.00 | 7.00 | 2.00 10.00 |
29. | F-MT4 | 1978-79 | $2.00 | sage grouse, youth on license | 9.00 | 7.00 | 5.00 15.00 |
30. | F-MT4 | 1978-79 | $30.00 | sage grouse, non-resident on license | 9.00 | 7.00 | 6.50 25.00 |
31. | F-MT5 | 1979-80 | $4.00 | snow geese, resident on license | 9.00 | 7.00 | 2.00 10.00 |
32. | F-MT5 | 1979-80 | $2.00 | snow geese, youth on license | 9.00 | 7.00 | 5.00 15.00 |
33. | F-MT5 | 1979-80 | $30.00 | snow geese, non-resident on license | 9.00 | 7.00 | 6.50 25.00 |
34. | F-MT6 | 1980-81 | $4.00 | black on manila on license | 10.00 20.00 |
35. | F-MT6 | 1980-81 | $2.00 | (information needed) -, youth | |||
36. | F-MT6 | 1980-81 | $30.00 | black on gray-green, non-resident on license | 35.00 65.00 |
37. | F-MT6 | 1981-82 | $4.00 | (information needed) -, resident | |||
38. | F-MT6 | 1981-82 | $2.00 | (information needed) -, youth | |||
39. | F-MT6 | 1981-82 | $30.00 | (information needed) -, non-resident | |||
40. | F-MT6 | 1982-83 | $4.00 | black on yellow, resident on license | 5.00 10.00 |
41. | F-MT6 | 1982-83 | $2.00 | (information needed) -, youth | |||
42. | F-MT6 | 1982-83 | $30.00 | black on light green on license | 20.00 50.00 |
43. | F-MT6 | 1983-84 | $4.00 | black on yellow-gray, resident on license | 4,250.00 | 65.00 | 5.00 10.00 |
44. | F-MT6 | 1983-84 | $2.00 | black on gray, youth on license | 4,250.00 | 65.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
45. | F-MT6 | 1983-84 | $30.00 | black on light blue, non-resident on license | 4,250.00 | 65.00 | 20.00 50.00 |
46. | F-MT6 | 1984-85 | $4.00 | black on light blue-green, resident on license | 3,500.00 | 55.00 | 5.00 10.00 |
47. | F-MT6 | 1984-85 | $2.00 | black on light violet, youth on license | 3,500.00 | 85.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
48. | F-MT6 | 1984-85 | $30.00 | black on gray, non-resident on license | 3,500.00 | 55.00 | 20.00 50.00 |
49. | F-MT6 | 1985-86 | $4.00 | black on light blue, resident on license | 3,500.00 | 85.00 | 5.00 10.00 |
50. | F-MT6 | 1985-86 | $30.00 | black on lavender, non-resident on license | 3,500.00 | 55.00 | 20.00 50.00 |
51. | F-MT6 | 1986-87 | $4.00 | black on pumpkin, resident on license | 2,950.00 | 85.00 | 5.00 10.00 |
52. | F-MT6 | 1986-87 | $30.00 | black on light blue, non-resident on license | 2,950.00 | 85.00 | 20.00 50.00 |
53. | F-MT7 | 1987-88 | $4.00 | black on orange-brown, resident on license | 1,250.00 | 45.00 | 3.00 5.00 |
54. | F-MT7 | 1987-88 | $30.00 | black on tan, non-resident on license | 1,750.00 | 65.00 | 15.00 40.00 |
55. | F-MT7 | 1988-89 | $6.00 | black on light blue, resident on license | 1,100.00 | 35.00 | 3.00 5.00 |
56. | F-MT7 | 1988-89 | $53.00 | black on purple, non-resident on license | 1,750.00 | 65.00 | 15.00 40.00 |
57. | F-MT7 | 1989-90 | $6.00 | black on rose, resident on license | 950.00 | 20.00 | 2.00 4.00 |
58. | F-MT7 | 1990-91 | $6.00 | black on lavender, resident on license | 450.00 | 15.00 | 2.00 4.00 |
59. | F-MT7 | 1991-92 | $6.00 | black on pale blue, resident on license | 350.00 | 12.50 | 2.00 4.00 |
60. | F-MT7 | 1992-93 | $6.00 | black on brown, resident on license | 350.00 | 11.00 | 2.00 4.00 |
61. | F-MT7 | 1993-94 | $6.00 | black on blue, resident on license | 250.00 | 10.00 | 1.50 3.00 |
62. | F-MT7 | 1994-95 | $6.00 | black on red-orange, resident on license | 225.00 | 9.00 | 1.50 3.00 |
63. | F-MT7 | 1995-96 | $6.00 | black on purple, resident on license | 75.00 | 6.00 | 1.50 3.00 |
64. | F-MT7 | 1996-97 | $6.00 | black on blue, resident on license | 50.00 | 5.00 | 1.00 2.00 |
65. | F-MT7 | 1997-98 | $6.00 | black on mauve, resident on license | 35.00 | 4.00 | 1.00 2.00 |
66. | F-MT7 | 1998-99 | $6.00 | black on gray, resident on license | 15.00 | 3.00 | 1.00 2.00 |
67. | F-MT8 | 1998-99 | $20.00 | black on light green, shooting preserve on license | – | – | – – |
68. | F-MT7 | 1999-00 | $6.00 | black on green, resident on license | 15.00 | 3.00 | 1.00 2.00 |
69. | F-MT8 | 1999-00 | $20.00 | black on orange-brown, shooting preserve on license | – | – | – – |
70. | F-MT7 | 2000-01 | $6.00 | black on tan, resident on license | 12.00 | – | – – |
Crow Indian Reservation
Waterfowl Stamps
The Crow Indian Reservation is located in southeast Montana and includes the Custer Battlefield. The Crow Tribe first required hunters to purchase waterfowl stamps in 1992. The stamps are self-adhesive with a peelable backing material. They were issued in panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were scored between the stamps to facilitate separation.
Spaces were provided for the issuing agent to fill in the license number, date of issue, expiration date and the fee. This suggests that the same stamps were originally intended to be used year after year until supplies were exhausted. Stamps from position three only have “April 30, 199_” printed where the expiration date was to be filled in (see Figure MT9). 250 stamps were serial numbered in red ink. Following the 1992-93 season, all numbered remainders were sold to stamp collectors. Some unnumbered remainders may have been issued to hunters during an abbreviated 1993 season; the balance were sold to collectors. No waterfowl stamps were issued from 1994 through 1997.
Unused values are for stamps with original backing attached; they may have the expiration date filled in. Signed values are for stamps that have been removed from their backing material, with the license number, issue date and fee written in; they may or may not bear a signature.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-MT8 | 1992-93 | blue on white on license | 95.00 | 40.00 60.00 | ||
1a. | F-MT9 | "April 30, 199_" printed on stamp on license | 250.00 | 75.00 | |||
1b. | no serial number | 10.00 | |||||
1c. | as "b", "April 30, 199_" | 50.00 |
Flathead Indian Reservation
Bird Stamps
The Flathead Indian Reservation is located in northwest Montana, between Glacier National Park and Missoula. The Confederated Kootenai and Salish Tribes live on the reservation. Waterfowl hunters were required to purchase bird stamps starting in 1987. From 1988 through 1990, the tribes had combination bird and fishing stamps printed with boxes to check off the appropriate activity. If sportsmen intended to hunt and fish, they were required to purchase two stamps and have both affixed to their use and conservation permit.
The 1987 issues were strip-type stamps. They measure approximately 88 mm wide x 15 mm tall and were self-adhesive, requiring a protective backing. The stamps were printed very close together on the backing material, which was then cut in such a way that produced booklet panes of eight (1×8). Ten panes were stapled together at the left to form a booklet. The stamps were plain rouletted vertically 23 mm from the left, creating a tab where the staples attached the panes to each other. The panes were scored horizontally between the stamps, however, they were often separated with scissors. The stamps were imprinted with a place for the license agent to fill in the date of issue and also with a signature line. The serial number was formed by three components: “No” in red ink to the left of the rouletting (therefore this portion was separated from the rest of the stamp at the time of issue); “B#” in black (indicating bird stamp as opposed to fishing); and the sequential number in red.
The 1988 stamps were printed in booklet panes of ten (2×5) with a tab at the top. Canary-colored carbon copies of the panes were affixed to the reverse of the tabs. The panes were plain (uncolored) rouletted 7 1/2 vertically between the stamps and horizontally between the bottom eight stamps. The panes were rouletted horizontally between the top four stamps and between the two stamps and the tab. Ten panes were stapled between covers to form a booklet. Serial numbers on the 1988 stamps were formed by two components. The left portion indicated the number of the pane from which the stamp originated. The right portion is a position number, indicating the relative placement of the stamp on the pane.
In 1989 the stamps were printed se-tenant with similar stamps that were overprinted “DUPLICATE” in salmon colored ink. At the time of issue, the unoverprinted stamps were affixed to the hunter’s permits. The duplicate stamp(s) were affixed to canary-colored carbon copies of the permits and served as proof of stamp purchase. Upon proof of loss of their original permit and stamp(s) — and at the tribe’s discretion — sportsmen could obtain a replacement license and stamp(s) at no additional charge. Occasionally, duplicate stamps were affixed to to original permits and unoverprinted stamps were affixed to permit copies in error. The 1989 stamps were printed in booklet panes of five se-tenant pairs (1×5) with a tab at the top. Canary-colored carbon copies of the panes were affixed to the reverse of the tabs.
There were at least two printings of the 1989 stamps. Panes from the first printing were plain rouletted 5 1/2 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. It should be noted that on many panes, the vertical roulette did not completely punch through the paper and appears to be rouletted 11. On a subsequent printing or printings, the panes were plain rouletted 6 1/2. All of the stamps the editor has examined from the first printing were on matte Fasson® CRACK’N PEEL Plus TM permanent paper. Some of the stamps from the subsequent printing or printings were on the same kind of paper; others were on chrome coated (gloss) Fasson® CRACK’N PEEL Plus TM paper.
In 1990 the stamps were once again printed se-tenant with similar stamps that were overprinted “DUPLICATE” in salmon colored ink. A vertical gutter measuring 26 mm wide separated the regular stamp (left) from those overprinted “DUPLICATE” (right) on 1990 booklet panes. The stamps were printed in panes of five se-tenant gutter pairs (1×5) with a tab at the top. Canary-colored carbon copies of the panes were affixed to the reverse of the tabs. Ten panes were stapled between covers to form a booklet. There were at least three printings of the 1990 stamps. Stamps from the first printing were on coated Mactac® Starliner TM PERMANENT paper, and the panes were stapled between blue covers. Stamps from subsequent printings were on two types of white mate paper, Fasson® CRACK’N PEEL Plus TM permanent or FasTrack TM, and stapled between manila covers. All 1990 stamps were plain rouletted 6 1/2.
All serial numbers on 1988 through 1990 stamps were printed in red ink. The 1989 and 1990 se-tenant pairs (regular and duplicate stamps) were printed with matching serial numbers. After 1990 the duplicate stamps were discontinued.
In 1991 the format of the bird stamps was changed. Strip-type stamps were once again employed. The 1991 stamps were labeled “JOINT BIRD LICENSE” and were specified in “Reservation regulations jointly enacted by the Tribes and state (of Montana).” The Flathead Reservation and state of Montana stamps from the 1990’s are so similar that they almost certainly were produced by the same printer. The 1991 through 1997 stamps were die cut, self-adhesives with a protective peelable backing. Serial numbers were printed in black ink. The stamps were issued in booklet panes of ten (1×10) with a tab at the top. A second carbon copy (light blue-green) was added. A single pane was stapled between printed covers to form a booklet. From 1992 through 1994, a three-day bird stamp was issued in addition to the seasonal bird stamp. Starting in 1995, separate stamps were printed for resident and non-resident hunters.
Remainders of Flathead stamps have been sold to collectors at a price below their face value. Unsigned values are for stamps free of notations or that may have been removed from their backing material. Signed values are for stamps with the permit number filled in and may or may not bear a signature.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-MT10 | 1987 | black on white on license | 750.00 | 450.00 | 350.00 – |
2. | F-MT11 | 1988 | $10.00 | black on white on license | 650.00 | 350.00 | 275.00 – |
2a. | rouletted 5 1/2 and 7 (20%) on license | 950.00 | 400.00 | 300.00 – |
2b. | rouletted 5 1/2 (20%) on license | 950.00 | 400.00 | 300.00 – |
2c. | position number in dark red ink on license | – |
3. | F-MT12 | 1989 | $10.00 | blue on white matte paper on license | 8.50 | 6.00 | 5.00 30.00 |
3a. | overprinted "DUPLICATE" on license se-tenant pair with 3 as "3a", overprint in deep rose-colored ink on license | 8.50 17.00 | 6.00 – | 5.00 – – – |
3b. | as "3", on white gloss paper, rouletted 6 1/2 on license | 20.00 | 15.00 | 7.50 40.00 |
3c. | as "3a", on white gloss paper, rouletted 6 1/2 on license se-tenant pair with "3b" | 20.00 40.00 | 15.00 | 7.50 – |
4. | F-MT12 | 1990 | $10.00 | blue on white matte paper on license | 9.50 | 7.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
4a. | overprinted "DUPLICATE" on license se-tenant gutter pair with "4" | 9.50 19.00 | 7.00 | 5.00 | |||
4b. | as "4" on white gloss paper on license | 225.00 | 175.00 | 95.00 | |||
4c. | as "4a", on white gloss paper on license se-tenant gutter pair with "4b" | 225.00 450.00 | 175.00 | 95.00 |
5. | F-MT13 | 1991 | $12.00 | black on green on license | 10.50 | 9.00 | 8.00 18.00 |
6. | F-MT14 | 1992 | $12.00 | black on rose, season on license | 9.50 | 7.00 | 5.00 15.00 |
7. | F-MT14 | 1992 | $12.00 | black on salmon, 3-day on license | 9.00 | 7.00 | 5.00 15.00 |
8. | F-MT14 | 1993 | $12.00 | black on dark green, season on license | 7.50 | 6.00 | 4.00 15.00 |
9. | F-MT14 | 1993 | $12.00 | black on dark blue, 3-day on license | 7.00 | 6.00 | 4.00 15.00 |
10. | F-MT14 | 1994 | $12.00 | black on blue, season on license | 8.00 | 6.00 | 4.00 15.00 |
11. | F-MT14 | 1994 | $12.00 | black on orange, 3-day on license | 7.00 | 5.00 | 3.00 15.00 |
12. | F-MT14 | 1995 | $12.00 | black on yellow, resident on license | 9.00 | 7.00 | 3.00 15.00 |
13. | F-MT14 | 1995 | $55.00 | black on pale blue-green, non-resident on license | 15.00 | 12.00 | 9.00 20.00 |
14. | F-MT14 | 1996 | $12.00 | black on turquoise, resident on license | 9.00 | 7.00 | 3.00 12.00 |
15. | F-MT14 | 1996 | $55.00 | black on pale orange, non-resident on license | 35.00 | 25.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
16. | F-MT14 | 1997 | $12.00 | black on pale yellow, resident on license | 8.00 | 6.00 | 3.00 12.00 |
17. | F-MT14 | 1997 | $55.00 | black on pale blue-green, non-resident on license | 15.00 | 12.00 | 9.00 20.00 |
18. | F-MT14 | 1998 | $13.00 | black on turquoise, resident on license | 8.00 | 6.00 | 3.00 20.00 |
19. | F-MT14 | 1998 | $56.00 | black on blue, non-resident on license | 12.00 | 10.00 | 8.00 20.00 |
20. | F-MT14 | 1999 | $13.00 | black on orange, resident on license | 8.00 | 6.00 | 3.00 20.00 |
21. | F-MT14 | 1999 | $56.00 | black on red, non-resident on license | 10.00 | 8.00 | 5.00 20.00 |
22. | F-MT14 | 2000 | $13.00 | black on yellow, reservation on license | 12.00 | 8.00 | 3.00 20.00 |
23. | F-MT14 | 2000 | $14.00 | black on green, resident on license | 12.00 | 8.00 | 3.00 20.00 |
24. | F-MT14 | 2000 | $110.00 | black on pink, out-of-state on license | 12.00 | 8.00 | 5.00 20.00 |
Fort Peck Indian Reservation
Tribal Bird License Stamps
The Fort Peck Indian Reservation is located in the northeastern comer of Montana. Similar to the state bird license stamps issued through 1977-78, the stamps were required to hunt waterfowl on the reservation. The earliest recorded examples are from 1975. However, it is believed that stamps were issued prior to 1975. In the 1970s, a stamp dealer was able to acquire carbons for hunting and fishing stamps from 1973 but not the stamps themselves. The catalog numbers in this section may be revised if more information becomes available concerning earlier issues.
The stamps were plain rouletted 6.5 and printed in panes of ten (5×2) with a tab at the left. One canary- colored and one pink carbon copy of the pane was affixed to the reverse of the tab. It is believed that the panes were not stapled together to form a booklet. Stamps issued from 1975 through 1977 were printed with a three-part serial number. The left component consists of the prefix “No.” in red ink. The middle portion consists of the letter “B” indicating bird license stamp (to distinguish the serial numbers from those used on similar fishing license stamps), combined with an abbreviated year date and a hyphen, all in black ink. The right part consists of the sequential number in red ink. The $5 black on orange stamps (Figure MT16) were printed with black serial numbers which lack a middle component specifying the year date. It is believed that they were issued starting in 1978 and probably used year after year for an unknown length of time. The 1975 stamps had shiny gum, while subsequent issues all had dry gum.
Unsigned values are for any unused stamps, free from notations, that may be without gum. Signed stamps have the license number and / or date of issue written in. They may or may not bear a signature.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-MT15 | 1975 | $4.00 | black on white on license | 1,250.00 | 850.00 | 500.00 |
1a. | added framelines on license | 1,500.00 | 1,000.00 | 650.00 | |||
2. | F-MT15 | 1976 | $4.00 | black on white on license | 90.00 | 75.00 | 50.00 200.00 |
2a. | double impression | 11,500.00 | |||||
3. | F-MT15 | 1977 | $4.00 | black on white on license | – | ||
4. | F-MT15 | $5.00 | black on orange on license | 225.00 | 150.00 | 100.00 175.00 |
Habitat Stamps
Nebraska started issuing habitat stamps in 1977. The stamps were required of all residents over the age of 16 and all non-residents to hunt for anything within the state, including waterfowl. The stamps have all been pictorial and are included in this catalog due to the fact they have traditionally been excluded from other waterfowl stamp references. The first stamp was designed by a staff artist employed by the Nebraska Game and Fish Commission. Subsequent art-work was selected by means of a contest open only to Nebraska resident artists. The stamps have all been issued in panes of twenty (2×10), with five panes being stapled together to form a booklet. None of the stamps were serial numbered.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-NE1 | 1977 | $7.50 | ring-necked pheasant on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
2. | F-NE1 | 1978 | $7.50 | white-tailed deer on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
3. | F-NE1 | 1979 | $7.50 | bobwhite quail on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
4. | F-NE1 | 1980 | $7.50 | pheasant on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
5. | F-NE1 | 1981 | $7.50 | cottontail rabbit on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
6. | F-NE1 | 1982 | $7.50 | coyote on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
7. | F-NE1 | 1983 | $7.50 | wild turkey on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
8. | F-NE1 | 1984 | $7.50 | canada goose on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
9. | F-NE1 | 1985 | $7.50 | cardinal on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
10. | F-NE1 | 1986 | $7.50 | sharp-tailed grouse on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
11. | F-NE1 | 1987 | $7.50 | sandhill crane on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
12. | F-NE1 | 1988 | $7.50 | snow geese on licesne | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
13. | F-NE1 | 1989 | $7.50 | mallards on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
14. | F-NE1 | 1990 | $7.50 | pheasants on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
15. | F-NE1 | 1991 | $7.50 | canada geese on license | 12.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
16. | F-NE1 | 1992 | $10.00 | raccoon on license | 15.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
17. | F-NE1 | 1993 | $10.00 | fox squirrel on license | 15.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
18. | F-NE1 | 1994 | $10.00 | Hungarian partridge on license | 15.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
19. | F-NE1 | 1995 | $10.00 | prairie pronghorns on license | 15.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
20. | F-NE1 | 1996 | $10.00 | ring-necked pheasant on license | 15.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
21. | F-NE1 | 1997 | $10.00 | white-tailed deer on license | 15.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
22. | F-NE1 | 1998 | $10.00 | mourning doves on license | 15.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
23. | F-NE1 | 1999 | $10.00 | sand hill cranes on license | 15.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
24. | F-NE1 | 2000 | $10.00 | turkeys on license | 15.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
25. | F-NE1 | 2001 | $10.00 | Canada geese on license | 15.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
26. | F-NE1 | 2002 | $13.00 | mountain bluebird on license | 18.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
27. | F-NE1 | 2003 | $13.00 | widgeon on license | 18.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
28. | F-NE1 | 2004 | $13.00 | elk on license | 18.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
29. | F-NE1 | 2005 | $13.00 | deer on license | 18.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
30. | F-NE1 | 2006 | $13.00 | bighorn sheep on license | 18.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
31. | F-NE1 | 2007 | $13.00 | pronghorn antelope on license | 18.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
32. | F-NE1 | 2008 | $16.00 | wood duck on license | 20.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
33. | F-NE1 | 2009 | $16.00 | grouse on license | 20.00 | 3.00 4.50 | 1.50 3.00 |
New Mexico
Jicarilla Apache Reservation Wildlife Stamp
The Jicarilla Apache Reservation is located in northwest New Mexico, between Santa Fe and Durango, Colorado. The Jicarilla Apache Tribe is believed to have started requiring all hunters to purchase a wildlife stamp in 1988. No date was printed on the wildlife stamps and the same stamps were used through 1994. It is possible, however, that several different printings over the years resulted in the stamps being printed on different shades of paper. They are issued in booklet panes of four (2×2) with a tab at the top. The panes are plain rouletted 6 1/2 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. Twenty five panes are stapled together to form a booklet. Serial numbers are in black ink. The stamps have dry gum.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-NM1 | 1988-96 | $5.00 | black and gold on white on license | 110.00 | ||
2. | F-NM1 | 1988-96 | $5.00 | black and gold on light blue on license | 12.00 | ||
3. | F-NM1 | 1996-98 | $5.00 | black and gold on blue, serial number above 9000 on license | 80.00 | ||
4. | F-NM2 | 1999 | $10.00 | blue and black on gold on license | 75.00 | ||
5. | F-NM2 | 2000-03 | $5.00 | black on gold on license | 60.00 | ||
6. | F-NM2 | 2000-03 | $10.00 | black on gold on license | 60.00 |
7. | F-NM3 | 2004-06 | $15.00 | multicolor on white on license | 225.00 | ||
8. | F-NM3 | 2004-06 | $15.00 | multicolor on white on license | 225.00 | ||
9. | F-NM4 | 2007 | $15.00 | multicolor on white on license | – | ||
10. | F-NM4 | 2007 | $15.00 | multicolor on white on license | – | ||
11. | F-NM5 | 2008 | $20.00 | multicolor on white on license | – | ||
12. | F-NM5 | 2008 | $20.00 | multicolor on white on license | – | ||
13. | F-NM6 | 2009 | $20.00 | multicolor on white on license | – | ||
14. | F-NM6 | 2009 | $20.00 | multicolor on white on license | – |
North Dakota
Small Game Stamps
North Dakota small game stamps were required to hunt waterfowl, in addition to other types of small game, state-wide starting in 1967. Over the years, the exact wording on the stamps has varied somewhat. From 1981 through 1988 a habitat license fee was also incorporated into the stamps. In 1982 the resident stamp only was changed from non-pictorial to pictorial. Stamps printed for resident and resident youth hunters were printed in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. All non-pictorial resident and resident youth stamps were color rouletted (black). In 1982 and 1983 the resident stamps had a narrow selvage on the left and right sides. The pictorial resident stamps were also printed in sheets of thirty (5×6) with selvage on all four sides. All of the stamps from these sheets have perforations on all four sides and were produced specifically for stamp collectors. All resident and resident youth stamps have had flat gum. Youth stamps were discontinued following the 1992-93 season.
For many years the non-resident stamps were stapled to the hunting license. The non-resident stamps have been printed in a variety of formats over the years. From 1967 through 1973 (with the exception of 1972), the non-resident stamps were printed in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The 1972 and 1974 stamps were self-adhesives that required a protective backing. They were printed and issued on individual, oversized pieces of backing material which also had some instructions printed above the stamp area. The stamps themselves were scored to facilitate removal.
From 1974 through 1982, the non-resident small game stamps were self-adhesives that were printed and issued on a piece of backing material se-tenant with a non-resident waterfowl stamp. On the same piece of backing paper, to the right of the se-tenant pair, were four self-adhesive duck tags. This sheet of paper, along with several additional sheets containing eight tags each for various species of waterfowl and small game, were stapled together with non-resident general game license and a printed cardstock cover to form a booklet. Both stamps, all of the different tags, and the license were imprinted with matching serial numbers. Although the stamps were scored to facilitate peeling, many were separated with scissors. It should be noted that the tags bear a resemblance to the non-resident waterfowl stamps and are often mistaken for stamps. They are somewhat smaller in size, measuring approximately 88 mm wide x 23 mm tall.
The format was the same for the 1983 and 1984-85 non-resident stamps, however, a non-resident general game stamp was now required to hunt waterfowl and was included on the same sheet of backing paper in a three-way se-tenant arrangement. From 1985-86 through 1995-96, the three non-resident stamps were no longer self-adhesives. They featured dry gum and were printed and issued se-tenant with a large tab at the right. The tab contained printed instructions and was also used to staple the stamps to the reverse of a non-resident fishing, hunting and furbearer certificate. Matching serial numbers were printed on all three stamps and the certificate. This was referred to as a “non-resident waterfowl pack”. Stamps from the non-resident waterfowl packs were rouletted in color (black) between the three stamps and also between the right side of the small game and waterfowl stamps and the tab.
A variation of this pack was issued for the 1994-95 and 1995-96 seasons only. The non-resident waterfowl stamp was excluded from this “mini-pack” pack and it was designed for sportsmen who intended to hunt for other species of small game prior to the start of the waterfowl season. Should they subsequently have decided to hunt for waterfowl also, they would have purchased a non-resident waterfowl stamp without a printed serial number and the license agent would have then filled in the matching mini-pack number to the on the waterfowl stamp manually, with a ball-point pen. The mini-packs were plain rouletted (uncolored) between the two stamps and between the non-resident small game stamp and the tab.
Finally, starting in 1994-95, the non-resident small game stamps were once again printed and issued separately, in booklet panes of five (1×5), as they were prior to 1972. At this point the formatting experiments had come full circle, and currently this is the only format the stamps are printed and issued in. From 1994-95 through 1997-98, the stamps were rouletted in color (black) between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab.
Staple holes do not affect the value of non-resident stamps issued prior to 1971. Values for unused and unsigned 1982 and 1983 resident stamps are for those with selvage on both sides. Stamps with one or both pieces of selvage missing sell for a relatively small fraction of these prices.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-ND1 | 1967 | $2.00 | black on green, resident on license | 950.00 | 125.00 150.00 | 60.00 85.00 |
2. | F-ND1 | 1967 | $25.00 | black on green, non-resident on license | 7,500.00 | 650.00 700.00 | 350.00 400.00 |
3. | F-ND1 | 1968 | $2.00 | black on pink, resident on license | 200.00 | 60.00 70.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
4. | F-ND1 | 1968 | $25.00 | black on yellow, non-resident on license | 500.00 | 150.00 175.00 | 50.00 70.00 |
5. | F-ND1 | 1969 | $2.00 | black on green, resident on license | 190.00 | 50.00 60.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
5a. | black on dark green, resident on license | – | – – | – – |
6. | F-ND1 | 1969 | $35.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 450.00 | 125.00 150.00 | 50.00 70.00 |
7. | F-ND1 | 1970 | $2.00 | blue on white, resident on license | 160.00 | 50.00 60.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
8. | F-ND1 | 1970 | $35.00 | black on pink, non-resident on license | 250.00 | 85.00 100.00 | 50.00 70.00 |
9. | F-ND1 | 1971 | $2.00 | black on yellow, resident on license | 125.00 | 40.00 50.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
10. | F-ND1 | 1971 | $35.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 500.00 525.00 | 350.00 375.00 |
11. | F-ND1 | 1972 | $3.00 | black on pink, resident on license | 65.00 | 25.00 35.00 | 5.00 15.00 |
12. | F-ND1 | 1972 | $35.00 | red on white, non-resident on license | 325.00 | 150.00 170.00 | 75.00 95.00 |
13. | F-ND1 | 1973 | $3.00 | black on yellow, resident on license | 65.00 | 20.00 30.00 | 5.00 15.00 |
14. | F-ND1 | 1973 | $35.00 | green on white, non-resident on license | 2,750.00 | 450.00 475.00 | 300.00 325.00 |
15. | F-ND1 | 1974 | $3.00 | black on blue, resident on license | 125.00 | 40.00 50.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
16. | F-ND1 | 1974 | $35.00 | red on white, non-resident on license | 450.00 | 125.00 150.00 | 50.00 70.00 |
17. | F-ND1 | 1975 | $3.00 | black on white, resident on license | 95.00 | 30.00 40.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
18. | F-ND1 | 1975 | $35.00 | green on white, non-resident on license | 225.00 | 100.00 120.00 | 40.00 60.00 |
19. | F-ND1 | 1976 | $3.00 | black on dark yellow, resident on license | 55.00 | 20.00 30.00 | 5.00 15.00 |
20. | F-ND1 | 1976 | $35.00 | red on white, non-resident on license | 125.00 | 45.00 65.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
21. | F-ND1 | 1977 | $3.00 | black on white, resident on license | 90.00 | 35.00 45.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
22. | F-ND1 | 1977 | $35.00 | red on white, non-resident on license | 100.00 | 45.00 65.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
23. | F-ND1 | 1978 | $5.00 | black on white, resident on license | 45.00 | 20.00 30.00 | 5.00 15.00 |
24. | F-ND1 | 1978 | $40.00 | red on white, non-resident on license | 85.00 | 35.00 50.00 | 20.00 35.00 |
25. | F-ND1 | 1979 | $5.00 | black on white, resident on license | 35.00 | 20.00 30.00 | 5.00 15.00 |
26. | F-ND1 | 1979 | $40.00 | red on white, non-resident on license | 45.00 | 25.00 40.00 | 15.00 30.00 |
27. | F-ND1 | 1980 | $5.00 | black on white, resident on license | 35.00 | 20.00 30.00 | 5.00 15.00 |
28. | F-ND1 | 1980 | $40.00 | green on white, non-resident on license | 45.00 | 25.00 40.00 | 15.00 30.00 |
29. | F-ND2 | 1981 | $9.00 | black on white, resident on license | 35.00 | 15.00 25.00 | 3.00 15.00 |
30. | F-ND2 | 1981 | $6.00 | black on blue-green, youth on license | 175.00 | 50.00 65.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
31. | F-ND2 | 1981 | $53.00 | blue on white, non-resident on license | 110.00 | 45.00 60.00 | 20.00 35.00 |
32. | F-ND3 | 1982 | $9.00 | Canada geese, resident on license | 450.00 | 250.00 275.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
32a. | collector type | 85.00 | |||||
33. | F-ND2 | 1982 | $6.00 | black on blue, youth on license | 175.00 | 50.00 65.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
34. | F-ND2 | 1982 | $53.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 35.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 15.00 30.00 |
35. | F-ND3 | 1983 | $9.00 | mallards, resident on license | 1,000.00 | 300.00 325.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
35a. | collector type | 55.00 | |||||
36. | F-ND2 | 1983 | $6.00 | black on orange, youth on license | 75.00 90.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
37. | F-ND2 | 1983 | $53.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 75.00 90.00 | 40.00 55.00 |
38. | F-ND4 | 1984 | $9.00 | canvas backs, resident on license | 1,250.00 | 275.00 300.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
38a. | collector type | 30.00 | |||||
39. | F-ND2 | 1984-85 | $6.00 | black on light blue, youth on license | 75.00 90.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
40. | F-ND2 | 1984-85 | $53.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 75.00 90.00 | 40.00 55.00 |
41. | F-ND4 | 1985 | $9.00 | blue bills, resident on license | 3,250.00 | 400.00 425.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
41a. | collector type | 20.00 | |||||
42. | F-ND2 | 1985-86 | $6.00 | black on light blue, youth on license | 75.00 90.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
43. | F-ND2 | 1985-86 | $53.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 75.00 90.00 | 40.00 55.00 |
44. | F-ND4 | 1986 | $9.00 | pintails, resident on license | 175.00 | 65.00 85.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
44a. | collector type | 18.00 | |||||
45. | F-ND2 | 1986-87 | $6.00 | black on light blue, youth on license | 75.00 90.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
46. | F-ND2 | 1986-87 | $53.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 70.00 85.00 | 35.00 45.00 |
47. | F-ND4 | 1987 | $9.00 | snow geese, resident on license | 45.00 | 25.00 40.00 | 18.00 30.00 |
47a. | collector type | 15.00 | |||||
48. | F-ND2 | 1987-88 | $6.00 | black on light blue, youth on license | – | 75.00 90.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
49. | F-ND2 | 1987-88 | $53.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 70.00 85.00 | 30.00 45.00 |
50. | F-ND4 | 1988 | $9.00 | white-winged scooters, resident on license | 25.00 | 18.00 30.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
50a. | collector type | 13.00 | |||||
51. | F-ND2 | 1988-89 | $6.00 | black on light blue, youth on license | – | 75.00 90.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
52. | F-ND2 | 1988-89 | $53.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 70.00 85.00 | 30.00 45.00 |
53. | F-ND4 | 1989 | $6.00 | redheads, resident on license | 15.00 | 10.00 22.00 | 8.00 20.00 |
53a. | collector type | 10.00 | |||||
54. | F-ND1 | 1989-90 | $3.00 | black on light blue, youth on license | – | 75.00 90.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
55. | F-ND1 | 1989-90 | $50.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 70.00 85.00 | 30.00 45.00 |
56. | F-ND4 | 1990 | $6.00 | black labs with mallards, resident on license | 15.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 8.00 18.00 |
56a. | collector type | 10.00 | |||||
57. | F-ND1 | 1990-91 | $3.00 | black on light blue, youth on license | 200.00 | 70.00 95.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
58. | F-ND1 | 1990-91 | $50.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 60.00 85.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
59. | F-ND4 | 1991 | $6.00 | green-winged teal, resident on license | 12.00 | 8.00 18.00 | 6.00 16.00 |
59a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
60. | F-ND1 | 1991-92 | $3.00 | black on light blue, youth on license | 200.00 | 65.00 80.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
61. | F-ND1 | 1991-92 | $50.00 | black on white, non-resident, rouletted on sides only on license | 60.00 75.00 | 30.00 50.00 |
61a. | rouletted on sides and bottom on license se-tennant with non-resident general game and habitat stamp and non-resident waterfowl stamp | – | 60.00 75.00 | 30.00 50.00 |
62. | F-ND4 | 1992 | $6.00 | blue-winged teal, resident on license | 12.00 | 8.00 18.00 | 6.00 16.00 |
62a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
63. | F-ND1 | 1992-93 | $3.00 | black on light blue, youth on license | 350.00 | 65.00 80.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
64. | F-ND1 | 1992-93 | $50.00 | black on white, non-resident, rouletted on sides only on license se-tennant with non-resident general game and habitat stamp on license | 50.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 | 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 |
64a. | rouletted on sides and bottom on license | 50.00 75.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
64b. | provisional, non-resident, rouletted on sides and bottom on license se-tennant with non-resident general game and habitat stamp and non-resident waterfowl stamp | – | |||||
65. | F-ND4 | 1993 | $6.00 | wood ducks, resident on license | 10.00 | 7.50 17.50 | 6.00 15.00 |
65a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
66. | F-ND1 | 1993-94 | $75.00 | black on white, non-resident, rouletted on sides only on license se-tennant with non-resident general game and habitat stamp on license | 70.00 95.00 125.00 175.00 | 25.00 40.00 95.00 125.00 |
66a. | rouletted on sides and bottom on license se-tennant with non-resident general game and habitat stamp and non-resident waterfowl stamp | – | 70.00 95.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
67. | F-ND4 | 1994 | $6.00 | Canada geese, resident on license | 10.00 | 7.50 17.50 | 6.00 15.00 |
67a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
68. | F-ND1 | 1994-95 | $75.00 | black on white, non-resident, rouletted on sides only on license se-tennant with non-resident general game and habitat stamp on license | – – | 95.00 115.00 125.00 165.00 | 40.00 50.00 75.00 110.00 |
68a. | rouletted on sides and bottom on license se-tennant with non-resident general game and habitat stamp and non-resident waterfowl stamp | – – | 85.00 100.00 | 30.00 50.00 |
68b. | from booklet pane of five, rouletted at top and bottom on license | – | 80.00 100.00 | 30.00 50.00 |
69. | F-ND4 | 1995 | $6.00 | widgeon, resident on license | 10.00 | 6.50 16.50 | 5.00 15.00 |
69a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
70. | F-ND1 | 1995-96 | $75.00 | black on white, non-resident, rouletted on sides only on license se-tennant with non-resident general game and habitat stamp on license | – – | 80.00 100.00 110.00 150.00 | 40.00 60.00 65.00 95.00 |
70a. | rouletted on sides and bottom on license se-tennant with non-resident general game and habitat stamp and non-resident waterfowl stamp | – – | 60.00 80.00 | 30.00 50.00 |
70b. | from booklet pane of five, rouletted at top and bottom on license | – | 70.00 90.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
71. | F-ND4 | 1996 | $6.00 | mallards, resident on license | 10.00 | 6.50 12.50 | 4.00 10.00 |
71a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
72. | F-ND1 | 1996-97 | $75.00 | black on white, non-resident, from booklet pane of five, rouletted at top and bottom on license | 650.00 | 60.00 80.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
73. | F-ND4 | 1997 | $6.00 | white fronted geese, resident on license | 10.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
73a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
74. | F-ND1 | 1997-98 | $75.00 | black on white, non-resident, from booklet pane of five, rouletted at top and bottom on license | 450.00 | 50.00 70.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
75. | F-ND4 | 1998 | $6.00 | blue-winged teal, resident on license | 10.00 | 6.00 12.00 | |
75a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
76. | F-ND1 | 1998-99 | $75.00 | black on white, non-resident, from booklet pane of five, rouletted at top and bottom on license | 450.00 | 50.00 70.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
77. | F-ND4 | 1999 | $6.00 | gadwalls, resident on license | 10.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
77a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
78. | F-ND1 | 1999-00 | $75.00 | black on white, non-resident, from booklet pane of five, rouletted at top and bottom on license | 350.00 | 50.00 70.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
79. | F-ND4 | 2000 | $6.00 | pintails, resident on license | 10.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
79a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
80. | F-ND1 | 2000-01 | $75.00 | black on white, non-resident, from booklet pane of five, rouletted at top and bottom on license | – | 25.00 45.00 |
81. | F-ND4 | 2001 | $6.00 | Canada geese, resident on license | 10.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
81a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
82. | F-ND1 | 2001-02 | $75.00 | black on white, non-resident, from booklet pane of five, rouletted at top and bottom on license | – | 50.00 70.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
83. | F-ND4 | 2002-03 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 12.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
84. | F-ND1 | 2002-03 | $75.00 | black on white, non-resident, from booklet | – | 50.00 70.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
85. | F-ND4 | 2003-04 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 12.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
86. | F-ND4 | 2004-05 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 12.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
87. | F-ND4 | 2005-06 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 12.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
88. | F-ND4 | 2006-07 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 9.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
89. | F-ND4 | 2007-08 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 9.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
90. | F-ND4 | 2008-09 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 9.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
91. | F-ND4 | 2009-10 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 9.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
92. | F-ND4 | 2010-11 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 9.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
93. | F-ND4 | 2011-12 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 9.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
94. | F-ND4 | 2012-13 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 9.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
95. | F-ND4 | 2013-14 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 9.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
96. | F-ND4 | 2014-15 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 9.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
97. | F-ND4 | 2015-16 | $6.00 | black on green, red serial number, resident on license | 9.00 | 6.00 12.00 | 4.00 10.00 |
Non-Resident Waterfowl Stamps
Non-resident waterfowl stamps were required of non-resident hunters, in addition to the non-resident small game stamp, starting in 1975. A non-resident general game stamp was also required to hunt waterfowl starting in 1983. Stamps printed through 1984 are imperforate while subsequent issues are rouletted on two sides. There were two separate printings in 1975, one with and one without serial numbers printed on the stamps. Stamps without printed serial numbers were issued to hunters who had previously purchased a small game stamp for a season opening prior to waterfowl season. The license agent wrote in the same number on the waterfowl stamp that was on the hunter’s small game stamp. Therefore, all used copies have the serial number written in. If the hunter had not already purchased a small game stamp, he was issued both kinds of stamps with matching printed serial numbers. By 1976 the non-resident small game and waterfowl stamps with matching printed serial numbers were printed and issued se-tenant.
Starting in 1984 the two stamps were printed and issued with a non-resident general game stamp, all with matching printed serial numbers, in a se-tenant format. No waterfowl stamps from 1976-1986 have been recorded without printed serial numbers. However, the North Dakota Game and Fish Department states they were also issued during this period.
By 1987 the waterfowl stamps were once again produced in two separate formats. In addition to the numbered stamps issued se-tenant with a small game and general game stamp (the waterfowl stamp is rouletted in black on two adjacent sides), stamps without serial numbers were printed and issued in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were rouletted horizontally between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. The panes were plain rouletted (uncolored) in 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992 and 1993, and rouletted in color (black) the remaining years.
The supply of regular 1992 non-resident waterfowl stamps was exhausted before the end of the season. 1990 non-resident waterfowl stamp remainders were changed t0 1992 with a ball point pen and put into use. In 1996 there were apparently two printings, as stamps have been recorded with both black rouletting (lower serial numbers) and plain rouletting (higher serial numbers). Used copies from the five-stamp panes prior to 1994 have serial numbers written in with a ball point pen. Starting in 1994, stamps issued in both formats have the serial numbers printed.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-ND5 | 1975 | $5.00 | green on white, printed serial number on license with small game stamp | 225.00 275.00 |
1a. | no printed serial number on license with small game stamp | 225.00 | 125.00 | ||||
2. | F-ND5 | 1976 | $5.00 | red on white on license with small game stamp pair se-tenant with small game stamp | 450.00 650.00 | 275.00 | 100.00 125.00 |
3. | F-ND5 | 1977 | $5.00 | red on white on license with small game stamp pair se-tenant with small game stamp | 250.00 450.00 | 150.00 | 75.00 100.00 |
4. | F-ND6 | 1978 | $5.00 | red on white on license with small game stamp pair se-tenant with small game stamp | 110.00 225.00 | 60.00 | 25.00 65.00 |
5. | F-ND6 | 1979 | $5.00 | red on white on license with small game stamp pair se-tenant with small game stamp | 85.00 200.00 | 50.00 | 20.00 55.00 |
6. | F-ND6 | 1980 | $5.00 | green on white on license with small game stamp pair se-tenant with small game stamp | 90.00 225.00 | 55.00 | 20.00 55.00 |
7. | F-ND6 | 1981 | $8.00 | blue on white on license with small game stamp pair se-tenant with small game stamp | 225.00 350.00 | 75.00 | 25.00 65.00 |
8. | F-ND6 | 1982 | $8.00 | black on white on license with small game stamp pair se-tenant with small game stamp | 35.00 125.00 | 20.00 | 15.00 50.00 |
9. | F-ND6 | 1983 | $8.00 | black on white on license with small game and general game stamps se-tenant with small game and general game stamps | 65.00 110.00 |
10. | F-ND6 | 1984 | $8.00 | black on white on license with small game and general game stamps se-tenant with small game and general game stamps | 65.00 110.00 |
11. | F-ND6 | 1985 | $8.00 | black on white on license with small game and general game stamps se-tenant with small game and general game stamps | 65.00 110.00 |
12. | F-ND6 | 1986 | $8.00 | black on white on license with small game and general game stamps se-tenant with small game and general game stamps | 55.00 100.00 |
13. | F-ND7 | 1987 | $8.00 | black on white on license with small game and general game stamps se-tenant with small game and general game stamps | 50.00 95.00 |
13a. | from booklet pane of five, non printed serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 650.00 | 175.00 | 50.00 100.00 |
14. | F-ND7 | 1988 | $8.00 | on license with small game and general game stamps se-tenant with small game and general game stamps | 35.00 90.00 |
14a. | black on white from booklet pane of five, no printed serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 550.00 | 150.00 | 50.00 100.00 |
15. | F-ND7 | 1989 | $8.00 | black on white on license with small game and general game stamps | 25.00 85.00 |
15a. | from booklet pane of five, black on light green, no printed serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 550.00 | 125.00 | 50.00 95.00 |
16. | F-ND7 | 1990 | $8.00 | black on white on license with small game and general game stamps | 25.00 85.00 |
16a. | from booklet pane of five, no printed serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 450.00 | 100.00 | 50.00 95.00 |
17. | F-ND7 | 1991 | $8.00 | black on white on license with small game and general game stamps se-tenant with small game and general game stamps | 300.00 – | 175.00 | 25.00 80.00 |
17a. | from booklet pane of five, no printed serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 425.00 | 85.00 | 35.00 85.00 |
18. | F-ND7 | 1992 | $8.00 | black on white on license with small game and general game stamps se-tenant with small game and general game stamps | 20.00 75.00 |
18a. | from booklet pane of five, no printed serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 350.00 | 75.00 | 35.00 85.00 |
18b. | provisional on license with small game and general game provisionals se-tenant with small game and general game provisionals | 250.00 – | 100.00 | 50.00 | |||
19. | F-ND7 | 1993 | $10.00 | black on white on license with small game and general game stamps se-tenant with small game and general game stamps | 450.00 | 95.00 | 20.00 65.00 |
19a. | from booklet pane of five, no printed serial number | 350.00 | 65.00 | 35.00 85.00 |
20. | F-ND7 | 1994 | $10.00 | black on white on license with small game and general game stamps se-tenant with small game and general game stamps | 450.00 – | 85.00 | 20.00 65.00 |
20a. | from booklet pane of five, black serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 350.00 | 55.00 | 30.00 75.00 |
21. | F-ND7 | 1995 | $10.00 | black on white on license with small game and general game stamps se-tennant with small game and general game stamps | 400.00 – | 75.00 | 20.00 65.00 |
21a. | from booklet pane of five, black serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 175.00 | 40.00 | 30.00 75.00 |
22. | F-ND7 | 1996 | $10.00 | black on white, black serial number rouletted in color (black) on license with small game and general game stamps | 110.00 | 30.00 | 20.00 50.00 |
22a. | plain rouletted (colorless), black serial number on license | – | |||||
23. | F-ND7 | 1997 | $10.00 | black on white, black serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 100.00 | 20.00 | 12.00 35.00 |
24. | F-ND7 | 1998 | $10.00 | black on white, black serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 90.00 | 20.00 | 10.00 25.00 |
25. | F-ND7 | 1999 | $10.00 | black on white, black serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 80.00 | 20.00 | 10.00 25.00 |
26. | F-ND7 | 2000 | $10.00 | black on white, red serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 70.00 | 20.00 | 10.00 25.00 |
27. | F-ND7 | 2001 | $10.00 | black on bluish-gray, red serial numbers on license | – | ||
27a. | F-ND7 | 2001 | $10.00 | black on white, red serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 60.00 | 20.00 | 10.00 25.00 |
28. | F-ND7 | 2002 | $10.00 | black on white, red serial number on license with small game and general game stamps | 50.00 | 20.00 | 10.00 25.00 |

1991-92 North Dakota non-resident waterfowl stamp pack (certificate is cropped; actual size is 178 x 189 mm).
General Game Stamps
These stamps were required to hunt waterfowl in North Dakota starting in 1983. Separate stamps were printed for residents and non-residents. In 1983 the stamps for both classifications were non-pictorial. The resident stamp was issued in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were rouletted in color (black) between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. For 1983 and 1984-85, the non resident stamp was an imperforate self-adhesive, and was issued se-tenant with the non-resident small game and non-resident waterfowl stamps on a piece of backing paper. From 1984 through 1992, the resident stamp only was pictorial. The pictorial general game stamps were issued in two different formats. Stamps printed for issue to hunters remained in the booklet pane format (1×5). Stamps printed for sale to stamp collectors were issued in sheets of thirty (5×6) with selvage on all four sides.
Starting in 1989, a habitat fee was incorporated into both the resident and non-resident general game stamps (prior to this time, the habitat fee had been incorporated into the small game stamps). After 1992, stamps for both classifications were once again non-pictorial.
From 1985-86 through 1987-88, the non-resident general game stamp featured dry gum and was only issued se-tenant with the non-resident small game and non-resident waterfowl stamps in the non-resident waterfowl stamp packs. This format was continued through 1995-96. However, starting in 1988-89, hunters could also purchase the non-resident general game stamp separately. In this second format, the stamps were issued in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The stamps were rouletted in color (black) between the stamp and between the stamp and the tab. Two panes were stapled together between printed cardstock covers to form a booklet. Most distinctive about the booklet type non-resident stamps is the fact that they were printed on orange paper, as opposed to white for the se-tenant stamps.
The supply of regular 1992-93 non-resident general game stamps was exhausted before the end of the season. 1990-91 remainders were changed to 1992-93 with a ball point pen and put into use. In 1994-95 and 1995-96 only, the non-resident general game stamp was also issued in the mini-pack formal, se-tenant with the non-resident small game stamp. Such stamps were plain rouletted (uncolored) on the right side only. After 1995-96, the non-resident general game stamps were only printed in the booklet pane format (1×5).
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-ND8 | 1983 | $3.00 | black on white, resident on license | 50.00 60.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
2. | F-ND9 | 1983 | $3.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 75.00 85.00 | 35.00 45.00 |
3. | F-ND10 | 1984 | $3.00 | sharp-tailed grouse, resident on license | 125.00 | 35.00 45.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
3a. | collector type | 20.00 | |||||
4. | F-ND9 | 1984-85 | $3.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 75.00 85.00 | 35.00 45.00 |
5. | F-ND10 | 1985 | $3.00 | ruffled grouse, resident on license | 125.00 | 30.00 40.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
5a. | collector type | 18.00 | |||||
6. | F-ND9 | 1985-86 | $3.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 75.00 85.00 | 35.00 45.00 |
6A. | F-ND11 | from booklet pane of five, black on orange on license | |||||
7. | F-ND10 | 1986 | $3.00 | male sage grouse, resident on license | 100.00 | 25.00 35.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
7a. | collector type | 16.00 | |||||
8. | F-ND9 | 1986-87 | $3.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 75.00 85.00 | 35.00 45.00 |
8A. | F-ND11 | from booklet pane of five, black on orange on license | 65.00 75.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
9. | F-ND10 | 1987 | $3.00 | prairie chicken, resident on license | 80.00 | 20.00 30.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
9a. | collector type | 15.00 | |||||
10. | F-ND9 | 1987-88 | $3.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 75.00 85.00 | 35.00 45.00 |
10A. | F-ND11 | from booklet pane of five, black on orange on license | 55.00 65.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
11. | F-ND10 | 1988 | $3.00 | hungarian partridge, resident on license | 55.00 | 15.00 25.00 | 13.00 30.00 |
11a. | collector type | 10.00 |
12. | F-ND9 | 1988-89 | $3.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 75.00 85.00 | 35.00 45.00 |
12A. | F-ND11 | from booklet pane of five, black on orange on license | 165.00 | 30.00 35.00 | 15.00 20.00 |
13. | F-ND10 | 1989 | $6.00 | pheasants, resident on license | 35.00 | 12.00 22.00 | 7.00 17.00 |
13a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
14. | F-ND12 | 1989-90 | $6.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 55.00 65.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
14A. | F-ND13 | from booklet pane of five, black on orange on license | 135.00 | 25.00 30.00 | 13.00 18.00 |
15. | F-ND10 | 1990 | $6.00 | sandhill crane, resident on license | 28.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 6.00 16.00 |
15a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
16. | F-ND12 | 1990-91 | $6.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 55.00 65.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
16A. | F-ND13 | from booklet pane of five, black on orange on license | 125.00 | 20.00 25.00 | 12.00 17.00 |
17. | F-ND10 | 1991 | $6.00 | mourning dove, resident on license | 25.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 6.00 16.00 |
17a. | collector type | 9.00 | |||||
18. | F-ND12 | 1991-92 | $6.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | – | 45.00 55.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
18A. | F-ND13 | from booklet pane of five, black on orange on license | – | 18.00 23.00 | 11.00 16.00 |
19. | F-ND10 | 1992 | $6.00 | antelope, resident on license | – | 9.00 19.00 | 5.00 15.00 |
19a. | collector type | – | |||||
20. | F-ND12 | 1992-93 | $6.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | – | 45.00 55.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
20a. | provisional on license | – | |||||
20A. | F-ND13 | from booklet pane of five, black on orange on license | – | 16.00 21.00 | 9.00 14.00 |
21. | F-ND14 | 1993-94 | $6.00 | black on gray, resident on license | – | 10.00 15.00 | 5.00 10.00 |
22. | F-ND12 | 1993-94 | $6.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | – | 45.00 55.00 | 20.00 30.00 |
22A. | F-ND13 | from booklet pane of five, black on orange on license | – | 15.00 20.00 | 8.00 13.00 |
23. | F-ND12 | 1994-95 | $6.00 | black on white, resident on license | – | 9.00 12.00 | 4.00 6.00 |
24. | F-ND12 | 1994-95 | $6.00 | black on white, non-resident, rouletted on two adjacent sides on license | – | 35.00 45.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
24a. | rouletted on left and right sides on license | – | 75.00 95.00 | 35.00 55.00 |
24A. | F-ND13 | from booklet pane of five, black on bright orange on license | – | 13.00 18.00 | 7.00 12.00 |
25. | F-ND14 | 1995-96 | $6.00 | black on gray, resident on license | – | 8.00 18.00 | 4.00 14.00 |
26. | F-ND12 | 1995-96 | $6.00 | black on white, non-resident, rouletted on two adjacent sides on license | – | 35.00 45.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
26a. | rouletted on left and right sides on license | – | 75.00 95.00 | 35.00 55.00 |
26A. | F-ND13 | from booklet pane of five, black on bright orange on license | – | 10.00 15.00 | 5.00 10.00 |
27. | F-ND14 | 1996-97 | $6.00 | black on gray, resident on license | – | 6.00 12.00 | 3.00 9.00 |
28. | F-ND13 | 1996-97 | $6.00 | black on bright orange, non-resident on license | – | 8.00 13.00 | 4.00 9.00 |
29. | F-ND8 | 1997-98 | $8.00 | black on gray, resident on license | – | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
30. | F-ND13 | 1997-98 | $8.00 | black on bright orange, non-resident on license | – | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
31. | F-ND14 | 1998-99 | $8.00 | black on gray, resident on license | – | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
32. | F-ND13 | 1998-99 | $8.00 | black on bright orange, non-resident on license | – | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
33. | F-ND14 | 1999-00 | $8.00 | black on gray, resident on license | – | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
34. | F-ND13 | 1999-00 | $8.00 | black on bright orange, non-resident on license | – | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
35. | F-ND15 | 2000-01 | $8.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | – | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
36. | F-ND16 | 2000-01 | $8.00 | black on bright orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | – | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
37. | F-ND15 | 2001-02 | $8.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | – | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
38. | F-ND16 | 2001-02 | $8.00 | black on bright orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | – | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
39. | F-ND15 | 2002-03 | $13.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | – | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
40. | F-ND16 | 2002-03 | $13.00 | black on orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | – | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
41. | F-ND15 | 2003-04 | $13.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | – | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
42. | F-ND16 | 2003-04 | $13.00 | black on orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | – | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
43. | F-ND15 | 2004-05 | $13.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | – | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
44. | F-ND16 | 2004-05 | $13.00 | black on bright orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | – | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
45. | F-ND15 | 2005-06 | $13.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | 18.00 | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
46. | F-ND16 | 2005-06 | $13.00 | black on bright orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | 20.00 | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
47. | F-ND15 | 2006-07 | $13.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | 18.00 | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
48. | F-ND16 | 2006-07 | $13.00 | black on pink-tan, red serial number, resident on license | 20.00 | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
49. | F-ND15 | 2007-08 | $13.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | 18.00 | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
50. | F-ND16 | 2007-08 | $13.00 | black on orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | 20.00 | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
51. | F-ND15 | 2008-09 | $13.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | 18.00 | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
52. | F-ND16 | 2008-09 | $13.00 | black on orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | 20.00 | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
53. | F-ND15 | 2009-10 | $13.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | 18.00 | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
54. | F-ND16 | 2009-10 | $13.00 | black on light orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | 20.00 | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
55. | F-ND15 | 2010-11 | $13.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | 18.00 | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
56. | F-ND16 | 2010-11 | $13.00 | black on light orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | 20.00 | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
57. | F-ND15 | 2011-12 | $13.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | 18.00 | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
58. | F-ND16 | 2011-12 | $13.00 | black on light orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | 20.00 | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
59. | F-ND15 | 2012-13 | $13.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | 18.00 | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
60. | F-ND16 | 2012-13 | $13.00 | black on light orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | 20.00 | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
61. | F-ND15 | 2013-14 | $13.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | 18.00 | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
62. | F-ND16 | 2013-14 | $13.00 | black on light orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | 20.00 | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
63. | F-ND15 | 2014-15 | $20.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | 25.00 | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
64. | F-ND16 | 2014-15 | $20.00 | black on light orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | 27.00 | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
65. | F-ND15 | 2015-16 | $20.00 | black on gray, red serial number resident on license | 25.00 | 5.00 10.00 | 2.00 7.00 |
66. | F-ND16 | 2015-16 | $20.00 | black on light orange, red serial number, non-resident on license | 27.00 | 7.00 12.00 | 3.00 8.00 |
Resident Sportsmen’s Stamps
Possession of a sportsmen’s stamp, in lieu of a regular small stamp, allowed resident hunters to shoot waterfowl starting with the 1992-93 season. The stamps were printed in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were color rouletted in black between the stamps and between the stamps and the top tab. Two panes were stapled together between printed covers to form a booklet. The stamps have dry gum. There were two printings of the 1999-2000 issue. Stamps from the first printing (low serial numbers) were numbered with black ink as had all previous issues. Stamps from a second printing (high serial numbers) were numbered in red ink as were all subsequent issues. Starting with the 2006-07 seasons, the sportsmen’s license stamps were discontinued and superseded by combination license stamps. The face value and rights conveyed remained the same.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-ND14 | 1992-93 | $25.00 | black and purple on white on license | 3,250.00 | 250.00 275.00 | 95.00 125.00 |
2. | F-ND14 | 1993-94 | $25.00 | black and purple on white on license | 1,750.00 | 75.00 90.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
3. | F-ND14 | 1994-95 | $25.00 | black and purple on white on license | 450.00 | 50.00 65.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
4. | F-ND14 | 1995-96 | $25.00 | black and purple on white on license | 375.00 | 35.00 50.00 | 20.00 35.00 |
4a. | F-ND14 | 1995-96 | $25.00 | black and purple on white, missing serial number on license | – | ||
5. | F-ND14 | 1996-97 | $25.00 | black and purple on white on license | 300.00 | 35.00 50.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
5a. | F-ND14 | 1996-97 | $25.00 | black and purple on grayish-white (low serial numbers) on license | 800.00 | 25.00 40.00 | 15.00 30.00 |
5b. | F-ND14 | 1996-97 | $25.00 | black and purple on grayish-white, missing serial number on license | – | ||
6. | F-ND14 | 1997-98 | $27.00 | black and purple on white, clear roulette on license | 250.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
6a. | F-ND14 | 1997-98 | $27.00 | black and purple on white, black roulette (low serial numbers) on license | – | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
7. | F-ND14 | 1998-99 | $27.00 | black and purple on white on license | 110.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
7a. | F-ND14 | 1998-99 | $27.00 | black and purple on white, missing serial number on license | – | ||
8. | F-ND14 | 1999-2000 | $27.00 | black and purple on white, black (low) serial numbers on license | 125.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
8a. | F-ND14 | 1999-2000 | $27.00 | black and purple on white, red (high) serial numbers on license | – | 40.00 55.00 | 30.00 45.00 |
9. | F-ND14 | 2000-01 | $27.00 | black and purple on white on license | 90.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
10. | F-ND14 | 2001-02 | $27.00 | black and purple on white on license | 90.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
11. | F-ND14 | 2002-03 | $27.00 | black and purple on white on license | 95.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
12. | F-ND14 | 2003-04 | $27.00 | black and purple on white on license | 85.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
13. | F-ND14 | 2004-05 | $32.00 | black and purple on white on license | 95.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
14. | F-ND14 | 2005-06 | $32.00 | black and purple on white on license | 95.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
15. | F-ND15 | 2006-07 | $32.00 | black and purple on white on license | 95.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
16. | F-ND15 | 2007-08 | $32.00 | black and purple on white on license | 95.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
17. | F-ND15 | 2008-09 | $32.00 | black and purple on white on license | 95.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
18. | F-ND15 | 2009-10 | $32.00 | black and purple on white on license | 95.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
19. | F-ND15 | 2010-11 | $32.00 | black and purple on white on license | 95.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
20. | F-ND15 | 2011-12 | $32.00 | black and purple on white on license | 95.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
21. | F-ND15 | 2012-13 | $32.00 | black and purple on white on license | 85.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
22. | F-ND15 | 2013-14 | $32.00 | black and purple on white on license | 75.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 12.00 25.00 |
23. | F-ND15 | 2014-15 | $50.00 | black and purple on white on license | 80.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
24. | F-ND15 | 2015-16 | $50.00 | black and purple on white on license | 80.00 | 20.00 35.00 | 10.00 20.00 |
Fort Berthold Indian Reservation
Small Game Stamps
The Fort Berthold Indian Reservation is located in west central North Dakota. The Three Affiliated Tribes that live on the reservation began issuing license stamps sometime in the 1980’s. Small game stamps are required of tribal members and non-members prior to hunting for a variety of small game on the reservation, including waterfowl. The earliest recorded small game stamps are from 1990, however, other kinds of Fort Berthold license stamps have been recorded from as early as 1985. Therefore, it is believed that small game stamps have also been issued since that time, and possibly earlier. This section will be updated as additional information becomes available.
All Fort Berthold small game and waterfowl stamps have had an image of a leaping fish screened into the background. The same image was included on all Fort Berthold license stamps, with the exception of those required to hunt for big game. The small game and waterfowl stamps were printed in booklet panes of six (1×6) with tabs to the left of each stamp. The panes were plain rouletted (uncolored) between the stamps and between the stamps and the tabs. Both the stamp and the tab were imprinted with matching red serial numbers. The tab was retained by the license agent for record keeping purposes. Without the tab, the stamps measure approximately 46 mm x 32 mm. The width of the tab has varied throughout the years. The stamps all have dry gum. None of the small game stamps have had a fee printed on them. For most years, members were charged $6, while non-members were charged $20-30.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-ND16 | 1985 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||
2. | F-ND16 | 1986 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||
3. | F-ND16 | 1987 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||
4. | F-ND16 | 1988 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||
5. | F-ND16 | 1989 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||
6. | F-ND16 | 1990 | black on pink on license | 85.00 | 50.00 | 25.00 | |
7. | F-ND16 | 1991 | black on green on license | 80.00 | 40.00 | 20.00 | |
8. | F-ND16 | 1992-93 | black on pink on license | 80.00 | 50.00 | 25.00 | |
9. | F-ND16 | 1993-94 | black on blue on license | 150.00 | 125.00 | 75.00 | |
10. | F-ND16 | 1994-95 | black on pink on license | 70.00 | 35.00 | 20.00 | |
11. | F-ND16 | 1995-96 | black on pink on license | 100.00 | 55.00 75.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
12. | F-ND16 | 1996-97 | black on green on license | 55.00 | 25.00 45.00 | 15.00 40.00 |
13. | F-ND16 | 1997-98 | black on light green on license | 50.00 | 20.00 40.00 | 12.00 30.00 |
14. | F-ND16 | 1998-99 | black on green on license | 30.00 | 20.00 40.00 | 12.00 30.00 |
15. | F-ND16 | 1999-00 | black on green on license | 30.00 | 20.00 40.00 | 12.00 30.00 |
16. | F-ND16 | 2000-01 | black on orange on license | 25.00 | 20.00 40.00 | 12.00 30.00 |
17. | F-ND16 | 2001-02 | black on green on license | 25.00 | 20.00 40.00 | 12.00 30.00 |
18. | F-ND16 | 2002-03 | black on blue on license | 25.00 | 20.00 40.00 | 12.00 30.00 |
19. | F-ND16 | 2003-04 | black on pink on license | 25.00 | 20.00 40.00 | 12.00 30.00 |
20. | F-ND16 | 2004-05 | black on blue on license | 25.00 | 20.00 40.00 | 12.00 30.00 |
21. | F-ND16 | 2005-06 | black on orange on license | 25.00 | 20.00 40.00 | 12.00 30.00 |
22. | F-ND16 | 2006-07 | black on orange on license | 30.00 | 20.00 40.00 | 12.00 30.00 |
23. | F-ND16 | 2007-08 | black on yellow on license | 30.00 | 20.00 40.00 | 12.00 30.00 |
Waterfowl Stamps
As with the small game stamps, it is believed that waterfowl stamps were first issued for the Fort Berthold Reservation in 1985 or before. Printing information is the same as for the small game stamps. Waterfowl stamps were only required of non-members. In addition, the reservation has not been a popular place to hunt for waterfowl with non-members. For these reasons, only a small number of waterfowl stamps are printed and issued each year.
On more than one occasion, the printer has seen fit to use the same color of paper for waterfowl stamps issued in consecutive years. When this has occurred, the stamps have been sequentially numbered starting with the number following the last one used the previous year (presumably to facilitate auditing). In other words. Fort Berthold Reservation waterfowl stamps for various years can be differentiated based on their serial number. Serial number ranges are included with the listings below. The stamps all have dull gum. None of the waterfowl stamps have had a fee printed on them. Non-members have been charged $20-30 for the stamps during the 1990s.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-ND17 | 1985 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||
2. | F-ND17 | 1986 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||
3. | F-ND17 | 1987 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||
4. | F-ND17 | 1988 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||
5. | F-ND17 | 1989 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||
6. | F-ND17 | 1990 | black on white coated paper on license | 1,750.00 | 1,200.00 | 450.00 | |
7. | F-ND17 | 1991 | black on blue on license | 500.00 | 350.00 | 200.00 | |
8. | F-ND17 | 1992 | black on yellow, serial numbers 1-60 on license | 2,950.00 | 1,500.00 | 550.00 | |
9. | F-ND17 | 1993 | black on yellow, serial numbers 61-120 on license | 400.00 | 275.00 | 125.00 | |
10. | F-ND17 | 1994 | black on green, serial numbers 1-60 on license | 375.00 | 250.00 | 100.00 | |
11. | F-ND17 | 1995 | black on green, serial numbers 61-120 on license | 200.00 | 125.00 150.00 | 50.00 75.00 |
12. | F-ND17 | 1996 | black on green, serial numbers 121-198 on license | 175.00 | 100.00 125.00 | 35.00 60.00 |
13. | F-ND17 | 1997 | black on light green, serial numbers 199-276 on license | 200.00 | 75.00 95.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
14. | F-ND17 | 1998 | black on light green, serial numbers 277-334 on license | 200.00 | 75.00 95.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
15. | F-ND17 | 1999 | black on light green, serial numbers 335-432 on license | 225.00 | 75.00 95.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
16. | F-ND17 | 2000 | black on light green, serial numbers 433-588 on license | 175.00 | 75.00 95.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
17. | F-ND17 | 2001 | black on yellow, serial numbers 589-744 on license | 225.00 | 75.00 95.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
18. | F-ND17 | 2002 | black on light red, serial numbers 744-900 on license | 250.00 | 75.00 95.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
19. | F-ND17 | 2003 | black on orange, serial numbers 901-1056 on license | 250.00 | 75.00 95.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
20. | F-ND17 | 2004 | black on light pink, serial numbers 1057-1212 on license | 250.00 | 75.00 95.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
21. | F-ND17 | 2005 | black on yellow, serial numbers 1213-1368 on license | 250.00 | 75.00 95.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
22. | F-ND17 | 2006 | black on blue, serial numbers 1369-1524 on license | 200.00 | 75.00 95.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
23. | F-ND17 | 2007 | black on pink, serial numbers 1525-1680 on license | 200.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
Standing Rock Indian Reservation
Waterfowl stamps
The Standing Rock Reservation occupies portions of southwest North Dakota and northwest South Dakota. To the south, the reservation shares a common border with the Cheyenne River Reservation. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (SRST) first issued stamps in 1992. All Standing Rock stamps are imperforate self adhesives on a protective backing material. In 1994, “SRST” was printed down the left side of the stamps. Some 1994 stamps have been recorded with SRST printed 5 mm lower than normal.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-ND18 | 1992 | black on white on license | 16.00 | 8.00 20.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
2. | F-ND18 | 1993 | black on white on license | 10.00 | 6.00 15.00 | 4.00 20.00 |
3. | F-ND19 | 1994 | black on white on license | 8.00 | 5.00 15.00 | 3.00 20.00 |
3a. | low "SRST" on license | 65.00 | 35.00 50.00 | 20.00 35.00 |
4. | F-ND19 | 1995 | black on white on license | 15.00 | 7.00 15.00 | 5.00 20.00 |
5. | F-ND19 | 1996 | black on white on license | 13.00 | 6.00 15.00 | 4.00 20.00 |
6. | F-ND19 | 1997 | black on white on license | 9.00 | 7.00 15.00 | 4.00 20.00 |
7. | F-ND19 | 1998 | black on white on license | 15.00 | 7.00 15.00 | 5.00 20.00 |
8. | F-ND20 | 1999 | black on white, red serial numbers on license | 10.00 | 7.00 15.00 | 5.00 20.00 |
9. | F-ND20 | 2000 | black on white, red serial numbers on license | 9.00 | 7.00 15.00 | 6.00 20.00 |
10. | F-ND20 | 2001 | black on white, red serial numbers on license | 9.00 | 7.00 15.00 | 6.00 20.00 |
11. | F-ND20 | 2002 | black on white, red serial numbers on license | 12.00 | 7.00 15.00 | 9.00 25.00 |
12. | F-ND20 | 2003 | black on white, red serial numbers on license | 9.00 | 7.00 15.00 | 6.00 20.00 |
13. | F-ND20 | 2004 | black on white, red serial numbers on license | 9.00 | 7.00 15.00 | 6.00 20.00 |
Pymatuning Lake Waterfowl Stamps
Pymatuning Lake is a large reservoir located along the Ohio-Pennsylvania border. Pennsylvania maintains control of the lake and entered into an agreement with Ohio in 1937 which allowed sportsmen licensed in Ohio to hunt waterfowl on the lake. It was specified that hunters were to pay a $2 fee for the privilege. As State of Ohio resident hunting licenses cost $1, stamps were issued starting in 1937 and were required of Ohio sportsmen to make up the fee difference.
With the 1937 Pymatuning hunting stamp, Ohio became the first state government to issue a stamp required to hunt waterfowl. The series was discontinued after the 1945 season when the agreement was repealed and the lake opened to sportsmen licensed in either state without an extra charge. All stamps were perforated. The sheet format is unknown.
Unlike all of the other Pymatuning stamps that have been recorded (for hunting or fishing), the 1937 stamp has no date printed on it. In addition, the 1937 stamp is the only Pymatuning hunting stamp to have a vendor’s fee printed on it.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-OH1 | 1937 | $1.00 | black on white, undated on license | – | ||
2. | F-OH2 | 1938 | $1.00 | black on yellow on license | – | ||
3. | F-OH2 | 1939 | $1.00 | black on gray on license | – – |
4. | F-OH3 | 1940 | $1.00 | black on blue on lciense | – – |
5. | F-OH3 | 1941 | $1.00 | black on pink on license | – – |
6. | F-OH3 | 1942 | $1.00 | black on green on license | – – |
7. | F-OH3 | 1943 | $1.00 | black on white on license | – | – | |
8. | F-OH3 | 1944 | $1.00 | black on manila on license | – | ||
8a. | black on yellow on license | – – |
9. | F-OH3 | 1945 | $1.00 | black on buff on license | – |
Provisional Waterfowl
Provisional waterfowl stamps were issued to Oregon’s hunters at the beginning of the 1989-90 season. The stamps were printed when the state’s shipment of regular pictorial stamps was delayed. The stamps were self-adhesive. Along with a record tab, they were die cut and mounted one across on a continuous protective backing similar to Avery® computer labels. There were two printings. Provisional stamp numbers 1-15,000 have black serial numbers. Stamps numbered 15,001 and above have red serial numbers. The stamps did not have the $5 fee printed on them.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-OR1 | 1989 | ($5.00) | black, red and yellow - black serial number on license | 30.00 | 15.00 25.00 | 12.00 30.00 |
1a. | red serial number on license | 15.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 6.00 35.00 |
South Dakota
Resident Waterfowl Stamps
Waterfowl stamps were required of all South Dakota resident hunters in 1949 and 1950. Their purpose was to generate revenue to purchase and develop additional waterfowl habitat in South Dakota at a critical time in the history of waterfowl conservation and restoration in the U.S. The amount of suitable habitat is directly related to waterfowl production in South Dakota. After WWII ended, the return of American servicemen led to an increase in hunting across the country. For some regions, the increase in hunting pressure caused waterfowl populations to decrease dramatically. During this time. South Dakota produced approximately 2,000,000 ducks annually while South Dakota hunters hunters killed approximately 550,000. This large net production of ducks fed into the Central and Mississippi flyways, helping to stabilize waterfowl populations and earning South Dakota the nickname “The Duck Factory”. After 1950, the crisis ended and the stamps were discontinued.
The waterfowl stamps were printed by the Columbian Bank Note Company on safety paper and issued in sheets of 50 (5×10). Normally the safety paper reads vertically. The sheets were perforated 12 1/2 between the stamps and straight edged on all four sides. Stamps from both years had shiny gum. If the stamps are soaked for too long when removing them from a license, the safety paper fades or disappears. Values for unsigned and signed stamps are for examples where the safety paper remains clearly legible. Washed-out copies sell for considerably less.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD1 | 1949 | $1.00 | black on green safety paper on license | 1,550.00 | 175.00 200.00 | 85.00 110.00 |
1a. | F-SD2 | on horizontal safety paper on license | 2,250.00 | 450.00 475.00 | 150.00 175.00 |
2. | F-SD1 | 1950 | $1.00 | black on light brown safety paper on license | 1,200.00 | 125.00 150.00 | 65.00 85.00 |
2a. | F-SD2 | on horizontal safety paper on license | 2,950.00 | 650.00 675.00 | 175.00 225.00 |
2p. | proof, imperforate and lacking serial number | – |
Resident Game Bird Stamp
In 1959, South Dakota required all resident sportsmen who intended to hunt for various species of birds and small game, including waterfowl, to purchase a game bird stamp and affix it to their license. The stamps were printed on safety paper by the Eureka Specialty Printing Company, and cut into sheets of ten (2×5). The sheets were perforated 12 1/2 between the stamps and straight edged on all four sides. The stamps were serial numbered in black and had shiny gum. After 1959, the resident game bird stamp was discontinued and superseded by the resident small game.
As with virtually all stamps printed on safety paper, if they are soaked in water for too long the paper is altered. Normally the safety paper appears to be an olive-yellow color with olive-tan lettering. The paper on washed-out unsigned and signed copies appears white with gray lettering, and such copies usually sell at a discount.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD3 | 1959 | $2.00 | black on yellow-brown safety paper on license | 75.00 | 20.00 15.00 | 5.00 8.00 |
Resident Small Game Stamps
Resident small game stamps were required of all resident sportsmen intending to hunt for various species of birds and small game, including waterfowl, starting in 1960. Note there was a separate stamp printed for non-resident hunters each year that was not required to hunt for waterfowl. Although this is sometimes confused by collectors and dealers, the fact is that non-residents were not allowed to hunt waterfowl in South Dakota from 1947 through 1969. When non-residents were finally allowed to hunt waterfowl, they were not required to purchase a small game stamp.
In 1960 and 1961, the resident small game stamps were cut into sheets of ten (2×5). The sheets were plain rouletted 5 1/2 horizontally and color rouletted (red) 6 1/2 vertically between the stamps and straight edged on all four sides. The stamps were serial numbered in red and featured dry gum. The sheets of 1960 stamps included two constant printing varieties; stamps from positions one, two and four have curved year date tablets, while stamps from positions three and five have the right tablet only curved.
From 1962 through 1998, all resident small game stamps were printed in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. Two panes were stapled together between printed card stock covers to form a booklet. Panes from 1962, 1963 and 1964, as well as from 1990 through 1998, were rouletted between the stamps and between the stamps and the tabs. Panes from 1965 through 1989 were perforated between the stamps and between the stamps and the tabs. One pane only of 1993 stamps has been recorded perforated 11 3/4. Stamps from 1962 through 1978, with the exception of 1977, had serial numbers printed in red. Stamps from 1977, as well as 1979 through 1998, had serial numbers printed in black. All booklet-type stamps (1962-1998) featured dry gum.
Stamps from many different years have been recorded with different sizes or styles of serial numbers. Stamps from 1968 through 1978 are most commonly found with serial numbers 4.5 mm tall. For some years, more than one size of serial number has been recorded on the same pane — indicating a typesetting error. For other years, it is believed that different serial numbers were a product of different printings, and that all of the stamps from a specific printing had serial numbers which were identical in size and style. Further analysis may allow for more detailed serial number information in future editions of this catalog.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD4 | 1960 | $2.00 | black on pink on license | 15.00 | 5.00 6.00 | 2.00 3.00 |
1a. | right year date tablet is curved (20%) on license | 25.00 | 12.00 14.00 | 5.00 7.00 |
1b. | both year date tablets are curved (30%) on license | 20.00 | 10.00 12.00 | 4.00 6.00 |
2. | F-SD4 | 1961 | $2.00 | black on blue on license | 35.00 | 6.00 7.00 | 3.00 4.00 |
2p. | proof on white paper, imperforate and lacking serial number | 175.00 | |||||
3. | F-SD4 | 1962 | $2.00 | black on dark yellow on license | 45.00 | 6.00 7.00 | 3.00 4.00 |
4. | F-SD4 | 1963 | $2.00 | black on light yellow on license | 35.00 | 6.00 7.00 | 3.00 4.00 |
4a. | circular break in frameline above right year date on license | 15.00 17.00 | 5.00 7.00 |
5. | F-SD4 | 1964 | $2.00 | black on green on license | 35.00 | 6.00 7.00 | 3.00 4.00 |
6. | F-SD4 | 1965 | $2.00 | black on white on license | 35.00 | 6.00 7.00 | 3.00 4.00 |
7. | F-SD4 | 1966 | $2.00 | black on dark yellow on license | 6.00 7.00 | 3.00 4.00 |
7a. | circular break in frameline above right year date on license | 12.00 14.00 | 5.00 7.00 |
7b. | black on yellow on license | 15.00 | 5.00 6.00 | 2.00 3.00 |
7c. | as "b", circular break in frameline on license | 22.50 | 10.00 12.00 | 5.00 7.00 |
8. | F-SD4 | 1967 | $2.00 | black on light green on license | 35.00 | 6.00 7.00 | 2.00 3.00 |
8a. | serial number in serif type on license | 15.00 17.00 | 5.00 7.00 |
9. | F-SD4 | 1968 | $2.00 | black on light yellow on license | 15.00 | 5.00 6.00 | 2.00 3.00 |
9a. | serial number 4.00 mm tall on license | 15.00 17.00 | 5.00 7.00 |
10. | F-SD4 | 1969 | $3.00 | black on blue on license | 35.00 | 6.00 7.00 | 2.00 3.00 |
10a. | serial number 4.00 mm tall on license | 45.00 | 10.00 12.00 | 5.00 7.00 |
11. | F-SD4 | 1970 | $3.00 | black on light yellow on license | 15.00 | 5.00 6.00 | 2.00 3.00 |
11a. | serial number 4.00 mm tall on license | 10.00 12.00 | 5.00 7.00 |
12. | F-SD4 | 1971 | $3.00 | black on green on license | 15.00 17.00 | 3.00 4.00 |
12a. | serial number 4.00 mm tall on license | 25.00 28.00 | 6.00 8.00 |
13. | F-SD4 | 1972 | $3.00 | black on light yellow on license | 15.00 | 5.00 6.00 | 2.00 3.00 |
13a. | serial number 4.00 mm tall on license | 10.00 12.00 | 5.00 7.00 |
13p. | proof, imperforate and lacking serial number | – | |||||
14. | F-SD4 | 1973 | $3.00 | black on light yellow on license | 12.00 | 4.00 5.00 | 2.00 3.00 |
15. | F-SD4 | 1974 | $3.00 | black on white on license | 15.00 | 5.00 6.00 | 2.00 3.00 |
15a. | serial number 4.00 mm tall | 6.00 10.00 | 3.00 5.00 |
16. | F-SD4 | 1975 | $3.00 | black on pink on license | 10.00 | 4.00 5.00 | 2.00 3.00 |
16a. | serial number 4.00 mm tall on license | 10.00 12.00 | 5.00 7.00 |
17. | F-SD4 | 1976 | $3.00 | black on gray on license | 8.00 | 3.00 4.00 | 1.00 2.00 |
17a. | serial number 4.00 mm tall on license | 15.00 | 6.00 7.00 | 4.00 5.00 |
17p. | proof, imperforate and lacking serial number | – | |||||
18. | F-SD4 | 1977 | $3.00 | black on red on license | 6.00 | 3.00 4.00 | 1.00 2.00 |
18a. | pair, double row of perforation between | 150.00 | |||||
19. | F-SD4 | 1978 | $3.00 | black on white on license | 8.00 | 3.00 4.00 | 1.00 2.00 |
19a. | serial number 4.00 mm tall on license | 15.00 | 6.00 8.00 | 4.00 6.00 |
20. | F-SD4 | 1979 | $3.00 | black on red on license | 8.00 | 3.00 4.00 | 1.00 2.00 |
21. | F-SD5 | 1980 | $6.00 | black on white on license | 10.00 | 3.00 4.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
22. | F-SD5 | 1981 | $6.00 | black on light yellow on license | 12.00 | 4.00 5.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
22a. | pair, double row of perforations between | – | |||||
23. | F-SD5 | 1982 | $6.00 | black on blue on license | 6.00 | 2.00 2.50 | .50 1.00 |
23a. | black on light blue on license | 6.00 | 2.00 2.50 | .50 1.00 |
24. | F-SD5 | 1983 | $6.00 | black on green on license | 13.00 | 3.00 4.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
25. | F-SD5 | 1984 | $6.00 | black on light blue on license | 30.00 | 5.00 6.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
26. | F-SD5 | 1985 | $6.00 | black on light blue on license | 12.00 | 4.00 5.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
27. | F-SD5 | 1986 | $6.00 | black on light blue-green on license | 10.00 12.00 | 2.00 2.50 |
28. | F-SD5 | 1987 | $6.00 | black on white on license | 10.00 12.00 | 2.00 2.50 |
29. | F-SD5 | 1988 | $6.00 | black on light green on license | 5.00 | 2.00 2.50 | .50 1.00 |
29a. | pair, imperforate between | – | |||||
30. | F-SD5 | 1989 | $6.00 | black on white on license | 3.00 4.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
31. | F-SD5 | 1990 | $6.00 | black on light green on license | 8.00 | 3.00 3.50 | .50 1.00 |
32. | F-SD5 | 1991 | $6.00 | black on light blue-green | 5.00 | 2.00 2.50 | .50 1.00 |
33. | F-SD5 | 1992 | $6.00 | black on light green on license | 3.00 4.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
34. | F-SD5 | 1993 | $6.00 | black on light pink, serial number is 3 mm tall - rouletted 7 on license | 5.00 | 2.00 2.50 | .50 1.00 |
34a. | black on pink, serial number is 5 mm tall - rouletted 5 on license | 15.00 | 5.00 7.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
34b. | black on pink, serial number is 5 mm tall - perforated 11 3/4 | – | |||||
35. | F-SD5 | 1994 | $6.00 | black on light blue on license | 5.00 | 2.00 2.50 | .50 1.00 |
36. | F-SD5 | 1995 | $6.00 | black on yellow on license | 3.00 4.00 | 1.00 1.50 |
37. | F-SD5 | 1996 | $6.00 | black on pink on license | 5.00 | 2.00 2.50 | .50 1.00 |
38. | F-SD5 | 1997 | $6.00 | black on light blue on license | 2.00 2.50 | .50 1.00 |
39. | F-SD5 | 1998 | $6.00 | black on pink on license | 8.00 | 2.00 2.50 | .50 1.00 |
Pheasant Restoration Stamps
First issued in 1977, pheasant restoration stamps were required to hunt all small game and migratory waterfowl. The stamps were issued in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were perforated 12 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab with the exception of the 1980 stamp, which was rouletted 7. Through 1987, four panes were stapled between covers to form a booklet. For 1988, five panes were included in a booklet. After 1988, the series was superseded by wildlife habitat stamps. The stamps all have dry gum.
A high percentage of unsigned and used pheasant restoration stamps are faulty (creased, etc.). The values for unsigned and signed stamps below are for sound copies. Faulty copies sell for considerably less.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD6 | 1977 | $5.00 | pheasants on license | 13.00 | 5.00 5.50 | 2.50 3.00 |
1a. | serial number rubber stamped in blue ink on license | – | |||||
2. | F-SD6 | 1978 | $5.00 | pheasants on license | 13.00 | 5.00 5.50 | 1.50 2.00 |
3. | F-SD6 | 1979 | $5.00 | pheasants on license | 13.00 | 5.00 5.50 | 1.50 2.00 |
4. | F-SD6 | 1980 | $5.00 | pheasants on license | 13.00 | 5.00 5.50 | 2.00 2.50 |
4a. | missing serial number | 65.00 | |||||
5. | F-SD6 | 1981 | $5.00 | pheasants on license | 13.00 | 5.00 5.50 | 2.00 2.50 |
6. | F-SD6 | 1982 | $5.00 | pheasants on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 1.50 2.00 |
6a. | pair, imperforate between | 450.00 | |||||
7. | F-SD6 | 1983 | $5.00 | pheasant on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 1.00 1.50 |
8. | F-SD6 | 1984 | $5.00 | pheasant on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 2.00 2.50 |
9. | F-SD6 | 1985 | $5.00 | pheasants on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 2.00 2.50 |
10. | F-SD6 | 1986 | $5.00 | pheasants on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 2.00 2.50 |
11. | F-SD6 | 1987 | $5.00 | pheasants on license | 15.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 2.00 2.50 |
12. | F-SD6 | 1988 | $5.00 | pheasants on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 2.00 2.50 |
Wildlife Habitat Stamps
Wildlife habitat stamps superseded the pheasant restoration stamps starting in 1989. They were required to hunt all small game and migratory waterfowl. They were issued in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. From 1989 through 1993 the panes were perforated 12 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. From 1994 through 1998, the stamps were plain rouletted between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. Four panes were stapled between covers to form a booklet.
As with the pheasant restoration stamps, unsigned and used values are for sound copies. Faulty copies sell for considerably less.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD7 | 1989 | $8.00 | pheasants on license | 13.00 | 5.00 5.50 | 2.00 2.50 |
2. | F-SD7 | 1990 | $8.00 | white-tailed deer on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 2.00 2.50 |
3. | F-SD7 | 1991 | $8.00 | greater prairie chicken on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 2.00 2.50 |
4. | F-SD7 | 1992 | $8.00 | mule deer on lciense | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 2.50 3.00 |
5. | F-SD7 | 1993 | $8.00 | sharp-tailed grouse on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 2.00 2.50 |
5a. | pair, imperforate between | 450.00 | |||||
6. | F-SD7 | 1994 | $8.00 | turkey on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 2.00 2.50 |
7. | F-SD7 | 1995 | $8.00 | elk on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 2.00 2.50 |
8. | F-SD7 | 1996 | $8.00 | pheasants on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 1.00 1.50 |
9. | F-SD7 | 1997 | $8.00 | antelope on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 1.00 1.50 |
10. | F-SD7 | 1998 | $8.00 | buffalo on license | 13.00 | 4.00 4.50 | 1.00 1.50 |
Non-resident Waterfowl Stamps
Non-resident waterfowl stamps were required of all non-resident waterfowl hunters starting in 1970. A portion of the stamps were rubber stamped with a number or unit designation to control the number of persons allowed to hunt within a particular area or county each season. It is not presently known if unoverprinted stamps were regularly issued every year. Ed Nielson, former License Section Supervisor for South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, recalls that the unoverprinted stamps were regularly issued for hunting in other areas of the state aside from the controlled areas or units. A very small sampling of used South Dakota non-resident waterfowl stamps has been recorded. Nearly all have been rubber stamped. Those that were not rubber stamped had the area or unit designation applied with a ballpoint pen. In addition, all used copies have had the month(s) and days of validity hole-punched.
The stamps were issued in panes of five (2×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were perforated 11 3/4 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab, with the exception of the 1980 issue which was plain rouletted 7. In 1986, panes were stapled between covers to form a booklet.
Serial numbers were printed in red ink through 1978, with the exception of 1977 which was in black. One pane of 1970 stamps temporarily adhered to the previous pane during the serial number process, resulting in five stamps with the serial number missing. Serial numbers were printed in black after 1979. Nominally, all stamps were printed with serial numbers 4.5 mm tall. In 1976, a typesetting error resulted in all stamps from position four being printed with serial numbers 4.0 mm tall.
During the 1982 season, the fee was raised from $30 to $50. This necessitated the printing of a second stamp for the end of that year. The series was discontinued following the 1986 season, when non-resident hunters were no longer required to affix a special stamp to their license.
Estimated values for unsigned stamps are for any unused stamps (free from hole punches) that may have had their gum removed. Used examples of unoverprinted stamps would be valued slightly less than unsigned.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD8 | 1970 | $30.00 | black on pink | 20.00 | 13.00 | |
1a. | missing serial number | 8,000.00 | |||||
2. | F-SD8 | 1971 | $30.00 | black on pink | 10.00 | 6.00 | |
2a. | overprinted "3" on license | 450.00 550.00 |
3. | F-SD8 | 1972 | $30.00 | black on white | 4.00 | 3.00 | |
3a. | overprinted "4" on license | – – |
4. | F-SD8 | 1973 | $30.00 | black on blue | 8.00 | 5.00 | |
4a. | overprinted "2" on license | – | 650.00 | 450.00 550.00 |
4b. | overprinted "4" on license | 450.00 550.00 |
5. | F-SD8 | 1974 | $30.00 | black on green | 5.00 | 4.00 | |
5a. | overprinted "1" on license | 25.00 | 20.00 | 15.00 35.00 |
5b. | overprinted "2" on license | 30.00 | 25.00 | 20.00 40.00 |
5c. | overprinted "4" on license | 30.00 | 25.00 | 20.00 40.00 |
5d. | pair, double row of perforations between | 175.00 | |||||
6. | F-SD8 | 1975 | $30.00 | black on yellow | 6.00 | 4.00 | |
6a. | overprinted "UNIT 1" on license | 45.00 | 30.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
6b. | overprinted "UNIT 3" on license | 125.00 150.00 |
6c. | overprinted "UNIT 4" on license | 35.00 | 25.00 | 20.00 40.00 |
7. | F-SD8 | 1976 | $30.00 | black on yellow | 5.00 | 4.00 | |
7a. | overprinted "1" on license | 18.00 | 12.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
7b. | overprinted "2" on license | 35.00 | 25.00 | 20.00 40.00 |
7c. | serial number 4.0 mm tall pair, "7" and "c" | 18.00 35.00 | 12.00 | ||||
7d. | as "c", overprinted "1" on license pair, "a" and "d" | 40.00 75.00 | 30.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
7e. | as "c", overprinted "2" on license pair, "b" and "e" | 95.00 175.00 | 75.00 | 50.00 70.00 |
8. | F-SD8 | 1977 | $30.00 | black on red | 7.00 | 5.00 | |
8a. | overprinted "1" on license "1" crossed out, overprinted "UNIT 2" on license | 20.00 | 15.00 | 12.00 32.00 – |
8b. | overprinted "2" on license | 30.00 | 25.00 | 20.00 40.00 |
8c. | overprinted "3" on license | 35.00 | 30.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
8d. | overprinted "4" on license | 30.00 | 25.00 | 20.00 40.00 |
8e. | overprinted "5" on license | 200.00 | 85.00 | 60.00 70.00 |
8f. | missing "7" in left year date | 85.00 | 65.00 | ||||
8g. | pair, double row of perforation between | 200.00 | |||||
9. | F-SD8 | 1978 | $30.00 | black on yellow | 7.00 | 5.00 | |
9a. | overprinted "1" on license | 325.00 375.00 |
9b. | overprinted "1" with 3 strikes of "UNIT 2" on license | 175.00 | 85.00 | 60.00 80.00 |
10. | F-SD8 | 1979 | $30.00 | black on red | 3.00 | 2.00 | |
10a. | complete set-off impression on reverse | 125.00 | |||||
11 | F-SD8 | 1980 | $30.00 | black on light manila | 4.00 | 3.00 | |
11a. | overprinted "1" on license | 6.00 | 4.00 | 3.00 23.00 |
11b. | overprinted "2" on license | 10.00 | 8.00 | 6.00 26.00 |
12. | F-SD8 | 1981 | $30.00 | black on light yellow | 4.00 | 3.00 | |
12a. | overprinted "UNIT 1" on license | 6.00 | 4.00 | 3.00 23.00 |
12b. | overprinted "UNIT 2" on license | 10.00 | 8.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
12c. | top tab single with double row of perforations | 175.00 | |||||
13. | F-SD8 | 1982 | $30.00 | black on blue | 6.00 | 4.00 | |
14. | F-SD8 | 1982 | $50.00 | black on dark yellow | 7.00 | 5.00 | |
14a. | overprinted "UNIT 2" on license | – | |||||
15. | F-SD8 | 1983 | $50.00 | black on red | 8.00 | 6.00 | |
15a. | overprinted "AREA 1" on license | 50.00 | 30.00 | 20.00 40.00 |
15b. | overprinted "AREA 2" on license | 65.00 | 40.00 | 30.00 50.00 |
15c. | serial number rubber stamped (serif type) | 550.00 | 450.00 | ||||
15d. | single, double row of perforations at top | – | |||||
16. | F-SD8 | 1984 | $50.00 | black on light manila | 15.00 | 12.00 | |
16a. | overprinted "A" on license | 350.00 | 175.00 | 125.00 150.00 |
16b. | overprinted "B" on license | 125.00 | 75.00 | 50.00 70.00 |
17. | F-SD8 | 1985 | $50.00 | black on red on license | 3,950.00 | 950.00 1000.00 |
18. | F-SD8 | 1986 | $50.00 | black on white on license | 10.00 | 8.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
Canada Goose Stamps
Bennett County Canada Goose Stamps
Bennett County Canada goose stamps were required to hunt geese in Bennett County starting in 1974. The stamps were issued on a computerized drawing basis to a limited number of hunters each year. From 1974 through 1977 the stamps were issued free. Starting in 1978, successful applicants were charged a fee for the stamps. The 1978 stamps did not have the fee ($5) printed on them. The 1974 and 1975 stamps were imperforate, while the 1976 through 1978 stamps were issued in panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were perforated 11 3/4 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab.
Perforations on the majority of the 1978 stamps from positions one through four touch or cut the design. The values below are for such copies. Well centered examples, usually from position five (bottom), may sell for a substantial premium. Stamps from all years have dry gum. The series was superseded by the West River Unit Canada Goose stamp series in 1979.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD9 | 1974 | Free | black on white on license | 65.00 | 30.00 55.00 | 45.00 95.00 |
2. | F-SD9 | 1975 | Free | black on pink on license | 165.00 | 125.00 150.00 | 95.00 120.00 |
3. | F-SD10 | 1976 | Free | black on blue on license | 30.00 | 30.00 45.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
4. | F-SD10 | 1977 | Free | black on dark yellow on license | 25.00 | 30.00 45.00 | 25.00 50.00 |
5. | F-SD10 | 1978 | ($5.00) | black on green on license | 900.00 | 275.00 300.00 | 150.00 175.00 |
West River Unit Canada Goose Stamps
West River Unit Canada goose stamps were first issued in 1979. The majority were rubber stamped in blue or purple ink with the name of the county in which they were valid. It is not presently known whether unoverprinted stamps were regularly issued. Ed Nielson recalls that they were not. Also, the 1979 stamps rubber stamped “PERKINS COUNTY” may not have been regularly issued. At least one pane of 1980 stamps rubber stamped “JACKSON COUNTY” was printed without serial numbers in error.
The stamps were printed in panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were perforated 11 3/4 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. The stamps have dry gum. West River Goose stamps were superseded by Prairie Canada Geese Stamps in 1981.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
6. | F-SD11 | 1979 | $2.00 | black on light yellow | 550.00 | 350.00 | |
6a. | overprinted "BENNETT COUNTY" on license | 800.00 | 450.00 500.00 | 200.00 225.00 |
6b. | overprinted "HAAKON COUNTY" on license | 275.00 | 135.00 155.00 | 95.00 120.00 |
6c. | overprinted "JACKSON COUNTY" on license | 275.00 | 165.00 185.00 | 115.00 140.00 |
6d. | overprinted "PENNINGTON COUNTY" on license | 225.00 | 115.00 135.00 | 85.00 110.00 |
6e. | overprinted "PERKINS COUNTY" | 500.00 | 300.00 | ||||
7. | F-SD11 | 1980 | $2.00 | black on blue | 75.00 | 55.00 | |
7a. | overprinted "BENNETT COUNTY" on license | 225.00 | 150.00 175.00 | 75.00 100.00 |
7b. | overprinted "HAAKON COUNTY" on license | 100.00 | 70.00 90.00 | 50.00 75.00 |
7c. | overprinted "JACKSON COUNTY" on license | 110.00 | 80.00 100.00 | 55.00 80.00 |
7d. | as "c", missing serial number | 6,500.00 | 3,500.00 | ||||
7e. | overprinted "PENNINGTON COUNTY" on license | 90.00 | 65.00 85.00 | 45,00 70.00 |
7f. | overprinted "PERKINS COUNTY" on license | 110.00 | 85.00 105.00 | 55.00 80.00 |
Prairie Canada Goose Stamps
Prairie Canada goose stamps were first issued in 1981. Some 1981 and 1982 stamps were rubber stamped with the name of the county in which they were valid. Starting in 1983, some stamps were rubber stamped with unit numbers which corresponded to particular counties. It is not presently known whether unoverprinted stamps were regularly issued. No unoverprinted stamps have been recorded from 1985 or 1986.
For 1981 through 1984, stamps were issued in panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top and have dry gum. The panes were perforated 11 3/4 between the stamps and and between the stamps and the tab. In 1982 many of the panes were cut wide, resulting in stamps with perforations on all four sides. In 1983, panes from a second printing were plain rouletted 9 1/2. Although the rouletted stamps have been recorded with numerous unit overprints in unused condition, it is not presently known how many of these stamps — if any — were regularly issued. To date, the editor is unaware of any rouletted stamps used on license and would appreciate photocopies of any such examples, should they exist.
In 1985, stamps were color rouletted 4 3/4 in black on two adjacent sides and are from an unknown format. In 1986 stamps were printed and issued attached to the end of a large tag which was intended to be secured to the goose. The stamps were plain rouletted 4 across the top (between the stamp and the tag) but were otherwise imperforate. No fee was printed on the 1986 stamps.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
8. | F-SD12 | 1981 | $2.00 | black on red | 5.00 | 4.00 | |
8a. | top tab single, imperforate between the tab and the stamp | 75.00 | |||||
8a. | overprinted "BENNETT COUNTY" on license | 70.00 | 55.00 75.00 | 35.00 60.00 |
8b. | overprinted "HAAKON COUNTY" on license | 45.00 | 35.00 50.00 | 20.00 40.00 |
8c. | overprinted "JACKSON COUNTY" on license | 45.00 | 35.00 50.00 | 20.00 40.00 |
8d. | overprinted "PENNINGTON COUNTY" on license | 45.00 | 35.00 50.00 | 20.00 40.00 |
8e. | overprinted "PERKINS COUNTY" on license | 45.00 | 35.00 50.00 | 20.00 40.00 |
9. | F-SD12 | 1982 | $2.00 | black on blue | 120.00 | 90.00 | |
9a. | overprinted "BENNETT COUNTY" on license | 1,250.00 | 225.00 250.00 | 150.00 180.00 |
9b. | overprinted "HAAKON COUNTY" on license | 950.00 | 150.00 175.00 | 100.00 130.00 |
9c. | overprinted "JACKSON COUNTY" on license | 950.00 | 150.00 175.00 | 100.00 130.00 |
9d. | overprinted "PENNINGTON COUNTY" on license | 950.00 | 150.00 175.00 | 100.00 130.00 |
9e. | overprinted "PERKINS COUNTY" on license | 950.00 | 150.00 175.00 | 100.00 130.00 |
10. | F-SD12 | 1983 | $2.00 | black on light yellow, perforated | 60.00 | 50.00 | |
10a. | overprinted "UNIT 2A" on license | 70.00 | 55.00 65.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
10b. | overprinted "UNIT 11" in 3mm type on license | 100.00 | 80.00 90.00 | 50.00 65.00 |
10c. | overprinted "UNIT 23" on license | 100.00 | 80.00 90.00 | 50.00 65.00 |
10d. | overprinted "UNIT 31" on license | 70.00 | 55.00 65.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
10e. | overprinted "UNIT 39" on license | 70.00 | 55.00 65.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
10f. | overprinted "UNIT 49" on license | 70.00 | 55.00 65.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
10g. | overprinted "UNIT 53" on license | 70.00 | 55.00 65.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
11. | F-SD12 | 1983 | $2.00 | black on light yellow, rouletted | 12.00 | 9.00 | |
11a. | overprinted "UNIT 2A" on license | 65.00 | |||||
11b. | overprinted "UNIT 6" on license | 45.00 | |||||
11c. | overprinted "UNIT 11" in 3 mm type on license | 60.00 | |||||
11d. | overprinted "UNIT 11" in 4.5 mm type on license | 45.00 | |||||
11e. | overprinted "UNIT 23" on license | 45.00 | |||||
11f. | overprinted "UNIT 31" on license | 65.00 | |||||
11g. | overprinted "UNIT 32" on license | 45.00 | |||||
11h. | overprinted "UNIT 39" on license | 65.00 | |||||
11i. | overprinted "UNIT 42" on license | 45.00 | |||||
11j. | overprinted "UNIT 49" on license | 65.00 | |||||
11k. | overprinted "UNIT 53" in 3 mm type on license | 45.00 | |||||
11l. | overprinted "UNIT 53" in 4.5 mm type on license | 50.00 | |||||
12. | F-SD12 | 1984 | $2.00 | black on green | 45.00 | 30.00 | |
12a. | overprinted "UNIT 6" on license | 75.00 | 55.00 65.00 | 30.00 45.00 |
12b. | overprinted "UNIT 11" in 3 mm type on license | 85.00 | 60.00 70.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
12c. | overprinted "UNIT 11" in 4.5 mm type on license | 75.00 | 55.00 65.00 | 30.00 45.00 |
12d. | overprinted "UNIT 23" in 3 mm type on license | 85.00 | 60.00 70.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
12e. | overprinted "UNIT 23" in 4.5 mm type on license | 75.00 | 55.00 65.00 | 30.00 45.00 |
12f. | overprinted "UNIT 32" on license | 85.00 | 60.00 70.00 | 30.00 45.00 |
12g. | overprinted "UNIT 42" on license | 75.00 | 55.00 65.00 | 30.00 45.00 |
12h. | overprinted "UNIT 47" in 3 mm type on license | 85.00 | 60.00 70.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
12i. | overprinted "UNIT 47" in 4.5 mm type on license | 95.00 105.00 | 65.00 80.00 |
12j. | overprinted "UNIT 53" in 3 mm type on license | 75.00 | 55.00 65.00 | 30.00 45.00 |
12k. | overprinted "UNIT 53" in 4.5 mm type on license | 95.00 105.00 | 65.00 80.00 |
13. | F-SD13 | 1985 | $2.00 | black on red | |||
13a. | overprinted "UNIT 11" on license | 125.00 145.00 | 100.00 120.00 |
13b. | overprinted "UNIT 23" on license | 95.00 115.00 | 80.00 100.00 |
13c. | overprinted "UNIT 32" on license | 125.00 145.00 | 100.00 120.00 |
13d. | overprinted "UNIT 42" on license | 105.00 120.00 | 90.00 100.00 |
13e. | overprinted "UNIT 47" on license | 85.00 105.00 | 70.00 90.00 |
13f. | overprinted "UNIT 53" on license | 85.00 105.00 | 70.00 90.00 |
14. | F-SD13 | 1986 | black on white | ||||
14a. | overprinted "UNIT 11" on license | 150.00 175.00 | 125.00 150.00 |
14b. | overprinted "UNIT 23" on license | 200.00 225.00 | 175.00 200.00 |
14c. | overprinted "UNIT 47" on license | 150.00 175.00 | 125.00 150.00 |
14d. | overprinted "UNIT 53" on license | 150.00 175.00 | 125.00 150.00 |
Whistling Swan Stamp
One hundred and five stamps were printed for a special whistling swan season to have been held in 1984 (Stamp numbers 101-105 were not ordered and may have been printer’s proofs). The season was subsequently canceled and none of the stamps were regularly issued. The stamps were printed in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were perforated 11 3/4 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. One pane was printed missing the serial numbers. Either the printer or a license agent detected this error and the serial numbers were then rubber stamped onto the pane. The stamps had dry gum.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD14 | 1984 | $2.00 | black on light orange | 300.00 | ||
1a. | serial number rubber stamped (serif type) | – |
Cheyenne River Indian Reservation
Birds and Small Game Stamps
The Cheyenne River Reservation is located in northwest South Dakota. It is bordered by the Standing Rock Reservation to the north and the Missouri River to the east. The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (CRST) always had separate stamps printed for (tribal) members and non-members. The tribe’s stamps were always printed without year dates or face values as they were intended to be used year after year until supplies were exhausted. All stamps were printed with a line to fill in the hunter’s tribal license number.
The earliest recorded usage for a CRST stamp is from 1984. It is possible that the first year of issue is prior to 1984. The same type of birds and small game stamps which have been recorded used in 1984 have been recorded used as late as 1991. These early stamps were non-pictorial and were issued in booklet panes of six (3×2) with a tab at the left. The panes were plain rouletted 9 3/4 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tabs. They have dry gum.
By 1989, new semi-pictorial birds and small game stamps had been printed and were being used concurrently with the non-pictorial stamps. The first printing of the semi-pictorial stamps was on self- adhesive chrome-coated (gloss) paper with a peelable backing material that was cut flush with the stamps. The semi-pictorial stamps were issued in booklet panes of five (5×1) with a tab at the left. The panes were perforated 11 3/4 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tabs. Six panes were stapled between covers to form a booklet. Tribal license agents found it inconvenient to work with stamps from the first printing for two reasons. First, they found it difficult to remove the flush backing paper from perforated stamps. Second, after the license number was written on the coated paper with a ball-point pen it often smeared and became illegible. Subsequent printings were on matte paper with dry gum.
Not only do licenses frequently turn up bearing stamps from both printings (on coated and matte papers), but also with mixed member and non-member stamps affixed as well. The explanation for this occurrence is simple: If the tribal license agent temporarily ran out of stamps that were printed for one classification of hunters, they often substituted those printed for the other classification in their place. Sometimes the face of the substituted stamps was altered to indicate the change — crossing out the “non” in “non-member” for example. It is believed that adhesive stamps were no longer used on the reservation after 1994. Rubber stamps were used in their place.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD15 | 1984-91 | black on buff, member on license | 6,500.00 | 900.00 | 350.00 400.00 |
1a. | black on light yellow on license | – – |
2. | F-SD16 | 1984-91 | black on yellow, non-member on license | 2,500.00 | 350.00 | 150.00 200.00 |
3. | F-SD17 | 1989-93 | black on coated yellow, member on license | 25.00 | 15.00 | 10.00 35.00 |
4. | F-SD18 | 1989-93 | black on coated yellow, non-member on license | 45.00 | 25.00 | 15.00 30.00 |
5. | F-SD17 | 1989-94 | black on matte light yellow, member on license | 13.00 | 9.00 | 5.00 30.00 |
6. | F-SD18 | 1989-94 | black on matte light yellow, non-member on license | 27.50 | 15.00 | 10.00 25.00 |
7. | F-SD18 | 1997 | black on matte light yellow, non-member, rouletted on license | 150.00 | 80.00 300.00 | 45.00 250.00 |
Waterfowl Stamps
In December of 1992, the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe had separate waterfowl stamps printed for tribal members and non-members. It is believed that the waterfowl stamps were not issued to hunters until the 1993 season. They may have been used during the 1994 season as well. The stamps were printed on matte paper and issued in booklet panes of five (5×1) with a tab at the left. The panes were perforated 11 3/4 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. Six panes were stapled between plain covers to form a booklet. The stamps had dry gum.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD19 | 1993-94 | black on light yellow, member on license | 15.00 | 10.00 | 5.00 30.00 |
2. | F-SD20 | 1993-94 | black on light yellow, non-member on license | 27.50 | 15.00 | 10.00 25.00 |
Crow Creek Indian Reservation
Small Game Stamps
The Crow Creek Reservation is located adjacent the Missouri River in central South Dakota, between the cities of Chamberlain and Pierre. Non-Indian hunters were required to purchase small game stamps prior to hunting waterfowl on the reservation from 1961 through 1964. Remainders from 1962 were used in 1963 and 1964 by changing the date manually with a ballpoint pen. The stamps were imperforate and have shiny gum. For more information on all Crow Creek stamps see (insert link).
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD21 | 1961 | $2.00 | black on white (no examples have been recorded) | |||
2. | F-SD21 | 1962 | $5.00 | black on white on license | 22,000.00 | ||
3. | F-SD22 | 1963 | $5.00 | black on white on license | – | ||
4. | F-SD22 | 1964 | $5.00 | black on white (no example have been recorded) |
Sportsman Stamps
A sportsman stamp, in lieu of a Crow Creek waterfowl stamp, allowed hunters to shoot waterfowl on the reservation in 1989 and 1990. Stamps were printed for the same three classifications as were the waterfowl stamps (see the next section). In addition, a fourth kind of stamp was printed for tribal members. The stamps were printed in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were perforated 11 3/4 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. The stamps have dry gum.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD23 | 1989 | $10.00 | black on white, tribal member on license | 400.00 | 200.00 300.00 | 100.00 250.00 |
2. | F-SD23 | 1989 | $25.00 | black on white, reservation on license | 1,100.00 | 400.00 425.00 | 300.00 350.00 |
3. | F-SD23 | 1989 | $100.00 | black on white, SD resident on license | 350.00 | 150.00 200.00 | 75.00 175.00 |
4. | F-SD23 | 1989 | $250.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 350.00 | 250.00 300.00 | 150.00 250.00 |
5. | F-SD23 | 1990 | $10.00 | black on white, tribal member on license | 450.00 | 200.00 300.00 | 100.00 250.00 |
6. | F-SD23 | 1990 | $25.00 | black on white, reservation on license | 550.00 | 300.00 325.00 | 150.00 200.00 |
7. | F-SD23 | 1990 | $100.00 | black on white, SD resident on license | 225.00 | 175.00 | 125.00 |
8. | F-SD23 | 1990 | $250.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 350.00 | 250.00 275.00 | 150.00 200.00 |
Waterfowl Stamps
In 1989, the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe became the first tribal government to issue pictorial fish and game license stamps in the U.S. For 1989 and 1990, three separate waterfowl stamps were printed each year; one for reservation residents, one for South Dakota residents and one for non-resident hunters. The stamps were printed in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were perforated 11 3/4 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. Two hundred stamps were printed for each classification in 1989 and 250 of each were printed in 1990. Serial numbers were printed in red.
No $30 stamps were issued to hunters in 1990. The Tribal Council raised the fee charged South Dakota residents to $65, the same as non-residents, and the $65 stamps were used on licenses issued to both classifications of hunters that year. One pane of 1990 non-resident stamps has been recorded with the serial numbers missing.
No stamps were issued between 1990 and 1994. Five different semi-pictorial stamps were printed in 1994. Separate season stamps were printed for tribal members, affiliates and reservation residents, and South Dakota residents and non-residents. Daily stamps were also printed for the latter classification. An initial printing of the daily stamps had a face value of $25 printed on them when the fee was actually $30. Once discovered, the error stamps were immediately recalled and replaced with corrected versions — but not before many had already been sold to hunters.
The 1994 stamps were printed in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were plain rouletted 6 1/2 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. Five panes were stapled between covers to form a booklet. From 1995 through 1997, the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe had their stamps printed in multicolor. The stamps were printed in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were perforated 12 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. Five panes were stapled between covers to form a booklet. The same photograph was reproduced on the 1996 and 1997 stamps. All 1997 non-resident one-day stamps were printed with a face value of $75.00 — in error. The tribe sold the stamps to hunters for S35.00. All Crow Creek waterfowl stamps have dry gum.
Starting in 1995, the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe established a policy for stamp collectors whereby stamps with a face value of over $30.00 are sold at 50 percent following the waterfowl season. Following the 2000 seasons, the tribe rescinded their stamp collector policy. Collectors and dealers were no longer allowed to purchase stamps directly from the tribe. Insufficient information exists concerning Crow Creek stamp issues after 1999 to list them in this catalog. It is possible this section may be updated in the future.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD24 | 1989 | $10.00 | Canada geese, Reservation on license | 250.00 | 200.00 300.00 | 150.00 250.00 |
2. | F-SD24 | 1989 | $30.00 | Canada geese, SD Resident on license | 9,000.00 | 2,000.00 2,100.00 | 750.00 850.00 |
3. | F-SD24 | 1989 | $65.00 | Canada geese, Non-Resident on license | 950.00 | 500.00 600.00 | 350.00 450.00 |
4. | F-SD24 | 1990 | $10.00 | Canada geese, Reservation on license | 175.00 | 150.00 200.00 | 100.00 150.00 |
5. | F-SD24 | 1990 | $30.00 | Canada geese, SD Resident | 125.00 | ||
6. | F-SD24 | 1990 | $65.00 | Canada geese, Non-Resident on license | 550.00 | 400.00 450.00 | 300.00 350.00 |
6a. | missing serial number | – | |||||
7. | F-SD25 | 1994 | $5.00 | green on white, Tribal Member on license | 150.00 | 25.00 40.00 | 15.00 35.00 |
8. | F-SD25 | 1994 | $15.00 | blue on white, Affiliate / Resv on license | 225.00 | 35.00 50.00 | 25.00 45.00 |
9. | F-SD25 | 1994 | $30.00 | red on white, SD Resident / N-R Daily on license | 225.00 | 60.00 70.00 | 30.00 45.00 |
9a. | $25.00 face value, error on license | – | |||||
10. | F-SD25 | 1994 | $75.00 | red on white, SD Resident / N-R on license | 350.00 | 95.00 105.00 | 55.00 70.00 |
11. | F-SD26 | 1995 | $5.00 | Canada geese, Tribal Member on license | 100.00 | 20.00 30.00 | 10.00 25.00 |
12. | F-SD26 | 1995 | $15.00 | Canada geese, Affiliate on license | 125.00 | 25.00 35.00 | 15.00 30.00 |
13. | F-SD26 | 1995 | $30.00 | Canada geese, Non-Resident One Day on license | 150.00 | 50.00 60.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
14. | F-SD26 | 1995 | $75.00 | Canada geese, Non-Resident season on license | 175.00 | 75.00 85.00 | 40.00 55.00 |
15. | F-SD26 | 1996 | $5.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, Tribal Member on license | 30.00 | 15.00 25.00 | 10.00 25.00 |
16. | F-SD26 | 1996 | $15.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, Affiliate on license | 45.00 | 25.00 35.00 | 15.00 40.00 |
17. | F-SD26 | 1996 | $35.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, N. R. One Day on license | 75.00 | 40.00 50.00 | 20.00 35.00 |
18. | F-SD26 | 1996 | $100.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, N. R. Season on license | 125.00 | 65.00 75.00 | 35.00 50.00 |
19. | F-SD26 | 1997 | $5.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, Tribal Member on license | 12.00 | 8.00 18.00 | 5.00 20.00 |
20. | F-SD26 | 1997 | $15.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, Affiliate on license | 35.00 | 20.00 30.00 | 10.00 25.00 |
21. | F-SD26 | 1997 | $75.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, N. R. One Day on license | 85.00 | 30.00 40.00 | 20.00 35.00 |
22. | F-SD26 | 1997 | $75.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, N. R. Season on license | 195.00 | 50.00 60.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
23. | F-SD26 | 1998 | $5.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, Tribal Member on license | 12.00 | 8.00 18.00 | 5.00 20.00 |
24. | F-SD26 | 1998 | $15.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, Affiliate on license | 35.00 | 20.00 30.00 | 10.00 25.00 |
25. | F-SD26 | 1998 | $35.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, N. R. One Day on license | 85.00 | 30.00 40.00 | 20.00 35.00 |
26. | F-SD26 | 1998 | $75.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, N. R. Season on license | 190.00 | 50.00 60.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
27. | F-SD26 | 1999 | $5.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, Tribal Member on license | 12.00 | 8.00 18.00 | 5.00 20.00 |
28. | F-SD26 | 1999 | $15.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, Affiliate on license | 35.00 | 20.00 30.00 | 10.00 25.00 |
29. | F-SD26 | 1999 | $35.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, N. R. One Day on license | 85.00 | 30.00 40.00 | 20.00 35.00 |
30. | F-SD26 | 1999 | $75.00 | waterfowl on the reservation, N. R. Season on license | 190.00 | 50.00 60.00 | 25.00 40.00 |
Lake Traverse Indian Reservation
Waterfowl Stamps
The Lake Traverse Reservation is located primarily in northeast South Dakota (the northern tip of the reservation is located in southeast North Dakota). The Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe that lives on the reservation first issued fish and game stamps in 1985. However, the first waterfowl stamps may not have been issued until 1986. The 1986 stamps were non-pictorial, die cut with a dull gum. Although it is believed that the tribe issued waterfowl stamps between 1986 and 1991, no examples have been recorded. One 1987 license has been recorded with a 1986 stamp affixed and the year-date on the stamp crossed out.
Stamps for 1991 and 1993 were non-pictorial, self-adhesive die cut stamps with peelable backing. The 1991 and 1993 stamps were inscribed “WATERFOWL LICENSE.” In 1992 a stamp dealer contracted with the tribe to produce their waterfowl stamps. The stamps featured an illustration of a wood duck. They were printed with red serial numbers and issued in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were plain rouletted between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. The 1992 stamps have dry gum. From 1994 through 1997, the tribe had semi-pictorial stamps printed that were designed by local Native American artists. They were printed on large sheets of self-adhesive paper with a peelable backing and cut into singles with a paper cutter. The stamps were not serial numbered. In 2003 the Tribal Council voted to change the name of the tribe to Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate. Stamps issued in 2003 and 2004 are inscribed “SW Oyate” and those issued in 2009 “SWO”. The 2004 and 2009 waterfowl stamps lack an an illustration and are therefore non-pictorial. It is believed that the tribe did not issue waterfowl stamps from 2005-2008.

Figure SD28

Figure SD30
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value | |
1. | F-SD27 | 1986 | green on white on license | 225.00 | 100.00 125.00 | 75.00 100.00 | ||
2. | 1987 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||||
3. | 1988 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||||
4. | 1989 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||||
5. | 1990 | (no examples have been recorded) | ||||||
6. | F-SD27 | 1991 | black on bright green on license | 125.00 | 55.00 65.00 | 25.00 40.00 | ||
7. | F-SD29 | 1992 | wood duck on license | 15.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 6.00 21.00 | ||
8. | F-SD28 | 1993 | black on bright red on license | 25.00 | 12.00 22.00 | 7.00 22.00 | ||
9. | F-SD30 | 1994 | black on yellow orange on license | 8.00 | 6.00 16.00 | 4.00 19.00 | ||
10. | F-SD30 | 1995 | black on bright red on license | 12.00 | 7.00 17.00 | 5.00 20.00 | ||
11. | F-SD30 | 1996 | black on blue on license | 10.00 | 6.00 16.00 | 4.00 19.00 | ||
12. | F-SD30 | 1997 | black on bright green on license | 11.00 | 5.00 15.00 | 3.00 18.00 | ||
13. | F-SD30 | 1998 | black on red on license | 40.00 | 12.00 22.00 | 7.00 22.00 | ||
14. | F-SD30 | 1999 | black on orange on license | 10.00 | 6.00 16.00 | 4.00 19.00 | ||
15. | F-SD30 | 2000 | black on yellow green on license | 35.00 | 12.00 22.00 | 7.00 22.00 | ||
16. | F-SD30 | 2001 | black on yellow on license | 8.00 | 6.00 16.00 | 4.00 19.00 | ||
17. | F-SD30 | 2002 | black on orange on license | 8.00 | 6.00 16.00 | 4.00 19.00 | ||
18. | F-SD30 | 2003 | black on blue on license | 30.00 | 12.00 22.00 | 7.00 22.00 | ||
19. | F-SD30 | 2004 | black on yellow on license | 25.00 | 12.00 22.00 | 7.00 22.00 | ||
20. | F-SD30 | 2009 | black on pink on license | 15.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 6.00 21.00 |
Lower Brule Indian Reservation
Migratory Waterfowl Stamps
The Lower Brule Reservation is located adjacent the Missouri River in central South Dakota, directly across from the Crow Creek Reservation. It is believed that stamps were first required to hunt waterfowl on the reservation starting in 1962. The same stamps were used for many subsequent years. Spaces were provided on the stamps to fill in the fee charged and the year issued. There were two fees: $2.50 for tribal members and $5.00 for non-Indians and non-members.
A later printing of the stamps resulted in “LOWER BRULE RESERVATION” being typeset on two lines. For at least two years, 1969 and 1970, both types of stamps were being used concurrently. Unused examples are known of the earlier type without the year and fee filled in. These are currently noted with a “—” in the unused column for the first listing. No unused examples of the Type II stamps have been recorded. No used examples of either type have been recorded with “$2.50” marked on them (for tribal members).
All stamps are believed to have been printed in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The panes were perforated 11 3/4 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. Stamps from all years have dry gum. Values for unsigned stamps are for copies with the year and fee written in and without gum.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD31 | 1962 | $2.50 | black on white on license | – | ||
2. | F-SD31 | 1962 | $5.00 | black on white on license | |||
3. | F-SD31 | 1963 | $2.50 | black on white on license | |||
4. | F-SD31 | 1963 | $5.00 | black on white on license | – | ||
5. | F-SD31 | 1964 | $2.50 | black on white on license | |||
6. | F-SD31 | 1964 | $5.00 | black on white on license | 5,000.00 5,500.00 |
7. | F-SD31 | 1965 | $2.50 | black on white on license | |||
8. | F-SD31 | 1965 | $5.00 | black on white on license | 5,000.00 5,500.00 |
9. | F-SD31 | 1966 | $2.50 | black on white on license | |||
10. | F-SD31 | 1966 | $5.00 | black on white on license | 4,500.00 5,000.00 |
11. | F-SD31 | 1967 | $2.50 | black on white on license | |||
12. | F-SD31 | 1967 | $5.00 | black on white on license | 4,000.00 4,500.00 |
13. | F-SD31 | 1968 | $2.50 | black on white on license | |||
14. | F-SD31 | 1968 | $5.00 | black on white on license | 5,500.00 6,000.00 | 3,750.00 4,250.00 |
15. | F-SD31 | 1969 | $2.50 | black on white, Type 1 on license | |||
16. | F-SD32 | 1969 | $2.50 | black on white, Type II on license | |||
17. | F-SD31 | 1969 | $5.00 | black on white, Type 1 on license | 5,500.00 6,000.00 | 3,500.00 4,000.00 |
18. | F-SD32 | 1969 | $5.00 | black on white, Type II on license | 9,500.00 10,000.00 |
19. | F-SD31 | 1970 | $2.50 | black on white, Type I on license | |||
20. | F-SD31 | 1970 | $2.50 | black on white, Type II on license | |||
21. | F-SD31 | 1970 | $5.00 | black on white, Type I on license | 6,000.00 6,500.00 | ||
22. | F-SD32 | 1970 | $5.00 | black on white, Type II on license | |||
23. | F-SD32 | 1971 | $2.50 | black on white | |||
24. | F-SD32 | 1971 | $5.00 | black on white on license | – – |
25. | F-SD32 | 1972 | $2.50 | black on white on license | |||
26. | F-SD32 | 1972 | $5.00 | black on white on license | – – |
Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps
Starting with the 1995-96 season, the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe resumed issuing waterfowl stamps. According to the tribe, these stamps are required to be purchased by sportsmen prior to hunting waterfowl on the reservation. Printed on the reverse of each stamp is the statement: “It is unlawful to hunt waterfowl unless you sign your name in ink on the face of this stamp”. It is known, however, that some hunters were not required to affix the stamps to their license during the 1995-96 season.
Obviously, the tribe had sales to stamp collectors clearly in mind when these stamps were printed. The jumbo-sized stamps measure approximately 70 mm x 41 mm and they were issued in sheets of twenty (5×4) with a 12 mm selvage on all four sides. Plate numbers were printed on the selvage in the lower right comer of each sheet. The sheets were perforated 12 1/2 between the stamps and between the stamps and the selvage. For 1995-96, each stamp was printed in a different color. Subsequent issues were printed in multicolor. All stamps are serial numbered on the reverse.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD33 | 1995-96 | $5.00 | green on white, tribal member on license | 9.00 | 5.00 25.00 | 3.00 23.00 |
2. | F-SD33 | 1995-96 | $5.00 | orange-brown on white, resident deeded on license | 9.00 | 5.00 25.00 | 3.00 23.00 |
3. | F-SD33 | 1995-96 | $5.00 | blue on white, resident government employee on license | 9.00 | 5.00 25.00 | 3.00 23.00 |
4. | F-SD33 | 1995-96 | $10.00 | red on white, non-tribal S.D. resident on license | 14.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
5. | F-SD33 | 1995-96 | $10.00 | purple on white, non-resident, out-of-state on license | 14.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
6. | F-SD33 | 1996-97 | $5.00 | multicolored, tribal / resident on license | 9.00 | 5.00 25.00 | 3.00 23.00 |
7. | F-SD33 | 1996-97 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-tribal S.D. resident on license | 14.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
8. | F-SD33 | 1996-97 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-resident out-of-state on license | 14.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
9. | F-SD33 | 1997-98 | $5.00 | multicolored, tribal / resident on license | 9.00 | 5.00 25.00 | 3.00 23.00 |
10. | F-SD33 | 1997-98 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-tribal S.D. resident on license | 14.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
11. | F-SD33 | 1997-98 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-resident out-of-state on license | 14.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
12. | F-SD33 | 1998-99 | $5.00 | multicolored, tribal / resident on license | 9.00 | 5.00 25.00 | 3.00 23.00 |
13. | F-SD33 | 1998-99 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-tribal S.D. resident on license | 14.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
14. | F-SD33 | 1998-99 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-resident out-of-state on license | 14.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
15. | F-SD33 | 1999-00 | $5.00 | multicolored, tribal / resident on license | 9.00 | 5.00 25.00 | 3.00 23.00 |
16. | F-SD33 | 1999-00 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-tribal S.D. resident on license | 16.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
17. | F-SD33 | 1999-00 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-resident out-of-state on license | 16.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
18. | F-SD33 | 2000-01 | $5.00 | multicolored, tribal on license | 11.00 | 5.00 25.00 | 3.00 23.00 |
19. | F-SD33 | 2000-01 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-tribal S.D. resident on license | 24.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
20. | F-SD33 | 2000-01 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-resident out-of-state on license | 24.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
21. | F-SD33 | 2001-02 | $5.00 | multicolored, tribal / resident on license | 9.00 | 5.00 25.00 | 3.00 23.00 |
22. | F-SD33 | 2001-02 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-tribal S.D. resident on license | 24.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
23. | F-SD33 | 2001-02 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-resident out-of-state on license | 24.00 | 10.00 30.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
24. | F-SD33 | 2002-03 | $5.00 | multicolored, tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
25. | F-SD33 | 2002-03 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
26. | F-SD33 | 2003-04 | $5.00 | multicolored, tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
27. | F-SD33 | 2003-04 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
28. | F-SD33 | 2004-05 | $5.00 | multicolored, tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
29. | F-SD33 | 2004-05 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
30. | F-SD33 | 2005-06 | $5.00 | multicolored, tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
31. | F-SD33 | 2005-06 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
32. | F-SD33 | 2006-07 | $5.00 | multicolored, tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
33. | F-SD33 | 2006-07 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
34. | F-SD33 | 2007-08 | $5.00 | multicolored, tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
35. | F-SD33 | 2007-08 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
36. | F-SD33 | 2008-09 | $5.00 | multicolored, tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
37. | F-SD33 | 2008-09 | $10.00 | multicolored, non-tribal on license | – | 15.00 35.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
Waterfowl Stamps
The Pine Ridge Reservation is located in southwest South Dakota and is bordered by the Black Hills to the west and the Badlands to the north. The Oglala Sioux Tribe living on the reservation first issued stamps in 1987 or 1988. The earliest known usage is from 1988. The first tribal member waterfowl stamps were semi-pictorial and were used through 1991. There were at least two printings of the stamps resulting in two different types. Ail of the stamps were issued in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. Panes from the first printing were plain rouletted 9 1/2 between the tab and the stamps in positions one through four, and 6 1/2 between the stamps in positions four and five — creating three different varieties. Panes from a subsequent printing were perforated 11 3/4. The serial numbers are also larger in size and set in a different type face on the perforated stamps.
For 1992 and 1993-94, a stamp dealer contracted with the tribe to produce their waterfowl stamps. The 1992 stamps featured a black and white illustration of a pair of Canada geese. The stamps were issued in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. They were plain rouletted 6 1/2 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. The 1993-94 stamps also featured Canada geese which were reproduced in multicolor. The stamps were issued in booklet panes of five (1×5) with a tab at the top. The stamps have photographically simulated perforations, however, the panes were actually plain rouletted 6 1/2 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab.
For 1994, remainders of the 1993-94 stamps were rubber- stamped with the new year date in black ink. According to the tribe, there has been no waterfowl season on the reservation since 1992. Therefore, it is assumed that the 1993-94 and 1994 “issues” were produced solely for sale to stamp collectors. Serial numbers on all of the Oglala Sioux Tribe’s waterfowl stamps were printed in red ink and all have dull gum. For more information on the stamps used at the Pine Ridge Reservation, see (insert link).
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD34 | 1988-91 | $4.00 | black on white; position one, two or three - rouletted 9 1/2 on license | 275.00 | 150.00 120.00 | 50.00 75.00 |
1a. | position four - rouletted 9 1/2 and 6 1/2 on license | 350.00 | 200.00 | 75.00 | |||
1b. | position five - rouletted 6 1/2 on license | 350.00 | 200.00 | 75.00 | |||
2. | F-SD34 | 1988-91 | $4.00 | black on white, perforated 11 3/4 on license | 15.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 5.00 25.00 |
3. | F-SD36 | 1992-93 | $4.00 | Canada geese on license | 11.00 | 8.00 18.00 | 5.00 20.00 |
4. | F-SD36 | 1993-94 | $6.00 | Canada geese | 10.00 | ||
5. | F-SD36 | 1994 | $6.00 | Canada geese | 10.00 | ||
Rosebud Indian Reservation
Tribal Game Bird Stamps
The Rosebud Reservation is located in south central South Dakota, with its southern border being the Nebraska state line. The Rosebud Sioux became the first tribal government in the U.S. to issue fish and game license stamps starting in 1959. Their tribal game bird stamps were required to hunt waterfowl from 1959 through 1969. The same stamps were used year after year. Spaces were included near the top of the stamp to fill in the year the stamps were valid. Unused examples have been recorded without the year filled in. These are currently noted with a “–” in the unused column for the first listing. The oversized stamps were printed on paper which was screened with an elaborate background including zig-zags, a starburst and the words “Rosebud Indian Reservation.” Serial numbers were printed in red ink. The stamps were issued in booklet panes of two (2×1) with a tab at the left. The panes were rouletted 6 3/4 between the stamps and between the stamps and the tab. Fifty panes were stapled together to form a booklet. The stamps have shiny gum. For more information on all Rosebud stamps, see (insert link).
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD37 | 1959 | $2.00 | green on white on license | – | ||
2. | F-SD37 | 1960 | $2.00 | green on white on license | |||
3. | F-SD37 | 1961 | $2.00 | green on white on license | – | 9,500.00 12,000.00 |
4. | F-SD37 | 1962 | $2.00 | green on white on license | – | 11,000.00 13,500.00 |
5. | F-SD37 | 1963 | $2.00 | green on white on license | – | ||
6. | F-SD37 | 1964 | $2.00 | green on white on license | |||
7. | F-SD37 | 1965 | $2.00 | green on white on license | |||
8. | F-SD37 | 1966 | $2.00 | green on white on license | |||
9. | F-SD37 | 1967 | $2.00 | green on white on license | |||
10. | F-SD37 | 1968 | $2.00 | green on white on license | |||
11. | F-SD37 | 1969 | $2.00 | green on white on license |
Small Game Stamps
Small game stamps were required to hunt waterfowl on the reservation starting in the late 1979. The first stamps were serial numbered. They are imperforate with dry gum and were printed in pads of unknown quantity. In the early 1980s they were replaced by similar stamps without serial numbers. Also imperforate, they were self-adhesive on a peelable backing.
In 1988 separate semi-pictorial stamps were printed and issued for residents and non-residents. The resident stamps were used through the 1993 season. The non-resident stamps are believed to have been used through 1989 only. They were imperforate with dry gum and were printed in pads of 50. In 1990 new resident and nonresident stamps were printed. They are die cut, self-adhesives on a protective backing. A 1993 printing of the resident small game stamps, while having the correct face value ($10), were inscribed “Non-Resident” in error. While replacements were being printed, the error stamps were overprinted “RESIDENT” with a rubber stamp and issued to hunters.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-SD38 | 1979 | black on white on license | – | |||
2. | F-SD39 | early 1980s | black on white on license | 1,750.00 | 1,000.00 | 500.00 | |
3. | F-SD40 | early 1980s | black on white on license | 135.00 | 125.00 | 65.00 |
4. | F-SD41 | 1988-93 | $10.00 | black on white, resident on license | 25.00 | 15.00 30.00 | 10.00 30.00 |
5. | F-SD41 | 1988-89 | $45.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 125.00 | 95.00 | 55.00 |
6. | F-SD42 | 1990- | $10.00 | black on white, resident on license | 125.00 | 30.00 40.00 | 15.00 30.00 |
6a. | error, overprinted "RESIDENT" on license | 7,500.00 | 2,250.00 | 1,500.00 | |||
7. | F-SD42 | 1990- | $45.00 | black on white, non-resident on license | 650.00 | 95.00 115.00 | 75.00 95.00 |
8. | F-SD42 | 1996 | black on white, tribal on license | 25.00 | 20.00 30.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
8a. | F-SD42 | 1996 | $10.00 handwritten | black on white on license | 900.00 | ||
9. | F-SD42 | 1996 | black on white, resident on license | 75.00 | 40.00 50.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
9a. | F-SD42 | 1996 | $50.00 handwritten | black on white on license | – | ||
10. | F-SD42 | 1996 | black on white, non-resident on license | 225.00 | 50.00 60.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
11. | F-SD42 | 2000 | $10.00 | red on white, tribal on license | – | 35.00 45.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
11a. | F-SD42 | 2000 | $10.00 | red on white, tribal, Avery backing on license | – | ||
12. | F-SD42 | 2000 | $50.00 | red on white, resident on license | 300.00 | 35.00 45.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
13. | F-SD42 | 2000 | $85.00 | red on white, non-resident on license | 100.00 | 50.00 60.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
13a. | F-SD42 | 2000 | $85.00 | red on white, non-resident, Avery backing on license | – |
14. | F-SD43 | 2001 | $40.00 | red and blue on white, resident, shaded behind goose on license | 250.00 | 35.00 45.00 | 15.00 25.00 |
14a. | F-SD44 | 2001 | $40.00 | red and blue on white, resident on license | 150.00 | ||
15. | F-SD43 | 2001 | $50.00 | red and blue on white, non-resident, shaded behind goose on license | 250.00 | 50.00 60.00 | 25.00 35.00 |
15a. | F-SD44 | 2001 | $50.00 | red and blue on white, non-resident on license | 150.00 |
Shell Tax Stamps
Starting in 1937, Tennessee Division of Game and Fish required all boxes of firearms ammunition sold in the state to have a shell tax stamp affixed to them. Ammunition tax is based on a percentage of the retail value of the ammunition. Although not license stamps, they were required to be affixed to the boxes of shotgun shells that sportsmen purchased when hunting for waterfowl in Tennessee. For this reason, many collectors have included them in their waterfowl stamp collections. Stamps issued in 1937 measure approximately 51 mm wide by 26 mm tall. They were engraved and printed in sheets of unknown size. The sheets were perforated 12 between the stamps and straight-edged on at least three sides. The stamps were not serial numbered and had shiny gum.
In 1938, the stamps were reduced in size to approximately 32 x 27 mm and new values were added. The stamps were engraved and printed in sheets of unknown size. The sheets were perforated 12 between the stamps and straight-edged on at least three sides. The smaller perforated shell tax stamps were not serial numbered and had shiny gum. The same stamps are believed to have been used for more than one year, after which they were superseded by small decal-type stamps.
Values for unsigned stamps are for any unused stamps that may have had their gum removed (a practice once popular with southern collectors due to humidity concerns). The majority of shell tax stamps in collections have been removed (often scraped) from boxes. Such stamps are frequently thinned. Thinned shell tax stamps usually sell for considerably less, depending on the degree of thinning.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value |
1. | F-TN1 | 1937 | 1 Mill | black on white | 125.00 | 75.00 |
2. | F-TN1 | 1937 | 2 Mills | light turquoise on white | 150.00 | 100.00 |
2p. | proof, imperforate | – | ||||
3. | F-TN1 | 1937 | 3 Mills | yellow on white | 150.00 | 100.00 |
4. | F-TN1 | 1937 | 4 Mills | brown on white | 175.00 | 125.00 |
5. | F-TN1 | 1937 | 5 Mills | orange on white | 300.00 | 150.00 |
6. | F-TN1 | 1937 | 1 Cent | green on white | 125.00 | 75.00 |
7. | F-TN1 | 1937 | 2 Cents | dark blue on white | 1,250.00 | 500.00 |
8. | F-TN1 | 1937 | 3 Cents | red on white | 175.00 | 125.00 |
Game Bird Stamps
For two years only, 1951 and 1952, Utah required hunters of a variety of game birds, including waterfowl, to purchase a stamp and affix it to their license. The 1951 resident game bird stamps were issued in booklet panes of twenty five (5×5) with selvage at the left. The panes were imperforate on all four sides, but were perforated 12 1/2 between the stamps and between the stamps and the selvage. The 1951 non resident game bird stamps were issued in booklet panes of ten (5×2) with selvage at the left. The panes were perforated between the stamps and between the stamps and the selvage.
The 1952 resident and nonresident stamps were issued in booklet panes of ten (2×5) with a 20 mm vertical gutter separating the stamps on the left side of the pane from those on the right. The panes were perforated 12 between the stamps, gutter and selvage at the top. For all four Utah game bird stamps, one pane was stapled between printed covers to form a booklet. All four stamps have shiny gum.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-UT1 | 1951 | $3.00 | brown on white, resident on license | 20.00 | 12.00 – | 7.00 |
2. | F-UT1 | 1951 | $15.00 | red on white, non-resident on license | 75.00 | – | – |
3. | F-UT2 | 1952 | $3.00 | red on white, resident on license horizontal gutter pair | 65.00 150.00 | 25.00 – | 10.00 – |
4. | F-UT2 | 1952 | $15.00 | blue on white, non-resident on license horizontal gutter pair | 150.00 350.00 | 75.00 | 50.00 |
Resident Fishing and Hunting Stamps
These rather unusual “combination” stamps permitted sportsmen to fish, hunt for various game birds including waterfowl, and also hunt for deer. They were issued for two years only, 1951 and 1952. The 1951 stamps were printed on linen, in sheets of ten (1×10) with deer tags to the leff of each stamp. The sheets were plain rouletted Wi between the stamps and the tags. The reverse of the stamp portion was gummed (shiny) and the tag featured an eyelet for affixing to the animal. The stamps were not serial numbered. The 1952 stamps were printed on lightweight cardstock, in sheets of ten (1×10) with deer tags to the left of each stamp. The sheets were rouletted 9 1/2 between the stamps and the tags. The reverse of the stamp portion was gummed (shiny) and the tags included an eyelet. The stamps were serial numbered in red. A large quantity of unused remainders of stamps from both years made their way into the philatelic market via an auction conducted by the Utah Department of Fish and Game following the 1952 season. The stamps were sold for a small fraction of their face value. Unused values are for stamps with tags attached. Unsigned values are for stamps with tags attached and without gum — particularly prevalent on combination stamps from 1952.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-UT3 | 1951 | $5.00 | blue on white on license | 5.00 | 1.50 | 1.00 |
2. | F-UT4 | 1952 | $5.00 | green on white on license | 5.00 | 1.50 | 1.00 – |
Colville Indian Reservation Tribal Bird Stamps
The Colville Reservation is located in northeastern Washington. Starting in 1990, the Twelve Confederated Tribes of the reservation began requiring non-tribal members to purchase a bird stamp prior to hunting waterfowl. The 1990 stamps did not have the year or fee printed on them. Both the 1990 and 1991 stamps were die cut and self-adhesive with a peelable backing material. In 1991 the size of the stamp was increased and the year, fee and serial number were printed on the stamps. Serial numbers were printed in red ink. Stamps were discontinued following the 1991 season.
Series Number | Figure Number | Validity Period | Face Value | Description | Unused Value | Unsigned Value | Signed Value |
1. | F-UT3 | 1951 | $5.00 | blue on white on license | 5.00 | 1.50 | 1.00 |
2. | F-UT4 | 1952 | $5.00 | green on white on license | 5.00 | 1.50 | 1.00 – |